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Teacher Candidate Samantha Hughes

Date October 22, 2014
School Nitro Elementary School
Grade/Subject 5
Grade Language Arts
Unit Topic
Lesson Topic Fact and Opinion
Lesson 1, Lesson 2, or Lesson 3? Lesson 1
1. Students will find examine a text and pick out examples of fact and opinion from a text that is
read aloud to them.
2. Students will justify their reasoning for giving the statement as an opinion or fact.
3. Students will be able to write a fact and an opinion and will be able to explain why they are
fact or opinion.
ELA.5.W.C9.1: write opinion pieces on topics or texts; supporting a point of view with reasons and
introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion and create an organizational structure in which
ideas are logically grouped
to support the writers purpose.
provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
link opinion and reasons using words, phrases and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically).
provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

Overall Time: 45 Minutes
Time Frame
10 Minutes Introduction: What is a fact? What is an opinion?
15 Minutes Read a book to the class
15 Minutes Smart Board activity
5 Minutes Closure/Assessment

Teacher-Led Discussion
Questions Probing
Enhanced Lecture
Student Engagement
Project-Based Learning (smart board)
Reflective Discussion
(Learning Styles, Students with Special Needs, Cultural Differences, ELL)
After introducing what fact and opinion are, I will give place a sheet under the Elmo with the
definitions for them to copy down. I will be able to zoom in and out to help those students who may
not be able to see the smart board. I
If students are having a difficult time paying attention, I will allow them to be the ones to write on the
board rather than me.
PROCEDURES: Introduction/ Lesson Set

To begin the lesson, I will ask students if they know the difference between a fact and opinion. I will
then give them an exact definition of a fact and an opinion and place it under the elmo for them to
see. Next, I will give example of fact and opinion and question the students to make sure they
understand the basics of fact and opinion. If I feel that students do not have enough knowledge to
continue with the lesson, I will go back and review the definitions and explain why the examples I
gave were either a fact or an opinion.

When I feel that fact and opinion have been taught in a manner where all children should be able to
understand, I will read their reading story of the week which is Jane Goodalls 10 Ways to Help Save
Wildlife. When the students hear a fact from the story, they will give thumbs up; when the students
hear an example of an opinion they will give a thumbs down. This will allow me to see who is engaged
and actively participating and also to assess my learners.

From this, I will then ask students if they can think of any other books that use many exampls of fact
and opinion. If the students cant think of anything, I will show them two examples that are on a
lower level but are great examples. Amelia Bedelia and Alexander, who used to be Rich Last Sunday
are great example s to use that I will show the class.

Through this introduction, students will have a solid understanding of fact and opinion and how it is
used I everyday life.
PROCEDURES: Body & Transitions

After students have enough basic knowledge of fact and opinion, we will play a game on the Smart
Board called Rags to Riches. The point of the game is to get all the way to the top and make the
most money. If you guess and answer incorrect, the game is over. I will use Mrs. Aurelios popsicle
sticks to choose names and I will have the student come up and choose their answer.

We will continue to play the game until it has been completed and we have won. This will give me
another opportunity to assess the students on how well they understand the difference between fact
and opinion.


After completing this activity, I will pass out a sheet with a chart that has fact on one side, and opinion
on the other. The students will go back through their reading story and write examples of each under
the correct corresponding column. When the worksheet is complete, I will end my lesson with giving
examples of a fact and opinion and thank the students for their participation.

ASSESSMENT: Diagnostic
Diagnostic assessment for this lesson will be conducted informally through the different questions I
pose to students. I will begin the lesson with questions to evaluate their prior knowledge, and I will
end the lesson asking similar questions to ensure the concept was taught properly.
Formative assessment will be done through the class discussions as we read the story aloud and find
examples of fact and opinion. As I am reading the story aloud I am going to have the students to give
me a thumbs up when they hear a fact and a thumbs down when they hear an opinion. This will show
who is paying attention and who is grasping the concept of fact and opinion.
Summative assessment for this lesson will take place with through the worksheet students will have
to complete before leaving that has them list examples of each a fact and an opinion.
White Board
ELMO (projection onto Smart Board)
Grade reading book
Amelia Bedelia
Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday

If Student Finishes Early
If a student completes the worksheet early, I will have them to read books for AR
points and also see if they can find more examples of fact and opinion. I will have
them to write examples on the back of the worksheet.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If the lesson finishes early, I will have the students to write two examples of fact
and two examples of opinion and we will share the answers.
If Technology Fails
If the ELMO or smart board fails when I try to put my definitions up, I will just
write them on the board large enough for the class to see.
If the WiFi were to not work in the classroom when students are beginning to look
for us to play a game on the smart board, I will play the game using marker and
the white board.

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