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S Sc cr ri ip p r re ef f
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S Sc cr ri ip p r re ef f
This Months Hebrew word is:
R hvre (Ervah) Nakedness
Which Hebrew definition means: Nakedness, nudity, shame,
pudenda, indecency, improper behavior, exposed.
This months Hebrew word is Ervah which is found in the book of Exodus. Here G-
d is dealing with the attire of the Kohaneem (priesthood).
Redefining the faith?

In this month we touch on the errant growing issues of
redefining the biblical faith. But what are we admitting to when
we say we are redefining the faith? The definition of the word
define means: to fix or lay down definitely; specify distinctly. So,
to redefine something means to reinterpret, re-due, or even

Portion Shmot.Ex 20:26
change what was already fixed, definite or specifically laid down. Within the pulse of main stream Christianity today theres apparently an
apostasy movement which heavily sprung its way up with a book entitled The purpose driven Church(a)? The authors book nonetheless
has created consistent madness within some modern churches, so much to the fact that biblical faith is no longer recognizable within these
new apostasy churches. However anyone who shows concern or biblically opposes or confronts the movement is automatically vilified and
ostracized (b). The Brit hadasha (NC) warning here declares; BEWARE! Least any man spoil (carry) you through (away with) philosophy
(c).The purpose driven Church author has insisted or in my opinion has imposed his redefining philosophy on biblical faith. But as the
scripture goes on to clarify, and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and NOT after Messiah.(d) The
redefining of Mr. Warren is just what the Jewish apostle warns against. In a compilation of congregant damaging testimonials and hard
hitting facts about Mr. Warrens redefining Christianity, the writer N. W. Hutchings states that the Purpose driven Church movement, and Mr.
Warren denies or better yet objects to five known biblical fundamentals such as;(e)(1) the inerrancy and full authority of the bible.
According to the scriptures we find that in our near future there will be a time of a literal great
darkness falling upon the earth. Now this darkness in which the scriptures reveal is not interpreting
a spiritual one here, though we may see more and more signs of great outward wickedness arising
around us, this nonetheless is not about that subject. However Yeshua our Messiah was also in
agreement with the prophets (1) when he re-omitted in his teaching the same scenario about the last
days darkness (2) he said that Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. This is surely NOT speaking of spiritual darkness
but is speaking about a time in which darkness as that of the times of the Egyptian judgment (3) will
occur and to some degree be much, much, more intense! This darkness is also mentioned within
the book of revelation (4) which will occur during the tribulation period. A total of some 4 times plus
once before the tribulation gets underway. But now a question must arise, and that is .
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IN THE RABBIs DUST-Knowledge for the believer/Midrash

Reasons for the Tribulation Blackouts?
Osy is a teaching, discipleship, evangelistic ministry. Its focus is to share the full richness of both the Tenach (OT) and gospel from a Jewish Christian perspective (Rom.1:16). Osy mission
is to educate and inform the body of Messiah Yeshua about its biblical Hebraic heritage, its relationship to Israel and G-ds chosen people. Building love relationships and bringing
understanding between the Jewish community and Christian community, to glorify in unity the G-d of Israel through our Messiah in everything we do (Col.3:17,23 ).

Shabbat Portions
Sat 6

Sat 13

Sat 20

Sat 27

Unveiling current events through Biblical prophecy
N Ne ew ws s O On n I Is sr ra ae el l
& &
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C Cl li ic ck k f fo or r m mo or re e
Inspirational Reading
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