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The Worship of God

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Youth Sunday
June 1, 2014
As the community gathers, we respectfully request
that you enter into a time of silent preparation for worship.
May the music of the prelude draw your hearts and minds to
God. Te communion rail is open for prayer before the service
and during the closing hymn.
Prelude Andante in Eb Minor Joshua Sobel
Introit Soli Deo Gloria Praetorius
Soli Deo Gloria! Alleluia!
To God alone be glory! Allelia!
+ The Call to Worship 8:40 Will Beasley
10:55 Walker Lytton
Leader: You call me out upon the waters,
Te great unknown where feet may fail.
People: In oceans deep my faith will stand.
Leader: I will call upon your name and keep my eyes above
the waves. When oceans rise my soul will rest in your
People: In oceans deep my faith will stand.
Leader: Your grace abounds in deepest waters.
Your sovereign hand will be my guide.
People: In oceans deep my faith will stand.
+ Presentation of the Cross and the Light of Christ
Welcome to all guests
worshipping with us this morning!
We are grateful that you chose
to worship at Edenton Street.
Please let us know who you are
by signing the Fellowship Pad in
the pew. For information about
ministries or membership, stop
by the Connection Point at the
church entrance or contact Joy
Owen, Director of Welcoming
Ministries, at 919-832-7535,
ext. 350, or jowen@esumc.org.

Children in worship -
We welcome children to worship
and have a basket of quiet
sanctuary activities available
in the entryway. As you leave,
please return them to the basket.

Special assistance -
Hearing aids and large print
hymnals are available from the
ushers. Our Sanctuary is ftted
with an induction loop system for
those with hearing aids. Please
switch your device to T. Your
Hearing Aid provider can upgrade
your device with the T-Coil option.
+ Processional
God, Whose Love is Reigning Oer Us UMH 100
(st. 1, 2, 3 and 5) Lauda Anima
1. God, whose love is reigning oer us,
source of all, the ending true;
hear the universal chorus
raised in joyful praise to you:
Alleluia, Alleluia, worship ancient, worship new.
2. Word of God from nature bringing
springtime green and autumn gold;
mountain streams like children singing,
ocean waves like thunder bold:
Alleluia, Alleluia, as creations tale is told.
3. Holy God of ancient glory,
choosing man and woman, too;
Abrams faith and Sarahs story
formed a people bound to you.
Alleluia, Alleluia, to your covenant keep us true.
5. Lift we then our human voices
in the songs that faith would bring;
live we then in human choices
lives that, like our music, sing:
Alleluia, Alleluia, joined in love our praises ring!
The Welcome
Celebration of Our Life Together
8:40 Andy Holloway
10:55 Parker Roberts
+ The Peace
The Scripture Lesson Philippians 4:11-13
Parker McLawhorn
Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned
to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to
have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and
all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed
and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Words of Witness Drew McLawhorn
Bulletin Notes:
Items marked in bold print are
spoken by the congregation.
+ Indicates the congregation is
invited to stand as able.
Hymns and prayers listed with a
UMH designation may be found
in Te United Methodist Hymnal
located in the pews.
Bulletins may be recycled in the
boxes located in the narthex.
The Prayer of Repentance and the Call to Belief
8:40 John Turlington
10:55 Rob Hardy
Leader: Jesus, we repent for the many times and ways in
which we have chosen not to be content with our
circumstances, focusing upon what we lack opposed to
the abundance we already have.
People: We believe in the transformative power of the
Holy Spirit, able to create in us a clean heart
and a right spirit that we may embrace a life of
gratitude, knowing that we can do all things
through Christ who gives us strength.
