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Animal Parts

Aim: students will be able to recognize common animal parts, in contrast to

parts of the human body. Higher students will be able to say what an animal
Method - warmer
Draw an animal (lion) on the board.
It has _____ (a head, a tail, )
Go through target language , For example, Horn, what animals have a horn
li!it ideas and show "ash!ards # write up one animal
Drill pronun!iation o$ bod% part and lea&e $'! or pi!ture on board
Games - body parts matching game
(n!e all bod% parts ha&e been introdu!ed, )lea&e diagrams on board* tell them
+plit !lass into groups o$ , students (- teams o$ ,)
For ea!h team: (see materials below)
ha&e a bag with the ./ bod% part pi!tures at ba!0 o$ the !lass
sheet with the ./ animal part words in the middle o$ the !lass
1eams line up at the $ront # the% ta0e it in turns to run to the ba!0, pi!0 out a
pi!ture and then run to middle and tr% to mat!h that pi!ture to the !orre!t word
2hen the% get ba!0, the next person in the team !an go
(n!e the% ha&e 3nished, I let them !he!0 their answer be$ore de!laring them a
winner or not
Creepy Animal Game
a!h student has a pie!e o$ paper'noteboo0.
4ring one student $rom ea!h group to the $ront, the% then roll the di!e and pi!0 up
Horn claws fns fur gills
cales a shell spots stripes wings
fangs feathers a bea! a tail
It has _______
a pie!e o$ paper $rom the 54od% 6arts 4ag7 (in!lude e%es, legs and arms)
1he% tell their team and e&er%one has to draw that number o$ bod% parts onto
their 8onster.
(- shells . bea0. )
Gi&e ea!h student one or two goes ea!h be$ore stopping and !omparing monsters
# as0 ss 9uestions about the monsters (i.e. des!ribe %our monster or how man%
wings does it ha&e depending on le&el'abilit%)
A Wing
A Shell
A Claw
A Fin
A Horn

A Tail
A Beak

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