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Syllabus for all choirs of LHHS

If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music.
~Gustav Mahler
Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year and to the choral classroom!! I have many ideas and
hopes for you as an individual, as well as for the ensemble, not only for this year, but for the upcoming years also.
As two of my norms for the classroom state, Support success, not judgment, and Try it! I will support you in your
musical growth and enjoy your achievements without harsh judgment; therefore, I hope you will attempt the same
towards me and my efforts. In order to help you grasp those successful moments more quickly, you might be asked
to try something new and different which is designed to improve your singing technique or your musical knowledge
try it! While we are trying these things, reserve judgment of the technique and of others attempts until the full
results is observed. There will be consequences for disrespectful attitudes or comments towards anything or anyone
in my classroom. Remember, supporting each other only makes the ensemble sound that much more amazing in the
Ms. Geuy
The Choirs
Enchanted Voices LHHSs select female ensemble. Audition is requiredfreshmen hoping to enter this group
second semester must obtain the directors approval and be an active member in another ensemble as well.
Knights Voices - LHHSs select mixed ensemble. Audition is requiredfreshmen hoping to enter the group second
semester must obtain the directors approval and be an active member in another ensemble as well.
Concert Choir LHHSs mixed ensemble. NO audition is required! However, if the student has extreme difficulty
with singing a part in tune with his/her section of the ensemble, then the student can either participate in
vocal coaching or withdraw from the choir.
Students will have the ability to transfer between choirs at semester time by requesting the directors approval or by
audition. As always, there are special cases in which a student needs to switch mid-semester. These students are
more than welcome to discuss the issues with the director during office hours before school, during seventh period,
and after school.
Grading Policy Your Checklist for Success
Participation 30% of your overall grade
Effort is defined in this classroom as an overall attitude towards the learning experience, environment, and
those individuals in the environment yourself, your section, the ensemble, the director, as well as any
visitors to the classroom. Respect is an essential element of the choir classroom any disrespect towards
the previous individuals or items listed will have direct consequences. Active participation is required to
Practice logs, which are required every week, are a participation grade as well. These logs are due every
Monday unless otherwise stated by the director.
Throughout the semester, there will be at least 4 unannounced checks on your participation. Within those
checks, the teacher will observe your behavior for a grade 4 times, each being a quarter of the overall
participation check. Again active participation is required for full credit no off-task talking, materials in front
of you, etc.
Also, all concerts and concert rehearsals are graded for participation.
Attendance 10% of your overall grade (additional information in the Choral Contract)
Attendance Policy
Every voice in this ensemble is key to its unity and sound. Excessive absences without a valid director-
approved excuse will affect your grade because it damages the effectiveness of the ensemble as a whole.
Forgetting a performance or rehearsal, not having a ride, or missing a shoe are NOT considered valid
excuses plan ahead! Any required rehearsals will be given at least two days notice.
Things that will be attendance grades ALL formal concerts; promptness for concerts/community event (if
youre late, youre losing points!); if a full dance number is included in a semester concert, all after-school
rehearsals will be subject to attendance grades; ADVANCED GROUPS - habitual tardies/absences from
class the school handbook allows teachers the option of dropping a students grade by a full letter if
absences are an issue. This option will be exercised this year. Do not abuse your absences! It leaves your
section and ensemble hanging!
Tests and Quizzes 10% of your overall grade
In order for the ensemble to succeed, every individual must be putting forth a certain effort to learn their
music. Both planned and unplanned singing tests will take place throughout the semester. Planned singing
tests will be announced one week prior to the date of the test. Students will be given the opportunity to
make up formal assessments, but not informalremember, being present is extremely important to the
success of the ensemble!
Examples of singing tests parts of sections being called to sing their parts for the director, sight singing
tests if contest is affordable, etc.
Understanding music goes beyond simply making noise with your mouth, thus vocabulary quizzes will be
given at least on a bi-weekly basis from notes on the board. These quizzes are cumulative and can
severely harm your grade. Note-taking is imperative!
Final exam 20% of your overall grade
Throughout the year, various musical lessons will be taught within and outside of the ensemble rehearsing.
Aspects of these lessons will appear on the final exam. There will be a review sheet and a chance to ask
questions before the exam. Vocabulary words are a large part of the exam so be sure to listen carefully
during class and take notes.
Class work/Written work30% of your overall grade
Class openers are a majority of the written work received in choir. They consist of practice opportunities for
musical elements such as solfege, rhythm, melodic notation, counting, and vocabulary reviews. They are
done at the beginning of class before warm-ups nearly every day. Failure to complete these worksheets will
result in a zero on each missed worksheet. Other written assignments will be given throughout the
semester and are expected to be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. Late work is
unacceptable and will result in a zero.
Quarterly writing assignments will be assigned as per district policy. These papers are for a grade and are
designed to teach students to write on ANY subject, not just English assignments. The prompts range from
critiquing performances to creative writing assignments.
Homework Policy
LHUSD Secondary Level Policy
Purpose: Homework should be purposeful, intentional, and relevant to instruction. All types of homework
should promote high quality learning and achievement. Teachers introduce new concepts, information, and
skills in school, not in homework.
Time: Time spent on homework should be purposeful in terms of learning and skill acquisition. Homework may be
assigned on a daily or long range basis where students can expect on average 70 to 120 minutes per night
encompassing all subject areas.
Grading Commenting, Feedback or homework: Homework grades and feedback should promote and reflect
student learning. Research indicates teachers should provide timely, relevant feedback to increase student
Parental Involvement: Parents will be familiar with the philosophy of the homework guidelines and honor the
importance of homework. In order to promote student success, parents should honor the importance of
homework by providing a place, time, resources, and supervision. Students academic progress can be
monitored regularly in PowerSchool.