The Anthem
O For a Tousand Tongues To Sing arr. Miller
O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemers
praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs
of Gods grace! My gracious Master and my God, assist
me to proclaim, to spread through all the earth abroad
the honors of thy name. Jesus! the name that charms
our fears, that bids our sorrows cease; tis music in the
sinners ears, tis life, and health, and peace. Hear him, ye
deaf; his praise, ye mute, your loosened tongues employ;
ye blind, behold your Savior come, and leap, ye lame, for
The Scripture Lesson Matthew 15:29-31
Kathryn Upchurch
Jesus moved on from there along the shore of the Galilee
Sea. He went up a mountain and sat down. Large crowds
came to him, including those who were paralyzed, blind,
injured, and unable to speak, and many others. Tey laid
them at his feet, and he healed them. So the crowd was
amazed when they saw those who had been unable to
speak talking, and the paralyzed cured, and the injured
walking, and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of
Words of Witness Caroline Upchurch
O our God, we thank you
and praise your glorious name!
I Chronicles 29:13
The Prayer of Repentance and the Call to Belief
8:40 Elle Porflio
10:55 Caroline Wells
Leader: Jesus, we repent from a life pattern that causes us
to take alternate routes of action, occupation, and
attitude, preventing us from seeing and sympathizing
with those who sufer and mourn.
People: We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to
warm our hearts and open our eyes,
calling us to respond to the needs of others,
in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Jesus
Offering of Our Gifts to God 8:40 Jack Holloway
10:55 Kathryn Leslie
Offertory All Tings Bright and Beautiful Rutter
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and
small, All things wise and wonderful, Te Lord God made
them all. Each little fower that opens, Each little bird that
sings, He made their glowing colors, He made their tiny
wings. Te purple-headed mountain, Te river running by,
Te sunset and the morning, Tat brightens up the sky;
Te cold wind in the winter, Te pleasant summer sun, Te
ripe fruits in the garden, He made them every one. He
gave us eyes to see them and lips that we might tell How
great is God Almighty Who has made all things well.
+ Doxology UMH 94
Praise God, from whom all blessings fow;
praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The Lesson for the Children Jack Phillips
The Scripture Lesson Matthew 14:22-33
Walker Lytton
Right then, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and
go ahead to the other side of the lake while he dismissed
the crowds. When he sent them away, he went up onto
a mountain by himself to pray. Evening came and he was
alone. Meanwhile, the boat, fghting a strong headwind,
Childrens Lesson
All children may gather at the
chancel rail during the singing of
the doxology for the Lesson for the
Children. Afterward, threes, fours
and fves may leave for Wiggler
Worship in room 206.
Your Gifts...
to our operating budget allow
our youth to participate in faith-
growing summer mission trips!
Your gifts to our Opening Doors
Campaign provide for the ministry-
growing renovation happening to
our Bulla Youth Center!
Scan this QR code for online
giving to Edenton Street United
Methodist Church.
was being battered by the waves and was already far away
from land. Very early in the morning he came to his
disciples, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him
walking on the lake, they were terrifed and said, Its a
ghost! Tey were so frightened they screamed. Just then
Jesus spoke to them, Be encouraged! Its me. Dont be
afraid. Peter replied, Lord, if its you, order me to come
to you on the water. And Jesus said, Come.Ten Peter
got out of the boat and was walking on the water toward
Words of Witness Claire Phillips
The Prayer of Repentance and the Call to Belief
8:40 Corey Lewis
10:55 Tucker Moore
Leader: Jesus, so often we hope in what we can already see and
trust only in what is tangible. We repent from a lack of
faith and trust in your sovereignty, preventing us from
stepping out of the boat of doubt and worry on to a
sea of surrender and peace.
People: We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to
transform us, that we will keep our eyes fxed
upon Jesus, and not the perils of circumstance
that create waves of uncertainty in our hearts.
The Solo Oceans (Where My Feet Fail)
You call me out upon the waters. Te great unknown
where feet may fail and there I fnd You in the mystery. In
oceans deep My faith will stand. And I will call upon Your
name and keep my eyes above the waves. When oceans
rise my soul will rest in Your embrace, for I am Yours and
You are mine. Your grace abounds in deepest waters.
