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6 Sentence Paragraph

One common writing mistake is repeating words ad nauseam. A great

writer avoids this by crafting prose while being consciously aware and playing to
their strengths. Recurrence of language detracts from points the author makes.
Wordsmiths wish to create masterpieces, therefore redundancy cannot happen.
Produce similar expositions, if possible. Up for challenge?

Create at least three six sentence paragraphs. NO words can be repeated,
even contractions, such as is not and isnt. The paragraph needs to make
sense, but naturally can be about any topic you wish. This is about
cleverness and to avoid the redundancy of repetition. These will go into
your portfolios. However, for completion I want the rough draft as well.

We all stood there, ready to begin our race. The starter raised his gun high. POW! I was
suddenly among a stampede of girls. Groups battled for good position. Elbows were
being thrown left and right. Other competitor's spikes tripped me up one or two times.
Finally, pulling ahead felt great. Using all energy that remained, it was now time to kick
in. My body ached finishing.
The bird chirped into a light breeze which carried her song throughout Enchanted Forest.
As each creature awoke to this tune they knew it was time and arose. Morning had come.
Various scents filled the air while flowers opened up their pedals in hopes of absorbing
some heat. Meanwhile clouds filled up above, pouring water atop everything. All living
things scattered about, vanishing from sight. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Sometimes I believe that people are robots. Seriously, humans follow guidelines and do
whatever is told of them. One day, a young boy was meeting some friends. Seven kids
decided to jump over Smith Creek, which ran behind Johnny's house. Wanting respect,
little Ben knew he must leap. Although fear boiled inside him, the tyke sailed above
raging waters, just because they said so.

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