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Yolanda Wyche

SW 4710 Social Policy

Blog on Article

Article website: www.oecd.org/els/public-pensions/2429096.pdf

Work force aging in OECD countries
The OECD, (Organization for Economic Co- Operational and Development.)
Is an organization that has a focus on Policies that improve the economic and
social well being of people around the world. The OECD has been around for 50
I choose this article because the focus is on aging in the work-force .The
traditional time frame in which most companies offered retirement incentives is
predicted to change in the near future. This is mostly due to Pension programs and
social security systems . These programs are starting to be reformed. Therefore,
existing incentives for early retirement will be reduced or eliminated. A market for
older workers can began to emerge. This will allow incentives to extend working
According to this article there is weak evidence that older worker earn less than
younger workers in the event that the older workers are the majority. Skill level is
mentioned . Improved job skills and access to training could reduce the risks of
unemployment and low pay for older workers In this population of workers there
will be mid- and late career workers to meet emerging skill demands. Unfortunately,
older workers can encounter major difficulties if they lose their job. They could
suffer from long-term unemployment and large earning losses. In summary
governments play a role in educating and facilitating the adjustments that will take
place in the work force.

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