Your sovereign hand will be my guide. Where feet may
fail and fear surrounds me Youve never failed and You
wont start now. So I will call upon Your name and keep
my eyes above the waves when oceans rise. My soul will
rest in Your embrace for I am Yours and You are mine.
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders. Let me
walk upon the waters wherever You would call me. Take
me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith
will be made stronger. In the presence of my Savior I will
call upon Your name. Keep my eyes above the waves. My
soul will rest in Your embrace. I am Yours and You are
The Scripture Lesson Emma Taylor
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fll you with all joy and peace in faith
so that you overfow with hope by the power of the Holy
1 Peter 3:15
Instead, regard Christ as holy in your hearts. Whenever
anyone asks you to speak of your hope, be ready to
defend it.
Words of Witness Anna Stewart
The Prayer of Repentance and the Call to Belief
8:40 Garrett Lutz
10:55 Ty Van De Zande
Leader: Jesus, due to our uncertainties regarding life and
faith, so often our hearts fail to be flled with hope
and assurance. Together we repent from a lack of
recognition and utilization of the power of the Holy
Spirit to fll our hearts with these gifts.
People: Jesus, we believe in the power of your Holy
Spirit, our helper and advocate, to transform
us into a people who illuminate the hope of God
within us, and found in God alone.
+ Hymn Hymn of Promise UMH 707
(st 1) Promise
1. In the bulb there is a fower;
in the seed, an apple tree;
in cocoons, a hidden promise:
butterfies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter
theres a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
Recognition of the High School Seniors Rev. Ned Hill
The flowers on the
altar are given to the glory of
God and in honor of the marriage
of Sara Elizabeth Poole and Ekron
Cheslun Crow IV on May 31, 2014.
To the family of Alma Brigman
Richards who died May 21.
To the family of Fred Barber who
died May 26.
To Jef Stocks on the death of his
brother May 23.
To Karen DeBord on the death of
her mother, May 23.
We recognize our High
School Seniors. We congratulate
our ESUMC Seniors on all their
hard work and keep them all in
our prayers for their transition to
future endeavors. (see back page)
+ Hymn Hymn of Promise UMH 707
(st. 2, 3) Promise
2. Teres a song in every silence,
seeking word and melody;
theres a dawn in every darkness,
bringing hope to you and me.
From the past will come the future;
what it holds, a mystery,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
3. In our end is our beginning;
in our time, infnity;
in our doubt there is believing;
in our life, eternity.
In our death, a resurrection;
at the last, a victory,
unrevealed until its season,
something God alone can see.
+ Benediction Sam Russell
+ Congregational Go, My Children, with My Blessing
ar hyd y nos
+ Chimes In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
+ Postlude Prelude in F Buxtehude

Printed Music: All rights reserved.
Reprinted under OneLicense.net
We encourage you
to recycle this bulletin
(unless you choose to save it,
of course!) in one of our paper
recycling containers conveniently
located in the narthex and in the
church ofce area.
