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1. The wingspan is:
a. 54 ft 1 in.
b. 47 ft 8 in.
c. 52 ft 1 in.
2. The elevator tip leading edge extensions provide:
a. Aerodynaic balance only.
b. !alance weights only.
c. !oth.
". All control cables are:
a. #pring steel.
b #tainless steel.
c. Teleflex solid drawn.
4. The act$ator rods transit act$ator oveent to:
a. A single horn on each elevator tri tab.
b. %$el horns on each elevator tri tab.
c. A single horn for both elevator tri tabs.
5. &levator triing is achieved by:
a. A tri tab on the left elevator.
b. A tri tab on the right elevator.
c A tri tab on either elevator.
'. Aileron triing is achieved by:
a. Triable servo tab attached to the right aileron.
b. A geared tab attached to the left aileron.
c. A spring tab attached to the right aileron.
7. The r$dder tri syste:
a. (perates a tri tab on the r$dder.
b. )s electrically operated.
c. (perates against the nosewheel steering b$ngee.
8. The aircraft is fitted with the following tri systes:
a. *an$al elevator+ aileron and r$dder tri.
b. *an$al r$dder and aileron tri and both an$al and electrical elevator tri.
c. All electrical tris.
,. The wing spoilers are designed to:
a. !e $sed as speed red$ction devices.
b. )prove lateral control at low speeds.
c. )ncrease effectiveness of the flaps.
1-. #poiler travel is proportional to aileron travel deflections:
a. )n excess of 5. $p.
b. /or any deflection.
c. (nly at low speeds.
11. 0hat type of flaps are fitted to the aircraft:
a. 1arge span+ fowler flaps.
b. 1arge span+ split flaps.
c. 1arge span+ single2slotted+ sei2fowler flaps.
12. The wing flaps are:
a. &lectrically driven.
b. 3ydra$lically driven.
c. *echanically operated.
1". The standby flap syste sho$ld be operated:
a. 4ntil 5$st after the point where the flaps reach their echanical stops.
b. 4ntil the flaps reach the desired position as per the indicator.
c. (nly once the a$topilot has been engaged.
14. 6lacing the %A789):3T switch in the night position:
a. %is all the ill$inated ann$nciator laps.
b. %is only the ill$inated green ann$nciator laps.
c. %is all ill$inated green and soe aber laps.
15. A red vac$$ low light indicates that the vac$$ syste s$ction is less than:
a. 4.5 in. 3g.
b. ".' in. 3g
c. ".- in. 3g.
1'. The red reservoir f$el low light indicates the f$el level in the reservoir tan; is:
a. 1ess than 25 lbs.
b. 1ess than 25 gallons.
c 1ess than half f$ll.
17. The aber f$el low level light indicates that the f$el in each tan; is:
a 1ess than 25 gallons.
b. 1ess than 25 lbs.
c. 1ess than 25 gallons in both tan;s.
18. The aber f$el press$re low light indicates that the f$el press$re is:
a. !elow 4.5 psi.
b. !elow ".75 psi.
c. !elow 4.75 psi.
1,. )f the nose gear has been t$rned past its 5'. axi$ travel:
a. A frangible stop will sheared off and fall into view.
b. 9o daage has been done as the nose gear can rotate thro$gh "'-..
c. )t is not possible as the drag lin; will liit travel to 5'..
2-. The bra;e syste consists of:
a. A aster cylinder to each pilot<s r$dder pedal.
b. A aster bra;e cylinder in the engine copartent which press$ri=es the wheel bra;es.
c. A aster cylinder for each wheel.
21. The aircraft is fitted with the following bra;e syste:
a. 3ydra$lic+ single dr$ type bra;e syste act$ated by a hydra$lic p$p and acc$$lator.
b. #ingle disc+ hydra$lic act$ated bra;e on each ain wheel.
c. #ingle disc+ echanical bra;e syste on each ain wheel.
22. 1oc;ing of the crew entry doors when leaving the aircraft is facilitated by eans of the following:
a. *an$ally operated inside door loc; on the right door.
b. A ;ey operated door loc; on the right door.
c. A loc; override ;nob on the right door.
