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HFX Newsletter
Autumn 2014
Reformists of Ethical Environmental & Animal Precept
The Horrors of Chicken Producton
In Canada, the average broiler chicken is raised in large, barren barns in groups of 5,000 to 50,000 birds. They never see the
light of day. These barns allow manure to accumulate which causes liter burn, respiratory infectons and sores. By the tme
they reach market weight, each bird only has a square foot of space. Their genes allow them to reach market weight at
only 42 days of age. The rapid growth causes severe skeletal problems including chronic pain, heart problems and the
inability to walk.
Egg-laying hens have it worse. Over 90% of egg-laying hens in Canada live in batery cages where they are unable to per-
form natural behaviours such as nestng, dust-bathing, walking or even stretching their wings. To prevent birds from peck-
ing each other to death in these conditons, the tp of the beak is seared of with a hot blade or laser which can cause se-
vere, long-lastng pain. Afer 1-2 years, a hen is considered spent and she is sent to slaughter. Contrary to the belief, male
chickens born in the egg industry cannot be used for meat because they grow too slowly. Shortly afer hatching, the chicks
are sexed and the males are placed in a macerator and ground alive.
Chickens are fascinatng and complex creatures. They can live up to 10 years and their natural habitat include forests and
pastureland. Like dogs and cats, chickens have personality. Some are shy while others are out-going. Some enjoy being held
and peted. Hens make excellent mothers. She talks to her babies while they are stll in the egg so the chicks will recognize
her voice. A study done at the University of Bristol showed that hens have empathy towards her babies. Chickens are also
intelligent. They are able to comprehend when an object is taken away and hidden from them which young human children
cannot comprehend.
Before making chicken or eggs your next meal, please consider visitng chickens at a rescue like North Mountain Animal
Sanctuary and learning more about them.
Samantha R.E.E.A.P. Member
Who We Are
Reformists of Ethical Environmental & Animal Precept is an idea that was devel-
oped in February of 2014. Created to provide a collectve of individuals with a
forum where they may create a professional base and strong voice in the com-
munity, R.E.E.A.P. works together to spread awareness and educaton on the
cruelty of animal abuse/use and hefy cost to the environment.

R.E.E.A.P. also works to develop a strong actvist foothold in the local community
by operatng regularly on street corners, at marches, and at events. Humanity
has passed any need of using animals as a food source and contnued ignorance
toward there sufering will only hasten the efects of global warming and the loss
of what it truly means to be human.
Message from the Founder
Working to make your life easier,
The Vegan Peach.
An online database providing reviews,
A safe product list, recipes, and more.
Local to Halifax, NS!
R.E.E.A.P. HFX Newsletter
Autumn 2014
Epidemic of Slavery: Catle
In Canada, more than 3.45 million cows sufer and die for the meat and dairy industries every year. Catle raised for beef and
dairy products are arguably the most abused and mistreated animals in the world. Young cows are branded, dehorned, and
castrated without any painkillers. Since 1940 the average number of catle per Canadian farm increased by 600%
Cows are meant to eat grass, but are ofen fed diets that are more economically benefcial for the farmer, even if that means
the cows become ill and unhealthy. A common myth is that cows are perpetual milk machines while the truth is that cows (like
humans); only lactate when they have recently given birth, this means cows are artfcially inseminated and forced into preg-
nancy in order to keep the milk fowing.
Cows form strong maternal bonds with their calves; unfortunately the calf is traumatcally taken away from its mother shortly
afer its birth so that the milk can be instead sold to humans. Cows can live up to 25 years, sadly dairy cows are only able to
endure the hardships of producing such unnaturally high volumes of milk for around 3 years. When the dairy producton stops,
the cow is sold for cheap hamburger meat.
Cows are very clever animals with amazing cognitve ability and a rich capacity of emotons. On dairy and beef farms cows
rarely feel anything other than sadness, fear, and grief. The fairytale classic farm you might see in a childrens book is a lie. We
have been lead to believe that eatng animal products is a necessary part of life, and that it is an ethical thing to do, when in
fact that couldnt be more wrong. You can live a life free of cruelty, without harming animals and be in fact happier and
healthier. All life maters, nobody should have to die or sufer at the mercy of your dinner plate.
Andrew R.E.E.A.P. Member

Meatless Holiday
With holiday season upon us, tme for family and feast fast approaches. As many
of us feed ourselves to our hearts content, there remains the truth that many oth-
ers within the world, including within our own communites sufer from famine.

Aside from the cruelty associated with using animals as food, there is also the fact
that if everyone chose to adopt a meat-free diet, famine would be drastcally
afected in a positve way.

Do you consider yourself an animal lover or environmentalist? Then act like
one, adopt a vegan lifestyle today.
David R.E.E.A.P. Member

Local stores that carry meatless products and dairy
alternatives, include but are not limited to:
Petes Frootique Organic Earth Sobeys
The Healthy Bug Superstore
**This chart has been taken from the
Stanford University Magazine.

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