Serving in
Worship Today
Exsultate, Parker Roberts, Sam
Russell, Sally Cummings, Joshua
Sobel - guest organist, Gaynelle Glass
- guest organist, Sam Russell and Blair
8:40 Parker McLawhorn, Anna
Cummings, Katherine Krause
10:55 Eliza Breakey, Emma Breakey,
John Hardy
8:40 Sophie Jones, Bill Cross
10:55 Lynn Rast, John Snellen, Beth
Williams, Dee Ann Edwards
8:40 Pat Funderburk, Brian Camp, Jef
Horton, Luke McLeod, Alysia McCleod,
Dixie Howard
10:55 David Clegg, Mark Edwards,
Randy Johnson, Blair Isenhower, Jim
Morgan, Jim Fulghum, Robert Davis,
Caroline Davis, Pete Van Graafeiland,
Joe Burwell, Linda Hicks, Lorrin
Nursery Coordinators:
Abbie Lee Roehm, Curt and Stacey
Geof and Meredith Bell, Gavin and Sara
Parking Group: Briggs
Sunday Driver: Nick Cox
Our Ministry Staf
Rev. Edward F. Ned Hill, II Senior Pastor
Rev. Lisa N. Yebuah Pastor of Inviting Ministries
Rev. Will Hasley Pastor of Caring Ministries
Rev. Justin Morgan Pastor of Sending Ministries
Rev. Ashley Grifth Director of Community Life
Leigh Holloway Director of Preparing Ministries
Rev. Kevin B. Holland Director of Music
and Worship Arts
Josh Dumbleton Associate Director
of Music / Organist
Stefan Youngblood Director of Contemporary Worship
Joy Owen Director of Welcoming Ministries
Renae Newmiller Director of Missions
Amy Harriman Director of Children and Parent
Diane Amidon Director of Senior Adult Ministries
Linda Ford Director of Food and
Wellness Ministries
Bert Snyder Director of Youth Ministries
Genevieve Nadler Associate Director of
Youth Ministries
Full staf listing available online at www.esumc.org
Sunday Servants - June 8
Musicians: 8:40 Chamber Choir B
10:55 Chancel Choir
Greeters: 8:40 Meghan Belanger, Bill and Linda Northcutt
10:55 Gary and Annie Lee Hansen, Kathy Draz,
Bill and Sarah Adams
Gathering Team: Loeman
Ushers: 8:40 Pat Funderburk, Brian Camp, Jef Horton,
Luke McLeod, Alysia McCleod, Dixie Howard
10:55 David Clegg, Mark Edwards, Randy Johnson,
Blair Isenhower, Jim Morgan, Jim Fulghum,
Robert Davis, Carolie Davis, Pete Van Graafeiland,
Joe Burwell, Linda Hicks, Lorrin Freeman
Nursery Coordinators: Loe Ellen Wright, Tad and Hayli Thornhill,
Clate and Devon Brewer, John and Kelly Steele
Parking Group: Stoltz
Sunday Driver: Al Sifer
Curtis Center Construction
Construction will begin in the Curtis Lobby beginning the
frst week of June. We are extremely excited about these
renovations; however, we also recognize this construction
will create shifts to our access coming in and out of the
building during the week and on Sundays. We want to
do our very best to keep you well-informed throughout
the process. Access plans will be made available to you
next week via The Communicator and www.esumc.org.
Please contact Rev. Lisa Yebuah at ext. 227 if you have
questions or concerns.
Mission Possible Kids
Tree Wednesdays this Summer
If you have a rising 3rd- rising 6th grader, dont miss
out on this summers Mission Possible Kids. These fun
Wednesdays are part education, part mission and part
fellowship. Well gather at the church at 9:00 AM, learn
about ways we can be the hands and feet of Christ, go
out and serve in our community and then wrap-up with
pizza and time to run around a local park. Pick-up is at
1:00 PM at the church.
This summers dates are June 18, July 16 and Aug 13.
Sign-up for one, two or all three at www.esumc.org (sign-
up begins May 15).
Caregiver Support Group
The Caregiver Support Group meets twice a month and
ofers support to anyone in a caregiver role, sponsored
and led by the Ruth Sheets Adult Care Center.
We meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the
month from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 pm. This is a time to share
concerns and needs related to your caregiving duties and
is open to all in the community. For information contact,
Matt Frazier, 919-832-7227.
Monthly Food Collection
The June collection is peanut butter, jelly and juice boxes.
Please consider purchasing some the next time youre
at the store. Items are for the Urban Ministries of Wake
Music and Arts Camp
August 4 - 8 1st - 12th grade students
w Music and Arts Camp (grades 1-8 - half day camp)
w Middle and High School Summer Musical Theater
Camp (grades 6-12 - full day camp)
Children and Youth Music and Arts Camp is a specialized
week flled with learning about the arts set in a loving,
supportive Christian environment. Students have the
opportunity to learn about music, singing, ringing bells,
dance, art, and drama so that they might grow more fully
in their faith.
