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@&AB!4&C'<: 8ead Lhe prompL aL Lhe boLLom and respond on Lhe back, you may aLLach more paper lf
necessary. ?ou are welcome Lo bralnsLorm your ldeas on Lhls sheeL.
EA3@&'E: 2 people, uslng a scale from 1-6, grade your response. ?our LoLal score ls Lhe sum of Lhelr raLlng.
0 - off Loplc, llleglble, blank
1 - llLLle or no sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
2 - lnconslsLenL or weak sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
3 - some developlng sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
4 - adequaLe sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
3 - compeLenL sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
6 - effecLlve sklll ln respondlng Lo Lhe Lask
1hey are looklng for Lhese elemenLs ln your wrlLlng:
1. Make [udgmenL - express an oplnlon, evaluaLe an lssue, acknowledge more Lhan one perspecLlve
2. uevelop a poslLlon - uslng supporL and loglcal reasonlng
3. MalnLaln focus - sLays focused LhroughouL Lhe enLlre essay, analyze conLroversy
4. Crganlze ldeas - presenL argumenL ln a loglcal way
3. CommunlcaLe clearly - how well Lhe wrlLer uses Lhe Lngllsh language
Crganlzed wlLh an openlng sLaLemenL, clear Lhesls sLaLemenL
Lnd wlLh a clear concluslon
Avold uslng flrsL person language (l.e. l feel as Lhough.")
use mulLlple concreLe examples Lo supporL your oplnlon

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