2". The power t$rbine is o$nted on a shaft that drives :
a. The gas generator.
b. The accessory gearbox.
c. The red$ction gear.
d. The propeller directly.
24. Air ind$ced into the engine:
a. &nters at the rear and is exha$sted at the front.
b. &nters at the front and is exha$sted at the rear.
c. 6asses fro the power t$rbine to the first copressor stage.
25. The engine is flat rated at:
a. '75 #36.
b. '5- #36.
c. '-- #36.
2'. The axi$ perissable speed of the gas generator is:
a. "75-- >6* at 1--?.
b. ""--- >6* at 1-1.'?.
c. "81-- >6* at 1-1.'?.
27. The tor@$e eter indicates the power:
a. %eveloped by the gas generator.
b. %elivered by the propeller.
c. %elivered to the propeller.
28. 0hat does the )TT indicator display.
2,. 0hat does the 9g? >6* indicator display.
"-. 0hen the f$el condition lever is in the 1(0 )%1& and 3):3 )%1& positions+ the control
rod and stop is positioned to provide a >6* of:
a. 48? and 52?.
b. 4'? and '5?.
c. 52? and '5?.
"1. A fail$re of any pne$atic signal inp$t to the f$el control $nit will res$lt in the f$el flow decreasing
to a ini$ idle of:
a. 48? at 5--- ft.
b. '5? at 5--- ft.
c. 52? at 5--- ft.
"2. The generator control $nit provides a$toatic starter c$t2off when the gas generator section speed is:
a. 4'? 9g.
b. 18? 9g.
c. 52? 9g.
"". The total oil and drain and refill oil capacities are:
a. 12 4# gallons and , 4# gallons.
b. 14.5 litre and ,.5 litre.
c. 14 4# @$arts and ,.5 4# @$arts.
"4. 0hat is the f$nction of the inertial seperator in the !76A## ode.
"5. The f$nction of the ignition switch in the (9 position is to:
a. Ar the ignition syste so that ignition will be obtained when the starter switch is placed in
the #TA>T position.
b. 6rovide contin$o$s ignition when the starter switch is placed in the #TA>T position.
c. 6rovide contin$o$s ignition regardless of the position of the starter switch.
"'. The f$nction of the start switch in the #TA>T position is to:
a. &nergi=e the ignition syste+ provided the ignition switch is placed in the #TA>T position.
b. &nergi=e the starter8generator which rotates the gas generator portion of the engine.
c. To activate the generator syste.
"7. The *(T(> position of the starter switch otors the engine witho$t having the ignition circ$it
energi=ed. This is only possible when the ignition switch is in the 9(>*A1 position.
Tr$e 8 /alse
"8. )n order to de2energi=e the ignition syste and activate the generator syste after start:
a. *an$ally place the starter switch in the (// position.
b. 6lace the f$el condition lever in the c$toff position.
c. The ignition cycle is a$toatically terinated at 4'? 9g.
",. 0hat is the f$nction of the propeller overspeed governor.
4-. The f$nction of the power t$rbine governor in the propeller governor is to:
a. 6rotect the engine against possible t$rbine overspeed in the event of a propeller governor
fail$re by reg$lating the f$el flow to the f$el divider.
b. Act as a safeg$ard against propeller overspeed sho$ld the propeller governor fail by
reg$lating the f$el flow to the f$el divider.
c. Act as a safeg$ard against possible propeller overspeed by reg$lating the flow of oil to the
propeller pitch2change echanis.
41. 3ow is the propeller oved into the low pitch Bincreasing >6*C position:
a. (il press$re fro the propeller governor f$rnished fro the engine oil syste.
b. #prings and co$nterweights.
c. #o;e and irrors.
42. 0hy sho$ld the propeller be feathered when the engine is sh$t down:
a. The propeller reverse lin;age co$ld be daaged.
b. As no l$brication is available to the forward section of the engine after sh$tdown+ rotation
of the forward section of the engine is not desirable.
c. )t ay res$lt in excessive oil press$re fro the propeller governor when the engine is started.