Camp will conclude with a full production of Joseph and
the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat on Friday evening,
August 8 in Kerr Hall. Full camp details are available
on the website and registration is open. For more
information contact Kevin Holland, at kholland@esumc.
org or ext. 218 or Josh Dumbleton at jdumbleton@
esumc.org ext 254.
Bible 101
Join the Bible 101 course. Ever hesitated to join a Bible
study because your Scripture confdence is somewhat
low? Ever felt a little embarrassed to ask someone
what the preacher was talking about when he or she
referenced some obscure book of the Bible? Ever
wished you could join in the conversation but werent
sure you knew as much as others? Then Bible 101 is for
YOU! Its a great 6-week study for easy-going folks who
want to know better the basics, who want to learn the
foundational stories of the Bible and who want to do so
in a non-threatening, laid back atmosphere. Mark your
calendars for this course which begins Monday, August
18 and ends on Monday, Sept. 29. Register online today
Peace with Justice Sunday
Sunday, June 15
We celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and
witness to Gods demand for a faithful, just, disarmed
and secure world. The special ofering benefts peace
related ministries in annual conferences and through the
Board of Church and Society. United Methodists relate
to this special Sunday by seeking peaceful solutions,
creating and supporting peace-related ministries in their
conference and learning about peaceful, just eforts
around the world.
eStreet Youth
w June 18 - Wednesdays Follow Me (ofsite)
w June 23-27 - Camp Shalom
w July 13-18 - Summer Mission Trips HS: Washington,
MS: Savannah, GA
w July 24 - Durham Bulls Game
w Aug. 4 - 8 - Music and Arts Camp
w Aug. 7 - Shrimp Boil
eStreet Youth is all about raising up students to love Jesus
with everything they have: Heart-Mind-Soul-Strength.
We want you to become a part of the eStreet community.
Contact Bert or Genevieve for info: bsnyder@esumc.org
and gnadler@esumc.org
Youth Mission Trips
Middle School Students
The Middle School Students are heading to Savannah GA
July 13 18. Thirty Spaces Available for students who
have completed grades 6-8 to go to Savannah to serve
the local community and grow in their faith. We do our
trip through Youth Works, who plans and runs the whole
week! It is an incredible way to serve God and connect
to other students. A $50 deposit is required to save your
spot by June 13.
High School Students
The High School Students are heading to Washington,
D.C July 13- 18. Thirty-one Spaces Available for students
who have completed grades 9-12 to go to DC to serve
the local community and grow in their faith. We do our
trip through Youth Works, who plans and runs the whole
week! A $50 deposit is required to save your spot by June
eStreet Youth:
Follow Me Run Club
The estreet youth are invited to Follow Me on
Wednesdays in the summer. Middle and High School
students can join us for Run + Dinner + Discussion. We
begin on June 18 August 6.

Plan Ahead Dates
w June 12- 15 - NCCUMC Annual Conference
w June 15 - Peace with Justice Sunday
w June 17 - EStreeters Fellowship
w June 18 - Mission Possible Kids
w June 23-27 - Camp Shalom
w July 4 - Church Ofce Closed
w July 9- View & Do: Pollution and Creation Care
w July 12 - Baptism Class for Parents
w July 16 - Mission Possible Kids
w July 21-25 - Vacation Bible School
View & Do
June 11 6:30 pm Kerr Hall
Join us on Wednesday, June 11 at 6:30 PM in Kerr
Hall for the showing of 58: The Film followed by a
discussion led by a panel of leaders in the efort to
combat poverty. Inspired by Isaiah 58, 58: The Film, is a
powerful documentary that brings to light bravery and
determined faith in places such as the slums of Kenya,
Brazilian ganglands, and the enslaving quarries of India.
