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Standard 5

Teacher leaders contribute to systematic, critical analysis of learning in their classrooms and beyond. They are
lifelong learners who model and support ongoing professional development. Teachers embrace critical thinking,
problem solving, and innovation. Teacher leaders:

Promote an educational culture that values reflective practice.

Model the development of meaningful professional goals.
Model personal and professional reflection to extend student learning and school improvement.


FCS 5100 Personal Theory/Philosophy Paper

FCS 5525 Synthesis Reflection

My experiences in the Bachelor degree program taught me an abundance about child development,
working with families, and appropriate practices. However, as a result of the graduate program, I now
value research much more than before. During the bachelors program there was not as much
independent research involved in the studies, rather the instructors providing the research information
for me. During the graduate I have learned how to find valid information on my own and how to take
advantage of various resources. Due to conducting active research I have been given opportunities to
reflect on my practices and beliefs when it concerns the education of young children. Before, I tended
to just do what I had been taught or what others had done before me rather than take a step back and
really investigate how I could better my practices for the benefit of the children in the classroom. As I
studied the various theories of child development, something that I had done before but not with as
much involvement, I began to transform my own philosophies and theories as to how children best learn
and develop successfully. Instead of viewing myself as a teacher, I began to view myself as the
facilitator. By this I mean, that children are going to learn regardless, however, what they learn can be
facilitated by the environment and activities I make available in the classroom. I began to spend more
time in thinking about what skills and concepts I wanted to children to learn and began to set up the
environment to provoke the childrens curiosity in these areas. For example, if I was wanting to focus on
children learning to print letters, specifically their name, I would place sign in sheets in the learning
centers for the children to sign as they entered the center. Also, as children entered the classroom for
the day I would ask that they sign-in. I have index cards with each individuals name printed, so that
the children can refer to their name card if they are not sure how to print their name. I have found this
strategy to be more effective than having children sit and write their name over and over.
I am now not afraid to take a risk and try something new. For example, I will now allow the children to
have more freedom in their choices of activities and ways of approaching tasks rather than feeling that
there is only one set way to do things. Before, even after my undergraduate courses, I unfortunately fell
to the pressure of other educators before me who felt that everything should be taught the same way,
at the same time, to all children. Even though I knew this practice was not beneficial to all children, I
was still guilty of following this practice. Now, knowing that I am capable of finding research on my own
to back up my beliefs and practices I feel more confident in doing things differently, as I see them to be
most appropriate. When my practices are challenged by a director, teacher, or parent I am able to
provide information that justifies why I chose to do things a certain way. When encouraged by others to

have the children in my classroom to spend more time sitting and focusing on worksheet type activities,
in order to get ready for kindergarten, I refer to the Power of Play theory that is posted on the
Department of Instruction website. I also invite anyone to spend time in my classroom to observe the
learning that is taking place during the childrens free time or play. Furthermore, I now feel
confident in trying new strategies and do not view them as failures when they do not work with a
particular child or group. Rather I reflect on the process and outcome of the strategy to decide how I
can improve or transform the strategy to make it more effective. Just because something do not work
well in a particular circumstance does not mean it was a failure rather it was just not appropriate or
effective for the particular situation. For example, I have attempted to allow the children in my
classroom to have jobs, such as line leader, teachers helper, door holder, etc. I have found this to be
more of a hinderance with certain groups of children due to having a large number of dominate
personalities in my classroom. I did not give up on the idea, rather I focused on helping the children to
consider fairness and earning privileges and not feeling entitlement. I focused on teaching these
concepts through reading stories that focused on the concepts, as well as, finding teachable moments
throughout the day to encourage the children to begin to think about the meaning of a privilege.
As I have continued through the courses of the graduate program, I feel that I have grown in confidence
and ability to conduct research on my own and to present it in a professional manner in order improve
the educational experiences of children in my care. I am now able to present information to my coworkers and director via staff meetings or in general conversation that will improve the quality of the
care provided where we work. I am also more capable of speaking with families in a professional yet
non-intimidating manner in order to ensure the best experiences for them and their child while in my
classroom. Before, I avoided speaking with co-workers and families due to a lack of feeling they would
take me seriously and respect what I had to say. Now, in hindsight, I see that if you want others to
respect what you have to say and consider your ideas you have to be able to provide them with more
than just your word. You have to provide information form experience and valid research.
I have learned to reflect on situations and practices that may have not played out as I had planned and
make changes or start over completely in order to better myself professionally and offer the best quality
care I can.

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