4". The propeller >6* indicator is electrically operated and receives its inforation fro the:
a. 6ropeller governor.
b. 6ropeller tachoeter2generator.
c. The gas generator tachoeter2generator.
44. 0ith the propeller control lever in the *AD position:
a. The propeller speed is governed at 1,-- >6*.
b. The engine delivers axi$ tor@$e.
c. The propeller governor is bypassed.
d. The gas generator rp is axi$.
45. )n !&TA range the propeller blade angle is controlled by the:
a. 6ower lever.
b. 6ropeller governor.
c. The cop$ting section of the /E4.
d. !oth A and !.
4'. The total f$el and total $sable f$el capacities are:
a. 2244 lbs and 2224 lbs.
b. 2244 lbs and 2-44 lbs.
c. 2224 lbs and 2-24 lbs.
47. The aircraft f$el syste consists of the following type of vented f$el tan;:
a. /o$r inter2connected tan;s+ two per wing with sh$toff valves.
b. Two integral tan;s with sh$toff valves.
c. Two bladder type tan;s inter2connected with one sh$toff valve.
48. /$el flows fro the wing tan;s to the reservoir tan; by:
a. A$xiliary f$el boost p$p.
b. &5ector boost p$p.
c. :ravity.
4,. /$el is p$ped fro the reservoir tan; primari! by the:
a. &5ector boost p$p.
b. A$xiliary boost p$p.
c. &ngine driven p$p.
5-. )f the f$el filter becoes bloc;ed:
a. /$el starvation occ$rs and the engine flaes o$t.
b. The red /4&1 /)1T&> ann$nciator light ill$inates.
c. The red filter bypass flag pops o$t.
51. /$el re5ected by the engine on sh$tdown drains:
a. (nto the gro$nd fro the anifold.
b. )nto a fireproof f$el can on the firewall.
c. %rains into the reservoir tan;.
52. The f$el2selector2warning syste so$nds when:
a. !oth left and right f$el tan; sh$toff valves are closed.
b. &ither the left or right f$el sh$toff valves are closed d$ring engine start operation.
c. (ne f$el selector is in the (// position and the f$el reaining in the tan; being $sed
is less than 25 gallons.
d. All above.
5". The f$nction of the firewall f$el sh$toff valve is to:
a. #h$t off all f$el flow fro the reservoir to the engine.
b. #h$t off f$el flow fro the e5ector boost p$p to the reservoir.
c. #h$t off f$el flow fro the filter to the /E4.
54. 0hen the a$xiliary boost p$p is in the 9(>*A1 position it will:
a. (perate contin$o$sly.
b. (perate only when the f$el press$re drops below 4.75 psi.
c. !e inoperative.
55. 0here are the f$el drain valves sit$ated.
5'. The starter8generator o$tp$t liits are:
a. 28 volt and 22- ap.
b. 24 volt and 2-- ap.
c 28 volt and 2-- ap.
57. The o$tp$t specifications of the lead2acid battery is:
a. 28 volt+ 4- ap2ho$r.
b. 24 volt+ 45 ap2ho$r.
c 24 volt+ 4- ap2ho$r.
58. The o$tp$t specification of the 9i2Ead battery is:
a. 24 volt+ 4- ap2ho$r.
b. 28 volt+ 4- ap2ho$r.
c. 24 volt+ 45 ap2ho$r.
5,. The generator control $nit B:E4C controls the operation of:
a. The standby alternator.
b. The generator only.
c. The starter2generator.
'-. The :E4 also provides:
a. Foltage reg$lation and high voltage protection.
b. Foltage reg$lation only.
c. Foltage reg$lation+ high voltage protection and reverse c$rrent protection.
'1. The gro$nd power $nit senses:
a. 0hen the battery switch is t$rned on and isolates the gro$nd power $nit.
b. The voltage level applied to the external power receptacle and closes the external power
contactor when the applied voltage is within liits.
c. Airplane b$s voltage and ill$inates the F(1TA:& 1(0 ann$nciator when the b$s
voltage drops below 24.5 volts.
d. !oth b and c.
