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Teacher Candidate Raschelle Davis Grade Level 6th Title The Sun
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:
Rodrigo (5)
Michelle (5)
Jennifer (3)
Karen (4)
Jonathan (5)
Samira (5)
Eric (4)
Daniel (5)
Adrian (4)
Advanced (Honor)
Quinn talkative and easily distracted.
Jonathan talkative, easily distracted and distracting to the rest of the class as well.
Eric tends to get off task easily.
Daniel talkative.
Classroom environment:
Students are sitting at tables of desks that have been pushed together. The classroom is very organized
and easy to move around in. At the front of the room is a white board and a pull down screen. There is
also an Elmo that is available.
Science Lab:
The science lab has six eight long lunch room style tables. There is plenty of room to move around in the
science lab. This is the room the majority of the lesson will take place.
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be
able to do?)
Standard III Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the solar system.

Objective 1 Describe and compare the components of the solar system.

c.) Use models and graphs that accurately depict scale to compare the size and distance between
objects in the solar system. (3)
Content Walk-Away: I will explore the characteristics of the sun and compare the size of the sun to
the size of the other planets in the solar system. (1)
Language Walk-Away: I will write the characteristics of the sun and compare the size of the sun to
the size of the other planets in the solar system. (2)
Vocabulary: Hydrogen, Helium, atmosphere, and energy. (9)
There is so much information that a person can learn about the sun. A person could spend a lifetime
learning about the sun, the characteristics, how it helps us, the history, and what it is made of. For the
sake of this lesson I am going to focus on the five questions the students will be exploring throughout the
lesson and a few interesting facts I found out about the sun the students may be interested in.
What is the sun and what is it made of?
The sun is a star that started to shine about five billion years ago. The sun and the planets that surround
the sun were formed from gas and dust. The sun is the nearest start to Earth and the only star in our solar
system. The sun is not solid like the Earth but it is made of very hot, burning gas (Mist, 2008, pp. 9-12).
The gases that make up the sun are mostly hydrogen and helium, it is also made up of other materials
such as iron, calcium, and sodium (Lyon, 1957, p. 7).
What is the relationship between the Sun and the Earth?
The Earth is the perfect distance from the sun for life to be possible. If we lived any closer the Earth
would be too hot for life and if we lived any further it would be to cold. The Earth gets heat, energy and
light from the sun that makes living on Earth possible (Atwater, et al., 1993, p. 32). The sun and the tilt of
the Earths axis cause the seasons. The change of the seasons effects the cycles of living animals and
plants (Atwater, et al., 1993, p. 77). Without sunlight plants would not be able to grow, many animals and
humans need plants to survive. With solar panels we can use the suns energy. We can change the suns
energy into electricity (Mist, 2008, pp. 15-17). The sun is how we get rain. The heat from the sun helps
the water on earth to evaporate which is a huge part of the water cycle (Lyon, 1957, p. 9).
How big is the sun compared to the Earth?
The sun is so big that about one millions Earths would be able to fit inside of it. If you were to walk all
away around the Earth without stopping it would take you about 11 months, but if you were to try and
walk all the way around the sun without stopping it would take you about 100 years. (Atwater, et al.,
1993, p. 30). The sun itself is about 900,000 miles wide (Mist, 2008, p. 13) The sun is 100 times wider
than the Earth. The suns mass is about 750 times greater than all the other objects in the Solar System
put together (Jackson, Dr. Goldsmith, Dr. Savard, & Elia, 2012, p. 233).
How far away is the sun from the Earth?
When you look up into the sky, the sun looks to be about the size of a basketball. The reason it looks so
far away for us is because it is so far away. The sun is so far away that it takes about 8 minutes for the
sunlight to make the trip to Earth. (Atwater, et al., 1993, p. 30). I found two different distances in my
research as the distance from the sun to the Earth. This first is the sun is about 161 million km (100
million miles) from Earth (Mist, 2008, p. 8). The second distance I found was 93 million miles away
(Lyon, 1957, p. 7), (Atwater, et al., 1993, p. 32), (Jackson, Dr. Goldsmith, Dr. Savard, & Elia, 2012, p. 234).