Speakers include:
F. Scott Moody, Co-Founder of AuthenTec, which was
acquired by Apple in October, 2012.
Erika Quaile, HOPE International Regional Representative.
HOPEs work focuses on Christ-centered microenterprise
development in 17 countries, empowering families to
provide for themselves.
Daniel Alexander, Jobs for Life Regional Director. Jobs
for Life works with churches to help those in need fnd
dignity and purpose through meaningful work.
Also on hand, will be representatives from ESUMCs
teams and ministry partners who come alongside people
around the world to address the root causes of poverty.
Join us as we learn more about extreme poverty around
the world, and how we can respond individually and as a
church. Childcare will be provided. Questions? Contact
Renae at rnewmiller@esumc.org.
Suggested Reading on Global Poverty
In conjunction with this summers View and Do series,
the following titles are suggested as ways of learning
more on the issue of Global Poverty and the response
of Christians in todays world. Book samples are located
on a book table outside of room 251 for the purposes of
browsing. Consider ordering or downloading your own
copy from your favorite local book retailer.
Walking with the Poor: Principles and Practices of
Transformational Development by Bryant Myers
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: Moving from
Afuence to Generosity by Ronald Sider
What Can I Do? Making a Global Diference Right Where
You Are by David Livermore
Join us for Planting Day
If you are feeling called to become part of this church
family, please make plans to attend Planting Day for
new members! Our next Planting Day will be Saturday,
September 13 from 8:45 am - 1 pm to prepare you for
being received into the life of Edenton Street on Sunday,
September 14 at the service you choose. Please contact
Joy Owen, Director of Welcoming Ministries, jowen@
esumc.org or ext. 350, at your earliest convenience so
she can prepare for you to join.
If you would like to be involved in this event, we welcome
your presence - help is needed with preparation, set-up
and clean-up. Remember, each of us was a new member
once...please join us in welcoming our newest members
to our church family!

Current Sermon Information:
June 1 Traditional Youth Sunday and
High School Senior
Gathering The Church Eats
Acts 2:42-47
Rev. Justin Morgan
June 8 Traditional Be Satisfed
Ecclesiastes 6:1-9
Rev. Ned Hill
Gathering Abide
John 15:1-11
Rev. Will Hasley
Sunday, June 1
5:00 pm Childrens Council (Chp Annex)
6:30 pm Disciple Bible Study (ofsite), Faith Girlz (164)
Monday, June 2
6:30 pm UMW Circle #7 (357)
Tuesday, June 3
1:00 pm Academy Mtg (165)
Wednesday, June 4
12:00 pm Intercessory Prayer
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (306), Staf Parish Relations
Committee (Library), Troop 100 Committee (351)
Tursday, June 5
7:30 am Steering Committee (251)
9:00 am Planting Day Mtg (Chp Annex)
6:00 pm The Gathering Praise Team Rehearsal
7:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Friday, June 6
3:30 pm CDC Graduation (Kerr)
Saturday, June 7
9:00 am Kairos Training (321)
10:00 am Broughton Baccalaureate Rehearsal (Sanct.)
12:00 pm Court of Honor (Kerr)
Sunday Mornings
8:40am Traditional Worship
9:30am The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr)
9:45am Sunday School
10:55am Traditional Worship
11:11am The Gathering Contemporary Worship (Kerr)
Broadcast Ministry
Sundays, 10:55 am service
TV: (One week delay) 12:00 pm on
Raleigh CTV Chan 22/ 97.6 TWC
Radio: (live) 6/1/14 WPTF
6/8/14 of air
Internet: We stream live online Sunday
mornings. Sermon recordings also
available. Visit www.esumc.org/
Worship/Online & Broadcast
9:30 am Contemporary Service
Internet: Live video streaming at www.
treet Sermon recordings at estreet
By Our Gifts - May 18
General Budget Received this Week $27,146.72
Received Year-to-Date $1,312,426.81
Opening Doors Pledge total: $5,043,647.00
Opening Doors received: $1,795,129.85
By Our Presence - May 25
Worship 8:40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
9:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281
10:55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321
11:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
Worship Total . . . . . . . . . . .940
EStreeters ( 55+)
Tuesday, June 17
EStreeters will meet June 17 at noon in Kerr Hall. We
will meet with Diane Amidon, Director of Senior Adult
Ministries, who is working with seniors, brainstorm ideas
for next year, and enjoy lunch. Lunch is $6.00. Please
RSVP to the church by June 13. All are invited.
