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Comment Exemplars for Quarter 1 Reporting November 2014

Below are just a few samples of comments that would be appropriate for a parent audience.
Review the comments and consider the following:
Is the comment written in parent-friendly language?
Does the comment identify student strengths and challenges in relation to learning
outcomes for this reporting period?
Is a suggestion identified that may support the student in his/her learning?
Does the comment meet the character count limitations?
If applicable, does a learner profile (L.P.) comment identify a social behavior or work
habit that is well developed or that possibly requires further development?

Sample #1
Mathematics 8 - Quarter 1 (Approx 775 characters)
Name can place decimal numbers (1.5), simple fractions (3/4) and both positive and negative
numbers (+3 & -4) in the correct relative positions on a number line. He is able to make sense
of word problems involving positive and negative numbers, but has difficulty representing his
ideas with math sentences. Name also has difficulty converting between metric units (for
example, between millimeters and centimeters). Name could improve his understanding of
metric conversions by completing hands-on activities involving measurement (for example,
measuring distances using a ruler) where he could record his answers using different units. L.P.
Name is a wonderful group member in class activities, listening attentively and contributing to
conversations in a positive way.

Sample #2
Biology 11 - Quarter 1 (Approx 400 characters)
Name is able to perform experiments with microscopes and record the data collected. She has
difficulty describing how the specialized parts of the cell, such as the nucleus, carry out their
functions. To improve, Name is encouraged to review the interactive cells online at
cellsalive.com and meet with me to demonstrate her learning. L.P. More focus on our success
criteria will support learning.

Sample #3
English Language Arts 7 - Quarter 1 (Approx 695 characters)
Name regularly chooses Just Right texts that meet his reading interests. He independently
makes connections to what he reads and is developing the ability to discuss the theme, or main
message, of the text. Name has difficulty being an active listener in class and struggles to
make eye contact in small group discussions. Also, Name has demonstrated difficulty providing
details in his writing. For growth, Name can continue to develop his personal bank of ideas for
writing using one of our regularly used online tools, such as Padlet, and providing rich details
that engage his five senses. L.P. Name has made wonderful progress this quarter in following
our classroom rules and routines.

Sample #4
English Communication 11 Quarter 1 (Approx 390 characters)
Name is able to determine the validity and appropriateness of information she has researched
as well as ask relevant questions during discussions. At times Name struggles to expand on her
ideas when writing. For growth, Name can purposefully view a wide variety of media and visual
texts to focus on structure and style. L.P. Name is encouraged to take pride in her work in the
coming quarter.

Sample #5
Mikmaw Studies 10 Quarter 1 (Approx 375 characters)
Name has an excellent understanding of the role of oral storytelling in First Nations culture,
including its connections to spiritual and historical understandings. Name is not yet familiar with
the inherent rights of the Mikmaq as the first occupants of these lands. Name would benefit by
further exploring traditional Mi'kmaq viewpoints as introduced in class discussions.

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