Choral Homework Policy
Expect the following homework for your choral student: spending at least TWO HOURS per week listening to and
studying music tracks on Soundcloud which is documented on a practice log and signed by parents for a grade;
studying relevant music vocabulary words from notes or the appropriate Quizlet class; make-up work for absences;
studying lyrics; enrichment activities on various educational music theory websites, completing four quarterly writing
assignments, and possibly a few other tasks. Homework is very rarely assigned for a grade in this choral situation.
www.soundcloud.com/stephaniegeuy; create a profile and follow to get automatic updates when tracks are
www.facebook.com; like the page LHHS Choirs for updates, times, announcements and soundcloud updates
www.twitter.com; username @LHHS_Choir; follow for updates, times, announcements and soundcloud updates
www.quizlet.com; search Stephanie Geuy Lake Havasu High School and add yourself to the appropriate class(es)
Grading Policies
All choirs and classes will follow the districts grading scale.
A = 90% -- 100%
B = 80% -- 89%
C = 70% -- 79%
D = 60% -- 69%
F = 0% -- 59%
Grades and attendance can be accessed by parents at anytime with the schools Powerschool program!!!!
Grades are entered generally on Friday afternoon. Most bellwork worksheets can be made up, particularly in the
case of absences; extreme lack of effort over an extended period of time will cause missing work to remain zeroes.
Assignments with specific due dates for instance, writing assignments will not be accepted late. Please notify the
attendance office and Ms. Geuy regarding your students absence to allow an excused absence extension. Ms.
Geuy can be reached best through email or the Choir Facebook page. Any unexcused absences or tardies on the
day of an assignments due date will result in a zero.

