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One of the most popular and influential writers of this generation is Paulo

Coelho. He is one of those writers that helps in the proliferation of books to

create success. His road to success is filled with winding paths and roadblocks. I
believe that there are a number of dead ends as well.

Paolo Coelho has always aspired of becoming a writer. His parents never approved
of it. Due to his unconventional ways and unusual introversion, he was admitted
to a mental institution. He rebelled and had to escape several times. At the age of
twenty, he was finally released. Paulo dropped out of law school and engaged in a
hippie lifestyle. He traveled to different places like North America, South America
and Europe. In these travels, he also got immersed in drug culture. These are just
some of Paulo's roads to success that made him a very introspective writer.

Personally, I believe that Paulo Coelho's writings can be classified as self help
books or self improvement books. He just uses a lot of metaphors to convey
his messages. This is a style that is totally different from the usual books to create
success for dummies or self help books 101. His experiences in life, enabled him
to see life's beauty through metaphors. It's a talent that can only be unleashed
through life's most painful experiences.

Paulo Coelho is a supporter of peer to peer sharing sites. In fact, he would like to
share his writings to everyone. Due to some translation rights owned by the
publishing houses, he cannot completely share his books. Paulo is the only living
author whose books has been translated in 67 languages and has sold more than
65 million copies worldwide as awarded by the Guinness Book of World Records.
This is my way of helping Paulo share his books online. It may be self help books,
self improvement or books to create success to some, that is already
irrelevant. What is important is the initiative in actualizing his dream or intention
of empowering people with his books and their accompanying messages.
This is an excerpt from Paulo Coelho's Blog: Please take note that the free
books download is only available till the first week of January 2010. You can find
the titles in PDF, Sony Reader, Kindle, and iPhone


ANSWER: First, because I need to write, and I write more than the market can

Second, because I believe in free contents.

Third: although I wish I could share all my books, the publishing houses have the
translation rights. So these are the only ones that I have the translation rights.


ANSWER: First, I want you to read and enjoy. It supports several different
platforms, including iPhone.

Second: – there are a lot of local libraries that don’t have funds to purchase
books. You can print and give to your local library

– Hay muchas bibliotecas que no tienen dinero para comprar libros. Ud. puede
imprimir e hacer una donacion.

– Existem muitas bibliotecas que não tem dinheiro para comprar livros, ou são
obrigadas a compra-los do governo. Voce pode imprimir e fazer uma doaçao para
sua biblioteca local.

Third: – the same is valid for hospitals and prisons. People have plenty of time
and nothing new to read. I count on you to do a community service, and again –
print and distribute for free in these places.
Free Books/Free Ebooks Download:


“The Way of the Bow” relates the story of Tetsuya, the best archer of the country,
who conveys his teachings to a boy in his village. Using the metaphor of archery
the author leads us through several essential thoughts : our daily efforts and
work, how to overcome difficulties, steadfastness, and courage to take risky


“Stories for Parents, Children and Grandchildren” is a stroll through the universal
traditions and legends, lulled by the unforgettable magic words “Once upon a
time…”This book by Paulo Coelho contains joyful, amazing and dramatic stories
for readers of all ages. Most of them recount traditional legends and tales from
many cultures. Included are also stories inspired by the author’s personal
experience and episodes from the lives of celebrated names, as means of


“Warrior of the Light” is a collection of texts that, for the first time, are gathered
from the internet writings of Paulo Coelho. In his inimitable style, Paulo Coelho
helps us to discover the warrior of the light within each of us. In these volumes
readers are invited to to travel through the life and imagination of a pilgrim writer.

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