'2. 6ower is s$pplied to ost of the general electrical and all avionics b$sses via:
a. Three general b$sses+ two avionics b$sses+ two AE b$sses and a battery b$s.
b. Two general b$sses+ two avionics b$sses+ one AE b$s and a battery b$s.
c. Two general b$sses+ two avionics b$sses and two AE b$sses and a battery b$s.
'". The 75 ap standby electrical syste is powered by:
a. The battery.
b. The engine2driven generator.
c. A belt2driven alternator.
'4. The battery b$s is energi=ed contin$o$sly to:
a. (perate the n$ber 2 avionics b$s.
b. (perate the cloc; and coc;pit lighting.
c. (perate the eory2;eep2alive cloc; and co$rtesy lights.
'5. The standby electrical syste is connected to:
a. The avionics b$sses only via a separate switch.
b. The power distrib$tion b$s.
c. 3as a separate alternator b$s.
''. Avionics n$ber 1 and 2 switches $st be in the (// position when $sing the standby electrical
syste as:
a. To red$ce the load and prevent battery discharge.
b. To enable the standby electrical syste to override power s$pply to the avionics b$sses.
c. To avoid feeding a possible fa$lt in the priary power syste.
'7. 0hen the external power switch is placed in the #TA>T&> position:
a. &xternal power is s$pplied to the starter circ$it only and battery power to the ain b$s.
b. &xternal power is s$pplied to the ain b$s and no power is available to the starter.
c. &xternal power is s$pplied to the generator control circ$it.
'8. The co$rtesy lights are controlled by the:
a. &xterior lighting switch.
b. Eabin light switch.
c. !attery switch.
',. The cabin lights are connected to the battery b$s. Therefor it:
a. %oes not re@$ire the battery switch to be on for operation.
b. >e@$ires the battery to be on for operation.
c. 3as its own battery.
7-. The airfrae is protected by:
a. 0ing+ tailplane and vertical fin pne$atic deice boots.
b. 0ing+ wing2str$t+ tailplane and vertical fin pne$atic8vac$$ deice boots.
c. !leed air heated leading edge on all above entioned in b.
71. The propeller is aintained free fro ice by:
a. &lectrically heated anti2ice boots.
b. !leed air.
c. 6ne$atic deice boots.
72. The engine is protected fro ice+ hail or rain by eans of:
a. &ngine bleed air heated inta;es lips.
b. &lectrically heated inta;e lips.
c. )nertia seperator.
7". The windscreen is protected fro ice by eans of:
a. &lectric eleents in the pilotGs window only.
b. 3ot bleed air fro the engine.
c. A reovable windshield heater shield.
74. &ach segent of the wing s$rface deice boot inflation lasts approxiately:
a. " seconds.
b. , seconds.
c. ' seconds.
75. 0hen the !((T 6>&## switch is oved to the A4T( position:
a. All deice boots inflate si$ltaneo$sly.
b. The deice boots inflate in se@$ence for one cycle.
c. The deice boots inflate in se@$ence every "- seconds.
7'. 0hen the 6>(6 A9T)2)E& switch is placed in the A4T( position:
a. &ergency propeller anti2icing is achieved for ,- seconds.
b. &lectric c$rrent flows to the anti2ice tier which cycles the c$rrent si$ltaneo$sly to the
heating eleents in intervals of ,- seconds on and ,- seconds off.
c. E$rrent flows to the heating eleents and each blade is heated in se@$ence for a period of
,- seconds.
77. The f$nction of the ixing air p$sh2p$ll control in the /1T position is to ix:
a. 0ar copressor bleed air with hot copressor o$tlet air in the ixer8$ffler.
b. Eabin ret$rn air with hot copressor o$tlet air in the ixer8$ffler.
c. Eabin ret$rn air with war copressor bleed air in the ixer8$ffler.
78. 0hat will the res$lt be if the ixing air p$sh2p$ll control is not in the /1T position in flight:
a. Eopressor stall.
b The syste will overheat and sh$t down.
c. !oth.
7,. 0hat is the f$nction of the cabin heat sh$toff firewall ;nob in the 6411 (// position:
a. The bleed air s$pply line to the cabin heating syste is sh$toff.
b. The cabin air ret$rn line is sh$toff.
c. !oth.

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