Performance Dates and Opportunities
Community opportunities sometimes come up quickly and no prior notice. Pay
attention to the calendar listed on the board to snag these chances.
Main Stage Concert Dates:
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 at 7:30pm in the Performing Arts Center (students need to arrive by 6:15pm)
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:30pm in the Performing Arts Center (students need to arrive by 6:15pm)
As stated in the Choral Contract and above, these concerts are a major portion of a students grade. The only
excused absence is hospitalization or illness with a doctors note. Attendance is also a grade; students arriving after
the listed call time lose points. Students also not in the appropriate uniform or dress for the concert also, at
minimum, lose points and possibly lose the opportunity to perform.
Seniors participating in an ensemble during spring semester have the opportunity to choose to take the exam or
complete a series of four extra performances revolving around a song selected by the choral seniors and The Irish
Blessing. These performances include singing the two songs at the end of the final concert with their cohorts, Middle
School Evening of Excellence, Baccalaureate, and Graduation. Each performance is worth 20% - 25% of their exam
grade. Rehearsals leading up to the performances are also a part of their grade; one rehearsal a week is mandatory.
Advanced Ensembles (Non-advanced as needed):
These opportunities are not definite, but have been requested for performers in the past.
October 25
London Bridge Days Parade and Events
October, late Choral Festival
November 11
Veterans Day Parade
December 5
and 6
Boat Parade Caroling on the Kontiki; 20 students per night
December Caroling, Singing for the Preschool, or Nursing Home Entertainment
January, late Solo and Ensemble and Regional Auditions for Honors Choir
February, early Regional Choir and State Auditions for Honors Choir
March, early State Honors Choir
April, mid Middle School Outreach
Classroom Procedures
The procedures for choir are very simple. Each student will enter the classroom, spit out any gum or anything in their
mouths into the garbage, and then place their personal belongings along the walls (purses included!), not loitering
near the door or in the classroom. From there, they are to retrieve their own personal numbered choir folder from the
rack. After doing so, they are to complete one classroom opener from the out folder located on the piano and return
to their seat to complete it in pencil and take down any vocabulary notes from the board. Each student is to be in
their seat, actively working on these tasks when the second bell rings. Unexcused tardiness is disrespectful to all
individuals in the classroom and will result in consequences after one warning. Once the worksheet is completed or
when the teacher calls the class to warm-ups, the worksheets will be placed in the appropriately labeled folder in the
IN bin. After turning in the bellwork, if time, students are expected to study vocabulary in their seats.
The exit procedures for the class are nearly the reversal of the previous. All personal belongings are to be gathered
up as well as checking in your area for trash. Trash is to be placed in the garbage can before exiting. All music
needs to be returned to the folder and the folder replaced in the correct numbered slot in the music folder cabinet.
Students must be in their assigned seats before the bell rings to be dismissed from class.
Consequences: LHHS has implemented a three strike system which this classroom will follow. You will receive a
warning, a detention, and removal from the classroom for the day. If you receive three of these sets in a
semester, you will be removed for the semester. If necessary, a Post-It system can be put in place for
specific classes. As always, if the infraction is severe, the three strikes will not exist and the student will be
removed to the office immediately.
Norms/rules that have been put into place are as follows:
- Be prepared and on time
o Follow the procedures and get them done. Tardiness will result in a tardy detention. Late
class openers receive a zero. Being on time and prepared is respectful behavior
- Check your body language
o Body language is a major indicator of attentiveness and respect. Slumping, crossed arms,
tapping feet, rolling eyes none of these are acceptable behaviors. Again, the teacher will
treat you with respectful behavior and expects the same all through the classroom.
- Stay current during class and rehearsal
o Not following along or being disruptive to other students is a waste of class time. Most people
have joined this ensemble because of their love of singing please be respectful and allow
them to learn.

- Honor one voice or group
o Be respectful of those who are receiving instruction. Those individuals who are not will be
given a warning. Respectful behavior within this classroom allows people to feel comfortable
with trying new techniques and vocally growing.
- Treat others as you would wish to be treated
o and respectful behavior earns you respectful behavior in return. Disrespectful behavior or
comments to anyone in the classroom will not be tolerated. The teacher will treat you with
respect and expects the same in return towards her and the others in the classroom.
- Try it!
o As stated before, there are going to be techniques and activities the teacher will ask the class
to attempt to improve some aspect of their musicality. Try it and you might be surprised with
how things turn out. This is where respectful behavior towards others is key!!!
- Support success, not judgment
o The objective of this class is to become a successful ensemble. Placing judgment has no
place in the choral classroom support others in their endeavors to become better musicians
and allow them time within the learning process.

If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask the director!!
Student Signature: _______________________________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________________________________

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