What does the sun have to do with gravity in our solar system?
The solar system is held together by an invisible force called gravity (Mist, 2008, p. 9)Everything in our
solar system orbits around the sun. The sun is the center of our solar system. This is because of the strong
gravitational pull of the sun which holds everything in the solar system in place (Atwater, et al., 1993, p.
Interesting facts I found through my research.
The surface of the sun is more than 50 times hotter than boiling water (Mist, 2008, p. 13).
The core or the middle of the sun is nearly 3000 times hotter than the surface of the sun (Mist, 2008, p.
17). The surface of the sun is 11000 degrees that is over 8000 degrees hotter than the temperature
needed to melt iron. The sun has been burning for billions of years and has enough hydrogen fuel to burn
for another billion years (Lyon, 1957, pp. 7-9).

Atwater, M., Baptisite, P., Daniel, L., Hackett, J., Moyer, R., Takemoto, C., & Wilson, N. (1993). A system in
the sky. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company.
Jackson, T., Dr. Goldsmith, M., Dr. Savard, S., & Elia, A. (2012). Help your kids with science. New York:
Dorling Kindersley.
Lyon, J. (1957). Our sun and the world around it. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Mist, R. (2008). The solar system. New York: Scholastic .

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the

students have learned the Walk-Away?) 5E-Evaluate
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the
Observe as students work together with groups at centers. Listen to
their reasoning as they gather information and data about the sun at
their centers. While walking around I will be listening for
misconceptions that may need to be clarified. (30)
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the characteristics of the
sun and the size of the sun compared to the size of the Earth by
completing a pre- and a post- test. (30)
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Students will write about the characteristics of the sun and demonstrate

dations (ELL, IEP, GATE,
ELL The assessment will
be read to Rodrigo, Jennifer,
Karen, Eric, and Johnathan.
IEP- The assessment will be
read to all IEP students. (5)
Advanced- There will be an
advanced student in each
group during centers. They
will have an extra question
to answer on the pre- and
post- test. (5)
Behavior- Will not be
grouped together with their

the relative sizes of the sun to the other planets in the solar system. (30)
5 min.

friends. (17)


Approximate length of entire lesson: 80 minutes.
Teaching time: from 10:40 to 12:07
Activate/Building Background Knowledge
Boys and girls throughout the last couple of weeks Mrs. Shaw has been teaching you
about the solar system. (8) Today we are going to learn about a very important part of
the solar system, in fact without it we wouldnt even have a solar system. Let me give you
a few clues. Dont shout it out, but as I am talking if you think you know what I am
describing put your hands on your head.(30) Remember do not shout out the answer.
Lets practice real quick. Show me what you are going to do if you know what I am
talking about. Give time to demonstrate. (18) Every morning we wake up and get ready
for the day. During the day it is always shining and giving us light, heat, and energy.
Without fail it comes up over the horizon in the East and although we watch it rise
sometimes and know it is there, many times we take it for granted and do not really think
about the importance of it being in our lives. (7) When I count to three I want all of you to
tell me what you think I was talking about. Wait time. (18) Ready, one, two, three. Yes I
am talking about the sun. Hold up a picture of the sun. Today we are going to be learning
a lot about the sun and its characteristics. Can anybody tell me what characteristics are?
Listen to answers. If nobody knows activate background knowledge by telling them.
(Characteristics are a quality or a trait that a person, place, or thing has that separates
them from other people, places, or things. For example I have dark hair, and Anna has
blonde hair. Can you see that we have different characteristics?) (8) Let us read our walkaways together as a class. (1,2)These will be posted on the board in the classroom and in
the science lab. We are also going to build our own sun at the end and compare our own
sun to the sizes of the planets that surround the sun, but first before we do any of this we
need to learn some vocabulary words. (4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 26, 29)
Formative assessment: (30)
Learning Goal
Students will predict I am
talking about the sun as I
give clues to what we will be

Success Criteria
Students will put their hand
on their heads when they
think they have guessed
what I am talking about as I
read the clues. They will
then tell me what they

Assessment Strategy
I will observe the students
as they put their hands on
their head. I will then listen
to what they guessed I was
talking about. The answer I
am listening for is the Sun.

Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

ELL- Pictures and visualization are provided to help them make connections. (4,5) IEPPictures and visualizations are provided to help them make connections. (4,5) Behaviorwill not be seated next to their friends or where they can be distracted or become a

Focus Lesson (I do it) 5E-Engage

The first vocabulary word is hydrogen, everybody say hydrogen with me. Hydrogen is a
chemical element that has no color or smell and that is the simplest, lightest, and most
common element. On the sun it comes in the form of a gas. Post on the board, with the
definition and a picture. (4,9) The next word we will be learning is helium. Everybody say
helium with me. Helium is a chemical element that is a colorless gas, that is lighter than

air, and that is often used to fill balloons. Helium is the gas that they put in balloons to
make them float. Also if you breathe in helium it will make your voice sound funny and
high pitched. Post on the board with a picture and definition. (4,9)The next word I want
you to learn is atmosphere. Everybody say atmosphere with me. An atmosphere is a mass
of gases or air that surrounds a planet or star. Post on board with a picture and the
definition. (4,9) The last word I want you to learn is energy. Everybody say energy with
me. Energy is a usable power that comes from another source. There are different kinds of
energy. Our bodies need food to produce energy. The T.V. at your home needs electricity
to produce energy. Cars need gas to produce energy in order to run. (7) Today we will be
learning about energy that comes from the heat and light of the sun. Post word on board
with picture and definition. (4,9) I want to be hearing you use these words when we do
our investigations in the science lab. We will also be writing them today. I will have the
words posted in the classroom and the science lab. Before we go into the science lab we
need to create our foldable that we will be filling out during our centers. Pass out paper
and scissors. Everybody look up here at me. Walk them through how to make their
foldable. Throw away garbage and gather scissors. Now I need everybodys attention up
here at the whiteboard. Post list of student names on the Elmo. These are the groups you
will be working with. (17) Find your name and see what number of table you will be
sitting at when we go to the science lab. The tables will be numbered when we get in there
I will quickly explain what we will be doing. I need you to bring your foldable and a pencil
with you. When you sit down do not touch anything at the table until you receive further
instruction. (4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12,13,14, 17,22,25,26)
Formative Assessment: (30)
Learning Goal
Success Criteria
Students will say vocabulary Students will say the
words as they are being
vocabulary words when
introduced to them.
prompted. The vocabulary
words are Hydrogen,
Helium, atmosphere, and

Assessment Strategy
I will listen to the students
say their vocabulary words.
Hydrogen, Helium,
atmosphere, and energy.

All six groups the students are placed in are going to have a variety of ELL, IEP, and Honors
students. (17)
ELL- Pictures and examples of the vocabulary words are used to help make connections.
(4,5) IEP- Pictures and examples of the vocabulary words are used to help make
connections. (4,5) Honors- There will be at least one honor student in each group. (17)
Behavior- Will not be grouped with friends or students that distract them. (17)
30 min.

Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) 5E-Explain

We will go to the science lab and get everyone settled at their appropriate tables. Boys and
girls if you are on this side of the room. Point to the right side of the room, you will be
rotating between these three centers. If you are on this side of the room, point to the left
side of the room, you will be rotating through these three centers. There will be
instructions on what to do at each center but let me explain them to you first; I will also
explain what we will be doing with our foldable. First of all lets look at your foldable. As
you can see on the front of each flap there is a question. Lets read the questions together.
(5) Read the questions. As you can see the honors students have two extra questions they
will be answering today.(5) As you go through your centers I want you to answer these
questions with as much facts and details as possible. You will write what you find
underneath the flap of the question, like this. Show my example. Does anyone have any

questions about this? Okay now let me explain each center to you. You will have 8 minutes
to explore at each center. The first center has some books, articles, and pictures you can
look at. You need to read through some of them and write as many answers as you can
find onto your foldable. When we switch this is the way we will be rotating. I will
demonstrate where they will be going next. At center two you will have some laptops and
earphones. You will be watching two videos about the sun. The first one is a fun song that
could help you remember some cool facts; the second one is a Bill Nye video. The first
video is already pulled up, after you watch that one then you will find the other video
minimized at the bottom. Do not exit out of anything on the computer. Remember to
continue to write answers in your foldable. Even if you have already written the answers
if you find more information add to the answers you already have down. You can even
draw pictures or demonstrations, but first you need to make sure you answer the
questions. At the last center you will be working on iPads. There is not enough iPads for
everyone to have your own so you are going to have to share with a partner. There is an
app on there that I have chosen for you to explore the sun. You are not allowed to go to
any other app on the iPad. You need to stay on the app I chose. Continue to look for
answers to write on your foldable. As you are writing in your foldable I want you to make
sure that you write all four vocabulary words at least once. If you forgot what the words
are they are posted up here on the board. When you write your vocabulary word I want
you to underline it on your foldable. You are allowed to work together and talk about the
questions and answers as you find them. Give them 8 minutes at each center.
Formative Assessment: (30)
Learning Goal
Students will be
investigating different
characteristics of the sun
and the distance between
the Sun and the Earth.

