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Teacher Candidate:

Erin Miller______

Date: 2/14/17

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Verano ___

Coop. Initials KV

Group Size:

Grade Level 3


Subject or Topic:

Allotted Time _60

Transitions of Matter


3.2.3.A3. Demonstrate how heating and cooling may cause changes in the properties of
materials including phase changes.


Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

a. The third grade students will be able to state the changes of matter (how
the occur) by completing an inquiry worksheet and an exit slip.
Instructional Materials
a. Powerpoint presentation Changes in Matter
b. 5 sets of:
1. Thermometer
2. 3 plastic cups, about 200 mL each
3. 3 plastic stirring rods
4. 3 ice cubes all about 2cm
5. Warm water about 40C-45C
6. Room temperature water about 20C-25C
7. Cool water about 1C -6C
8. Stopwatch
9. Inquiry Worksheet
c. Exit slip (cut in half-based on the dark black line)
d. Exit slip checklist


Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of

additional content)
a. Prerequisite skills
1. The three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas
2. The density of the three states of matter
3. The effects of temperature on density and particles


b. Key Vocabulary
1. Physical change-Alters the form of a substance, but does not
change it to another substance
2. Chemical change-Changes the substance into a different
substance with different properties
3. Thermal Change-Energy from the movement of particles within
4. Chemical change-Chemical bonds within matter
5. Melting-Occurs when matter changes from a solid to a liquid
6. Melting Point-the temperature at which a solid changes into a
7. Freezing-Occurs when matter changes from a liquid to a solid
8. Vaporization-when a liquid gains enough energy to become a
9. Evaporation-Vaporization that takes place only on the surface
of the liquid
10. Boiling-Vaporization takes place inside a liquid as well as at the
11. Condensation-when a gas loses enough thermal energy to
become a liquid
12. Sublimation-the surface particles of a solid gain enough energy
to become a gas, but do not pass through the liquid state
c. Big Idea
1. How do the states of matter transition between each other?
d. Additional content
a. Introduction
1. Watch Youtube video Crayon Melting Time Lapse Take II
2. Have students discuss what is happening to the crayons in the
3. Yesterday we learned about the three states of matter, today we
are going to learn about how matter transitions between those
b. Development
1. Present Powerpoint presentation Changes in Matter (videos
2. Have students form groups of 4-5, provide each group with
thermometer, 3 plastic cups, 3 stirring rods, 3 ice cubes all about
the same size, warm water, room temperature water, and cool
water, and stopwatch
3. Students predict what will happen during the inquiry on
4. Students fill a cup halfway with warm water, fill a second cup
half way with water at room temperature, and fill a third cup with
cool water

5. Students make note of the temperature on their chart on the

inquiry worksheet
6. Students place one ice cube the warm cup and start the stopwatch
7. Students stir the ice in the water
8. When each ice cube is completely melted and mark down the
time and temperature of the water (Stop the children and ask
them to record N/A under final temperature if the cool water
takes over 5 minutes)
9. Students place one ice cube in the room temperature cup and
start the stopwatch
10. When the ice cube melts, they mark down the time and present
temperature on the inquiry worksheet
11. Students place one ice cube in the cool water and start the
12. When the ice cube melts, the students mark down the time and
present temperature on the inquiry worksheet
13. Students finish questions on worksheet and it is collected
c. Closure
1. Students will complete Changes of Matter Exit Slip (should be
cut in half, one half provided to each student). Replay the
Melting Crayon video if necessary
2. Students will turn in exit slip
3. Yesterday, we learned about matter and its three states. Today
we learned how those states transitions within themselves.
Tomorrow we are going to take everything we have learned so
far apply it to water.
d. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. DC has a hearing disability. He will wear his hearing aids and I
will wear the microphone that will feed directly into his hearing
aids. He will also be given preferential seating, towards the front
of the classroom.
e. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
1. Inquiry worksheet will be collected for review
2. Exit slip
2. Summative
a. There is no summative assessment.


Reflective Response

a. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection

on student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation
for students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

b. Remediation Plan

c. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. How can I improve this lesson?

2. Did the students gain a complete understanding of the changes of

matter to apply it to their inquiry?

3. Did the students struggle with the inquiry?


Resources (in APA format)

Chemical Building Blocks: teacher's edition. (2000). In Science Explorer (pp. 62-71).
Upper Saddle River: Prentce-Hall Inc.
Dumgirl2000. (2011, September 2). Melting Crayon Time Lapse Take II. Retrieved from
Yourtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s29kbg1iHrA
Study Jams: Matter solids, liquids, and gases. (2014). Retrieved from Scholastic:
Study Jams: Physical and chemical changes of matter. (2014). Retrieved from Scholastic:

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