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Dynamic Warm-ups

By: Emma Jones

1. Name: Glute Bridge

Description: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Push on
your heels, squeeze your butt and raise your hips off the ground.

Importance: strengthens your glutes which are a part of your lower body which is used
during running.

2. Name: Alternating Side Lunge

Description: take a wide step out to the side. One leg should be bent while the other is
straight but both feet remain on the ground. Place your hand out in front of you as your
butt goes back.

Importance: stretches glutes and leg muscles which are active during running.

3. Name: Windmills

Description: Arms straight out in front of you, palms facing each other. Lift your arms up
and down, alternating which is down and which is up.

Importance: mimics the movement of your arms with is very important while running
(pumping your arms lightly and not using too much energy is important)

4. Name: Lunge with twist

Description: Forward lung then twist to the right side. Repeat and twist to the left side.
Make sure to not to lung so far forward that your front knee extends beyond your toes.
Twist slowly to either side.

Importance: stretches hips and helps with core rotation. (Core supports you while

5. Name: Knee to Chest

Description: Similar to the running stride. Bring your knees towards your chest before
striking the ground with your feet. You have alternate legs in a stationary position or you
could do it while walking forward.

Importance: Warms up hamstrings and improves range of motion (hamstrings are in
your legs with need to be strong for running)

6. Name: High kicks

Description: You can do them as you walk of stationary. Kick your right leg out and
extend your left arm, then kick your left leg out and extend your right arm. Continue

Importance: Warms up your hamstrings and improves range of motion (hamstrings are
in your legs with need to be strong for running)

7. Name: T- push up

Description: start in push up position and begin to lower yourself to the ground. As you
push back up extend your right arm towards the sky. Keep your left are stable and
prevent your hips from moving up or down. Bring your arm back down into push up
position and repeat with your left are extended. Continue to alternate.

Importance: warms up upper body (shoulders) while activating your core (core supports
you while running)

8. Name: Jump Squats (advanced)

Description: stand with your feet shoulder length apart while holding your hands behind
your head or straight out in front of you. Squat down until your hips are parallel to the
ground and forcibly jump off the ground. Make sure you and softly with your knees
slightly bent to prevent a knee injury and repeat.

Importance: warms up lower body (used in running) and gets your heart rate up

9. Name: Arm swings

Description: hold your arms straight out to the side and then swing them and cross them
in front of your chest.

Importance: Stretches your arms and shoulders. Shoulders need to be loose but inline
during running and arms need to have improved range of motion while running.

10. Name: Jumping Jacks

Description: alternate between your feet being together and arms at your side and
jumping into your feet being shoulders length apart and your palms pressed together
above your head. Keep a straight posture.

Importance: Gets your blood pumping and heart rate up, preparing for more advanced
exercise of running which will elevate your blood pressure and heart rate even more.

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