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Wyant (2014)

GRADE LEVEL: 4th grade
CLASS SIZE: 23 Students
30 Minutes
UNIT: Spacial Awareness
LESSON #: 4 of 4
General Spacing, Personal Spacing, Spacial Awareness,
Cooperative Learning, Personal Space, General Space,
Spacial Awareness
FACILITIES: Black Top/ Grass Area/ Main Gym
EQUIPMENT 23 jump ropes

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):

Psychomotor: SWBAT perform the appropriate skills required to jump rope in groups
with 8 out of 10 times.

Cognitive: SWBAT identify the differences between personal and general spacing, along
with spacial awareness with 100% accuracy.

Affective: SWBAT efficiently work together in achieving cooperative learning by
demonstrating teamwork in group activity and encouraging others to participate.
Dr. Wyant (2014)

Activity #1 Spacial Awareness- Jump Roping Individually/Groups
Time 25 Minutes
Set up
Instant Activity: Quick Run 1 Minutes
Quick lap around the field to get students warmed- up

1 Minute Water and Bathroom Break
Dr. Wyant (2014)

Time Activity/COTS Refinement Organization
9-10 Minutes
Activity #1 : Students will individually
jump rope in place.
Refining skills of
individual jump
roping to be able
to then jump rope
in groups.
Basketball Courts
1 Minute
I ntroduction- Group J ump Roping
Teacher then Student demonstration of
group jump roping will be done. Stu-
dents will combine jump ropes to form
a larger jump rope.

Return to Home
Base Line
9-10 Minutes
There will be groups of four (4) stu-
dents. Two students will either be turn-
ing the jump rope while the other two
will be jumping together. One student
will step out to take one of the Turners
place and that Turner will then become
a Jumper. All the students will then
have a chance to be both: a turner and a

Dr. Wyant (2014)
5 Minutes
Extension: Stu-
dents will com-
bined with another
group and add on
another jump rope
to their jump rope.

Dr. Wyant (2014)

Closure: 4 minutes
Class will discuss the objectives of the day and strategies they used to implement
and work towards those objectives.

Class will discuss with their groups as to how they did then each group will step up
and present their tactics.

We will discuss what will be done for the next class period and how it will tie into
the same Lesson plan.

Assessment plan
In addition to the systematic observations that will assess motor differences, time spent in
physical activity; you should spend this session assessing the affective skills of your stu-
dents and cultural differences you may see emerge. Take notes on the following and in-
clude in your reflection journal:
- What languages did you hear the students speak?
- Who did the students partner with if given a choice?
- During down time who did the students socialize with?
- Were the students able to work effectively and without conflict with their part-
ners/teams? If not, what factors seemed to be causing conflict?
- What evidence of teamwork/communication did you see? (e.g. high fives etc)
- Did the students request any activities/sports? If so, what were they?
- What role does Maria play? How do the students respond to her? Does their be-
havior change when she is around?
- Did you learn anything about the students home life/background? If so, what?

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