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Introduction to Earth Science

Unit 1
Earth Science
Agenda: September 2, 2014

Attendance and name cards (use the index cards to write your name)
Introduction to Earth Science and Teachers
Branches of Earth Science
How Class is set up
Image of a Scientist

Learning Goal: For students to understand the classroom
rules, become familiar with the various areas of the science
room, understand expectations, grading criteria and methods to
have a successful year.

This year in science
When you hear the word Earth Science
what are some of the things you might

Earth Science
4 branches:
Geology- Study of rocks, minerals, earth
Meteorology Study of atmosphere & weather
Oceanography Study of ocean water and ocean life
(Hydrology_study of water)
Astronomy Study of space, universe, stars & planets


Quietly please read through the syllabus. Mark
any areas that you have questions.

Four Main Rules of the Classroom
1. Remain quiet when I or others are talking (Respect).

2. Stay with your lab group/work quietly on assignments or
NO class time given (Effort).

3. Stay positive/no put downs. (demonstration of nonverbal
put downs) (Positive).

4. No waste of class time (smooth transition)= NO
HOMEWORK (Determined)

Image of a Scientist
Close your eyes for a minute and picture a scientist.

What does a scientist look like?
What type of tools do they use?
What is the scientist doing?

Take the ideas that you have pictured in your head
and draw a picture and then describe in words what
you drew. DUE: Next Tuesday


a widely held but fixed and oversimplified
image or idea of a particular type of person or

mis= wrongly, wrong, not
concept= an abstract idea; a general notion
tion= act of, result of, state of

a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is
based on faulty thinking or understanding

Agenda for September 3, 2014

How Class is set up
Information Sheet
Introductions by the students
Image of a Scientist

Learning Goal: Students will be able to share
information about themselves in order to get to
know others and for us to get to know them.

On your sheet please write down the
following information
Name: __________ Science Hour _____
1. Email address (your personal address)
2. Telephone #
3. Parent/guardians name(s):
4. Your Lunch hour: C or D
5. Do you have internet access at home (yes/no):
6. Parents email address:
7. Allergies or health concerns:

Quiz on my classroom
1. How many pencil sharpeners do I have?
2. How many trash cans?
3. Where are they located?
4. If you were absent and missed the notes, where
do you look?
5. When do you get your textbooks?
6. Where do you turn in your assignments? Late or
absent work?
7. What do I do to start class (you need to be in
your seats when this happens)
8. Name 4 things on the art cart that you can use.
Responsibility Sheet=NOT FUN

Please listen quietly when I or another student is
Please be POSITIVE in your comments/actions
towards others
Otherwise you get a PRIDE slip
2 slips= MAD parents

No slips= HAPPY students with rewards

Class with least # of slips = Treats

Introduce Yourself
WRITE in COMPLETE Sentences (you will share 3 with class):

1.What is your favorite food?
2.What do you like to do after school?
3.What is your favorite movie/TV show?
4.What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
5.What are three words others might use to describe you?
6.If you could witness any event past, present or future, what
would it be?

Agenda for September 4, 2014

Hallway Rules

Learning Goal: For students to understand the
hallway behavior expectations.

Agenda for September 5, 2014

Reading from Textbook on Earth Science p. 5-8
Science Careers
Science Glasses (DUE Tuesday)

Learning Goal: For students to become familiar
with the four branches of earth science and their
text book. For students to be able to formulate
thought provoking questions.

Earth Science
4 branches:
Geology- Study of rocks, minerals, earth
Meteorology Study of atmosphere & weather
Oceanography Study of ocean water and ocean life
Hydrology-Study of water
Astronomy Study of space, universe, stars & planets

sci= know
ence= act of, state of, quality of

systematic study of the structure and behavior
of the physical and natural world through
observation and experiment

geo= earth
ology= the study of something

the science that deals with the earth's physical
structure and substance, its history, and the
processes that act on it

meteor (combination of Greek words)=
something that happens in the sky
ology= the study of something

the branch of science concerned with the
processes and phenomena of the atmosphere,
esp. as a means of forecasting the weather.

hydro= water
ology= the study of something

the branch of science concerned with the
properties of the earth's water, esp. its
movement in relation to land.

astro= space
onomy= system of rules or laws, or body of
knowledge of a particular subject

the branch of science that deals with celestial
objects, space, and the physical universe as a

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