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Article Analysis

Your article Analysis should address the following areas. Please refer to the scoring rubric that will be used to score your
submissions for more details and specifics about each area. The article used should be cited using APA citation protocols.
Enter your answers directly into the table below. Save the document as: articleanalysis#_lastname.docx (Note: Replace
the # with the number of the article analysis as there will be more than one this semester.)
Be careful to answer each of the questions asked of you in each part of the form. There may be multiple questions in each
part. Sometimes those questions are asked as part of only one or two sentences.
Article Citation in APA format: (Dont forget to use a correctly formatted hanging indentation.)Hong
Kong Teachers' Association. Kowloon, Hong Kong: http://www.cpe.ied.edu.hk/newhorizon
Part I: Research Problem
Accurately and completely identify all research questions and/or hypotheses addressed within the chosen

!This study identified the factors predicting the utilization of these Web 2.0 tools in classroom instruction.
It provides insight into the barriers of technology integration for future implementation.Three out of five
predictors included: teachers self-efficacy, professional development, and school administrative support
significantly predict the use of Web 2.0 tools.

!What factors predict teachers use of Web 2.0 tools in K-12 classrooms?

Part II: Literature Review

How would you characterize the general field of knowledge in which this research study is situated; e.g.,
Research on Teacher Effectiveness, Research on Self-Reflective Learning, Research on Gender
Differences in Mathematics Performance, etc.?

!Self-Efficacy, Professional Development, and Web 2.0 Tools for Integration

!List three (3) key points from the literature review that help the reader develop understanding of what is

already known, and determine the purpose of this study in light of other studies. Cite at least one study
used by the author to make each of the three points. In parentheses list the page of the article where each
of the key points may be found.

!Web 2.0 tools facilitate collaboration and interaction, offer possibilities for immediate feedback, foment
social connections and communities, and harness collective intelligence with no associated costs page 29
!Schools that integrate Web 2.0 tools in teaching may attract students to school work, meet individual
learning needs, develop students critical thinking skills, provide an alternative learning environment,
expand learning outside schools, and prepare students for lifelong learning pg 29

!The efficiency of professional development influences the adoption and integration of technology in
classroom practice pg 30

Part III: Research Design and Data Analysis

Describe the research design (experimental, co-relational, descriptive, case study, etc).

!sample and survey

Describe the method(s) of data collection.
!A nationwide stratified sample frame was utilized to collect quantitative data through a web survey. A

multiple regression analysis was employed to isolate the factors influencing the integration of Web 2.0
tools in K-12 classrooms.

Describe the method(s) of data analysis.Research methods and descriptive statistics were used to analyze

demographic information, to calculate the use frequency of Web 2.0 tools, and to determine teachers selfefficacy in using Web 2.0 tools.
Part IV: Findings
Briefly and accurately list all of the notable and significant outcomes of the study. Summarize and
describe the outcomes of the research. In this section you do not have to supply large amounts of statistical
data from the article.

!Both quantitative and qualitative data suggest the need for school administrative support for the

integration of Web 2.0 tools in instructional settings.he qualitative data suggested that school districts and
administrations not only need to understand the benefits but provide technology

!The literature reviewed indicates that professional development enhances teachers beliefs of self-efficacy
Part V: Limitations
Accurately describe the limitations of the study either specifically stated within the article or those
inferred by you through the lens of effective research practice.
there were not many limitations
Can the outcome(s) be generalized or transferred to groups outside of this study? To what other
populations can the results apply or not apply?
The outcomes can be generalized to other groups of teachers
Part VI: Validity and Reliability
If the study contains quantitative measurements, answer these questions: (a) How valid is the research?
(b) How reliable is the research? If the study contains qualitative data and analyses, answer this question:
(c) Did the researchers establish the credibility, neutrality, confirmability, consistency or dependability,
and applicability or transferability of their findings? If the study used mixed methods, be sure to answer
parts a, b, and c of this question.
Part VII: Implications for Practice
Thoroughly describe implications of the study on your personal practice, pedagogical, or instructional
choices. In other words, clearly discuss ways in which you can incorporate findings from this study into
your own professional practice both now AND in the future.


Part VIII: Article Quality Ratings

Directions: Indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements by BOLDING an X in the space
provided for each item for the number froms 5 for strongly agree (SA) to 1 for strongly disagree (SD). If you believe an
item is not applicable to this research article, leave it blank. Be prepared to explain your ratings. When responding to
criteria A and B, keep in mind that brief titles and abstracts are conventional in published research.



The title of the article is appropriate.


The abstract provides an effective overview of

the research article.


The introduction establishes the importance of

the study.


The literature review establishes the context for

the study.


The research purpose, questions, or hypothesis is

clearly stated.


The method of sampling is sound.


Relevant demographics (for example, age,

gender, and ethnicity) are described.


Measurement procedures are adequate.


All procedures have been described in sufficient

detail to permit a replication of the study.


The participants have been adequately protected

from potential harm.


The results are clearly described.


The discussion/conclusion is appropriate.

M. Despite any flaws, the report is worthy of





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