SEJ Association
of Older Adults
Festival of Wisdom and Grace is July 28 - 31, 2014 at
Lake Junaluska Conference Center. For information visit
Do We Have Your Correct Information?
Please be sure to keep the church ofce informed of
your correct home address(es), telephone number(s)
at home and work, and email address(es). Edit this
information online at www.esumc.org. Click Member
Login top right corner to access the secure login with
your email or contact the church ofce.
228 West Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603
www.esumc.org | 919-832-7535
8:30am-5pm Mon.-Fri.
Celebrating Our Youth:
Congratulating Our High School Seniors
A relatively credible, historical-critical argument suggests all
the Disciples of Jesus, with the exception of Matthew, were
teenagers. I am not willing to hang my favorite hat on this
hypothesis, yet I am compelled to believe such a contention
could be true.
Yes, the historical record indicates most Jews became talmidim
or disciples during the late teenage years, but Jesus, after all, was
not the most traditional rabbi, and the truth is that not one of
the twelve was good enough to become talmidim.
I fnd more credence for the argument in the Gospels:
discovering impulsivity, rogue attitudes and actions, and
unmitigated passion, as illustrated through the lives of those
whom Jesus choose to be in closest company.
You may be wondering, So What? Well, I wonder if as adults we
should further study the goodness of the stuf that makes up a
teenager. Jesus knew what this stuf was, deeming it the right
stuf for making disciples for the transformation of the world.
If Jesus believed the stuf that makes up a teenager was the
right stuf, perhaps adults need to reclaim some of the same:
a willingness to drop everything to follow Jesus, be it family,
friends, occupation, or a tendency not to count the cost of
discipleship; rather, everything staked upon faith and hope.
I believe ESUMC gets it, illustrating comprehension of the above
through the honored tradition of Youth and Senior Sunday. I
believe we choose to hold youth-led liturgy sacred because, at
our best, we believe we have something to learn from them.
Sunday, June 1, we will learn from what the Holy Spirit has
placed upon the hearts and minds of the eStreet Youth as we
collectively pray Gods blessing upon our graduating seniors,
sending them out into the world, to transform it for the better.
Bert Snyder
Director of Youth Ministries
We recognize our
High School Seniors:
Class of 2014
We congratulate our ESUMC Seniors on
all their hard work and keep them all in
our prayers for their transition to future
Congratulations to:
Zack Anderson, Robert Armstrong,
David Bean, Sam Bissett,
Hannah Bledsoe, Kaylee Braswell,
Rachel Bridges, Audrey Camardella,
Will Densmore, Rebecca Dietrich,
Austin Elliott, Sara Howard Francis,
Graham Fulcher, Brock Harrison,
Porter Jeferson, Mary Davis Jurgens,
Brad Kaehler, Junior Kitoko, Allison Lee,
Abbey Lockhart, Walker Lytton,
Sarah Martin, Jake Massey,
Emily McArthur, Gray McCullen,
Drew McLawhorn, Lilly Moorefeld,
Blaike Newburg, Abigail Newsom,
Katie Payne, Clare Phillips,
Daniel Robertson, Aaron Roehm,
Sam Russell, Rachel Schwitzgebel,
Will Sheridan, Katherine Smith,
Anna Stewart, Emma Taylor,
Kaleigh Thompson, Madeline Thornton,
Caroline Upchurch, Kathryn Upchurch,
Ty Van De Zande

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