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Lesson Plan

Lesson Topic: Respectful Relationships

Curriculum Area: PE
Year Level: 10

Preassessment of Students Readiness
(Describe and refer to appendices where necessary)

Lesson Plan
Lesson Sequence

Explain the sensitivity of the
lesson and the resulting
consequences (5 mins)

Relationships spectrum game (10

Re-emphasise the sensitivity of
todays lesson (1 Min)

Definitions of rape and consent
have the students copy this down
in their books (5 mins)

Explanatory notes

On he board write Respectful on one end and
disrespectful on the other
Give each student two situation cards and ask them
place it somewhere on the spectrum
When each card has been placed on the spectrum
go through each individual one and ask the class as
a group discussion whether they think it belongs
there or not.

Consent means to agree to do something or to
give/gain permission.
A person must be 17 before they can consent to
sexual activity.
The law deems that some people cannot give
consent to sexual activity and this includes:
A person under the age of 17;
A person with a mental incapacity who cannot
understand the nature of the act and its

Scenario group work (20 mins)

Introduce their presentation and
explain what they are to do for it

Second lesson to spend on their
potential consequences;
A person who is unconscious or who is so
affected by drugs or alcohol.
Consent to sexual activity must be free and
voluntary with no tricks, bribes or coercion.

Consent must be gained before sexual activity
happens and be present throughout.
Rape is any unwanted (without consent) oral,
anal or vaginal sexual intercourse by the
penis, object or any part of the body.
Sexual intercourse can include penetration
even to the smallest degree and oral sex.

Form students into 6 groups and give each group
one of 3 scenarios. They read the Scenario in their
group and answer the questions provided to them.
They then come up with 6 ways these scenarios
could have been prevented. Students then meet up
with the group that has he same scenario as them
and discuss both their answers and ways of
prevention. They then present this to the class

Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding

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