Success Criteria
Students will be writing
down answers in their
foldable as they investigate
different characteristics of
the Sun and the distance
between the Sun and the

Assessment Strategy
I will observe as students
move from one station to
the next and discuss the
answers they are finding. I
will also collect the
foldables at the end with the
answers written on them.

ELL- I will be providing many examples and demonstrations. I will read each question out
loud with the class. They are allowed to draw pictures in their foldable if they need to. There
is also an honors student in each group to help when needed. The centers provide many
visual and hands on activities that will help these students make connections. (4,5,17) IEPI will be providing many examples and demonstrations. I will read each question out loud
with the class. They are allowed to draw pictures in their foldable if they need to. There is
also an honors student in each group to help when needed. The centers provide many visual
and hands on activities that will help these students make connections. (4,5,17) HonorsOne honors student will be place in each group to help when needed. These students will be
answering two more in depth questions in their foldable. (5,17)Behavior- Will not be placed
in groups with their friends or with students that will be a distraction for them. I will
continually be walking around checking on their progress throughout this time. (17)
10 min.

Guided Instruction (We do it) 5E-Explore

Everybody clean up your centers and put everything back the way that you found it. Now
we are going to talk about and share some of the things we found during our exploration.
Everybody look up here at the board. As you can see I have made my own miniature sun.
(4) (It is about the size of a poster). As we talk and discuss as a class what we found, I am

going to write some of the main points on my sun. Discuss each of the questions we
explored during our investigation. Write things they found on my sun.
Formative Assessment: (30)
Learning Goal
Students will discuss the
characteristics they
discovered about the Sun
and the distance of the Sun
from the Earth.

Success Criteria
Students will share what
they discovered about the
Sun and the distance of the
Sun from the Earth together
as a class.

Assessment Strategy
I will listen and write down
some of their discoveries
about the characteristics of
the Sun and the distance of
the Sun from the Earth.

ELL- I will be visually writing what we discuss up on my Sun for a visual aid. I will repeat
what the students talk about. (4,5) IEP- I will be visually writing what we discuss up on my
Sun for a visual aid. I will repeat what the students talk about. (4,5) Behavior- Will not be
sitting with friends or with students that distract them.


Independent (You do it alone) 5E-Elaborate

(Cross cutting concept activity: Scale and proportions)
Class now we are all going to create our own miniature suns. This is a fun activity
because we will be able to see how the size of the sun compares to the size of the other
planets. First I am going to pass out a big piece of butcher paper to you. Then each table
will get a template to trace onto your butcher paper. Then you will cut it out. You are
going to have to take turns using the template. So if you are waiting your turn I will be
passing out another little white paper with the planets on it. I want you to cut out each of
the small little planets. After you have your sun and all of your planets cut out. I want you
to glue your planets onto your sun. Then I want you to look at your foldable and pick one
important fact from each of the flaps and write it on your sun. Make sure it is legible. Now
you can see that if the sun was only this big this is how big the planets would be compared
to the sun. After everyone is done creating their sun posters I will demonstrate how we
will be folding them up and where we will be keeping them.
After the lesson I will administer the post-test.
Summative Assessment: (30)
Students will complete a pre- and a post- test about the characteristics of the sun and the
size of the sun compared to the size of the Earth.
Students will complete a pre- and a post- test about the characteristics of the sun and the
size of the sun compared to the size of the Earth.
ELL The assessment will be read to Rodrigo, Jennifer, Karen, Eric, and Johnathan. (5)
IEP- The assessment will be read to all IEP students. (5)
Advanced- There will be an advanced student in each group during centers. They will have an
extra question to answer on the pre- and post- test. (5)
Behavior- Will not be grouped together with their friends. (17)

5 min.

Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions

(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)

