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August 12, 2013

To: Brigit Kyle

From: Karen E Stinson
Director, School of Eucation
!e: Amission to the School of Eucation
Accoring to our recors, you ha"e com#lete re$uirements for amission to the School
of Eucation %SoE&' Therefore, ( am #lease to inform you, "ia this letter, that you ha"e )een
officially amitte to the SoE, effecti"e August 1, 2013' *ongratulations on this significant
The ne,t formal ste# to-ar )ecoming a teacher is amission to stuent teaching' This
#rocess is outline in the form, .Ste#s to a Teaching *areer'. A##lication for amission to
stuent teaching is mae at an orientation meeting hel in Decem)er of each fall semester for all
stuents -ishing to stuent teach or intern uring either semester of the ne,t acaemic year' (f
you ha"e any $uestions a)out this #rocess, #lease contact the *linical E,#eriences /ffice in 120
Douna %#hone 102334251261 or e5mail clinicale,#7u-#latt'eu&'
8ou shoul )e #rou that you ha"e achie"e the milestone of amission9 ho-e"er,
remem)er that you still ha"e other re$uirements to meet as you continue in your eucation
#rogram' Among the re$uirements for those com#leting their teacher eucation #rograms after
August 31, 2004, are the :ra,is (( content tests' Upon direction from the Department of Public
Instruction, the School of Education has approved the following policies: 1) students must
pass the appropriate Prais II content test!s) before the" will be admitted to student teaching,
and #) no waivers will be granted for Prais II' Finally, it is im#ortant that you -or; closely
-ith your a"isor as you #rocee through the #rogram in orer to ensure that you attain your
ultimate goal<a license to teach'
:lease contact the staff in the School of Eucation office in 13= Douna %#hone 34251130
or 1131& if you ha"e any $uestions or concerns' Again, congratulations'
cc: Acaemic A"isor ? Aam Stanley
P.S. This letter, along with other documents pertaining to your progress in the teacher education
program, will be re$uired for inclusion in your portfolio. Therefore, it is important that you put
this letter, copies of your PPST and Praxis II scores, and similar documents into your portfolio as
soon as you receive them, keep copies in a location where you will be able to access them at the
appropriate time, and scan them for use in your electronic portfolio. It is your responsibility to
keep track of these documents.

Director | 608.342.1131 | Fax: 608.342.1133 |
Clinical Experiences | 608.342.1271 | Fax: 608.342.1002 | Counselor Education | 608.342.1252 |
Fax: 608.342.1756 P!sical Education | 608.342.1573 | Fax: 608.342.1073 | "eacer Education |
608.342.1131 | Fax: 608.342.1133 Education #$ce o% &pecial Pro'ra(s | 608.342.1276 | Fax:
608.342.188) |
1 *ni+ersit! Pla,a | Platte+ille -. 53818/30)) 0 111.u1platt.edu

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