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Natalie Meredith EDLA309 Janelle Young

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45 minutes
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English: Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal and informal
situations, connecting ideas to students own experiences and present and
justify a point of view (ACELY1699)
Geography: Collect and record relevant geographical data and information,
using ethical protocols, from primary and secondary sources, for example,
people, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and
reports (ACHGS034)
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Students will be participating in the first half of the lesson in small groups.
The second half of the lesson will be completed as a whole class.
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Gather whole class together.
Explain to children that they will be getting into their poster groups again for
the next activity.
In their groups, students will be expected to research the space that their
chosen animal occupies in Antarctica.
Ask questions such as:
o Does it occupy the same space during the whole year?
o Does your animal move around?
o Does your animal stay in the same place?
o Will you be able to do this for all species of your animal?
Allow time for students to research as a group where their chosen animal
lives, using laptop, iPads and factual texts in the classroom.
Once students have finished researching, bring the whole class map of
Antarctica to the front and describe the features that were covered in a
previous lesson.
Nominate one person in each group each to draw the space in which the
animal lives on the large map, each in a different colour. They are then to
write the name of their animal in that same colour to the side of the map.
Once each group has done this ask what other things could be added to the
map to make it more appealing such as more colours and pictures.
When this activity is finished, tell students that for their posters they should be
starting to draw their diagrams with labels as well as their map of Antarctica
as these are the topics that have been covered in class time.
Natalie Meredith EDLA309 Janelle Young

Student interest and engagement in the lesson will be monitored to make
positive adjustments for future lessons.
Student responses to the large map will indicate how capable students are at
researching a specific topic, as well as how much knowledge they have on
their given animal.
Students with hearing impairments will be placed at the front of the classroom
when necessary.
Student with English as a second language or developmental delays may
require additional scaffolding from the teacher, however it will be observed
exactly how much peer assistance these students will be receiving.
Students who are not contributing to class discussion may be called upon
Students who are not working cooperatively as a group may be asked to
complete the activity individually.

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