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Proactive Approach to Online Learning
Tracey Nirldon, a student who is enrolled in an online course for the first time requires
support in order to have a successful experience in this new forum for learning. She is excited
about using 21
Century skills of technology to learn about teaching, which she is passionate
about. The course, Introduction to Teaching is the beginning of her journey to becoming
certified as a teacher and fulfilling her life long dream. However, Tracey is experiencing some
anxiety due to the variables of unknown factors that she must contend with as she approaches a
new platform from which she will learn. Due to Traceys proactive nature, she has made an
appointment with a professor at the local university who teaches an online class in an effort to
gain insight on any preliminary measures that she can take to better prepare herself for the new
learning adventure. The professor was very helpful providing her with details of some features
that might be used in the online forum. She informed her of the primary needs which are
knowing the technology requirements of the equipment due to course requirements expected of
her such as, extra memory for streaming videos, scanner, ability to upload files etc. The
professor also shared that she would need to learn procedural steps on how to use the designated
software package in order to be able to fully participate and benefit in the online class.
Instructors Support of New Online Course Learners
Traceys online class began with little surprise in the overall expectations. She felt
mentally prepared and less intimidated by the novelty of taking the online course due to the
information she learned during the meeting with the professor of the local university. She
realized that she was more fortunate due to her course professors compassion for students to
experience success thus provided an orientation for those who were enrolled in an online course
for the first time. The orientation consisted of tutorials using the actual software assigned to
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each new learner that would be used during the class. The professor walked students through
steps to have experience with learning the expectations for the students as an online learner
before the official first day of the semester. The professor demonstrated how asynchronous
communication occurs in blackboard between the professor and the student and between a
student and a student. The professor informed students of guidelines that arise with
asynchronous communication due to limited cues, inflection ability, and gestures common in
face-to-face communication. He highlighted the necessity to consider the recipient of the
communication to ensure proper etiquette and protocol for effective communication occurs. In
this way he contended that all learners are held accountable for their actions due to expectations
outlined. He provided an example of humor in that an effort to avoid misinterpretation, a student
might preface their statement with A NOTE OF HUMOR in order provide clarity on the
purpose of the communication. The professor demonstrated simplistic troubleshooting tips such
as using different browsers for a better response to some software programs. A demonstration on
how to contact Information Technology (IT) if the problem proved beyond simple
troubleshooting procedures was included in the orientation. The professor also demonstrated
how students could review their academic progress, find due dates for assignments as well as
how to upload assignments. The synchronous platform for an online chat in real time was
highlighted for direct communication with the professor or peers in the course.

Fully Prepared for Day 1 of Distance Learning
As a result of Tracey being proactive regarding her desire to be successful coupled with
the conscientious professor scheduling an orientation workshop for the students who were new to
the distance learning platform, she was equipped and prepared to engage in the online course.
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While she imagined that there was still a learning curve for operating the software without
challenges, she did believe she was so much better prepared to engage in a conversation about
the next steps if she required assistance for trying to solve problems. She also felt confident that
as the course developed, she would be more familiar with process regarding synchronous and
asynchronous interactions, software functions, and technology challenges that would only
enhances her effectiveness in becoming equally as successful as an online distance learner as she
has been in a face to face classroom setting.
My Online Class Experience
My online distance learning experience has been varied. I have enrolled in programs
whereby professors have provided initial support to ensure that students understand the
expectations of the course. I have also been enrolled in programs that have provided no supports
with the understanding that the student is responsible for learning what the expectations are and
executing them effectively. The most important skill sets needed to be successful in an online
course is the ability to use technology, the software and possess a basic level of typing
proficiency. I think that an orientation option is the most beneficial to the learner. If the learner
believes they are conversant with a variety of software programs, they should have the option of
participating in the orientation or not. However, the learner should at some point be provided the
opportunities to self identify their prior experience with distance learning. If this is a new
platform for the student, it should be a requirement to participate in the orientation in order to aid
in their decision on whether they see themselves being successful in a distance learning program
with the option to withdraw in a timely fashion if they come to the conclusion that the learning
curve is too steep for them to be successful. In that way, the student can save time and money
and the school will in turn have a lower drop out rate for unsuccessful distance learning students.

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