Boys and girls today we learned so much about the characteristics of the sun, how it affects earth,
and the size of the sun compared to the other planets. I want you to each turn to your shoulder
partner and share the sentences you wrote in your foldable with your vocabulary word in it. Then
I want you each to share one of your three interesting facts that you found during your
exploration. You will each have 2 minutes to share. Let us start with the person with the shortest
hair. This is the last lesson that you will have on the solar system. Tomorrow you will be
reviewing everything you learned and then you will be taking your test on the solar system on
Friday. (6,10,11,16,17,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)
SIOP Indicators
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary
materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input: 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Strategies: 13-Students use learning strategies, 14-Scaffolding, 15-Higher-order thinking,
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19Opportunity for L1 students
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge, 22Language skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, 24-Language objective supported, 25-Students
engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment
What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the
approximate time needed for this lesson?
Picture of the Sun.
Vocabulary words printed out with definition and pictures on them. (2 sets)
List of students placed in groups.
Enough foldables printed for the class.
A partially filled out foldable to use as an example.
1. Articles and books
2. Computers set up and plugged in with head phones. Videos cued up and ready to go.
3. 6 iPads charged, with app downloaded and ready to go.
My sun I will be using as an example and to write what we discuss on.
Butcher paper, Sun templates, Print out of planets, scissors, glue, and markers.
Pre- and Post- test printed for each student.
How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning?
How can I transfer what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective
and not effective? What goals can I set to improve my practice and student learning?

In this lesson I administered a pre-test a week before teaching this lesson and a post-test
immediately after teaching the lesson. After looking at the scores for each test and the improvement
each student made I am able to see that for the most part the students did learn the desired
information. There was one question on both the tests that most of the students missed. This tells me
that the next time I teach this lesson that I need to put a little more emphasis and focus on this
information more. I also think I would have worded the question and the answer options differently
on the exam. The test results tell me that I was successful in teaching the content and the students
learned about the sun and its characteristics. I was particularly surprised by how much better my
behavior students did on the post-test than the pre-test. This tells me that the behavior students did
well with the way the lesson was taught. I think that this lesson was very engaging and gave the
behavior students little time to be distracted.
There was a lot I learned during teaching this lesson. I learned that I really like teaching a lesson
with centers; I felt that it kept the students engaged and interested. It gave them the opportunity to
find the answers on their own instead of just being told the characteristics of the sun. I feel that in the
future it will be easier to do centers with my own classroom because in my own classroom I will be
able to train the students and practice how we behave and work in centers. Many of these students
have not been trained on how to work together and help each other find the answers so that everyone
is engaged and involved. In this lesson many of the advanced students took over and the lower
students seemed lost, until I came around and helped them through it. I also learned that if I were to
teach this lesson again I would have taught it in two days and taken more time for discussion and
deliberation and I would have liked to spend more time at each center.
Some affective things that happened during this lesson are while transitioning between centers or
when trying to get the class attention I counted backwards from five. This kept them moving quickly
to each center and gave them time to settle down and pay attention to me when I needed to give
instructions. It gave the students a sense of emergency so the transition times were short. I think
using the iPads in one of the centers was very affective. The students really liked this center and could
have spent hours exploring the sun and the planets. Some of the things that were not affective were
that the students did not work together very well. Some of the students would fly through the
information and some of the students seemed lost. There was not good communication between them
and I would have liked to see them discussing and collaborating more. As I said earlier I think that if
the students were more trained to work together in centers this would not have been a problem.
The goals I set with my supervisor are to monitor the students not on task a little better and to
remind the students that they are supposed to be working together.

The Sun Pre-Test
1. What is the sun made of?
a. Hydrogen and Helium
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
d. Propane

2. What is the sun?

a. A huge, hot planet.
b. A star
c. A comet
d. A big ball of rock that is on fire.

3. What does the sun provide for Earth?

a. Gravity
b. Energy
c. Beauty
d. Shooting stars

4. How big is the Sun?

a. 5 million miles wide
b. 900,000 miles wide
c. About the size of Jupiter.
d. You would be able to fit 60 Earths inside the sun.

5. How far away is the Sun from Earth?

a. 8 light minutes away.
b. 63,000 miles away.
c. 93 million miles away
d. Both A and C

6. What is the biggest gravitational pull in our solar system?

a. The Milky Way
b. The Earth
c. The Sun
d. Jupiter

Honors Students: On the back, list three ways the sun affects the Earth.

Name: ________________________________________________

The Sun Post-Test

1. What is the sun made of?
a. Hydrogen and Helium
b. Nitrogen
c. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
d. Propane

2. What is the sun?

a. A huge, hot planet.
b. A star
c. A comet
d. A big ball of rock that is on fire.

3. What does the sun provide for Earth?

a. Gravity
b. Energy
c. Beauty
d. Shooting stars

4. How big is the Sun?

a. 5 million miles wide
b. 900,000 miles wide
c. About the size of Jupiter.
d. You would be able to fit 60 Earths inside the sun.

5. How far away is the Sun from Earth?

a. 8 light minutes away.
b. 63,000 miles away.
c. 93 million miles away
d. Both A and C

6. What is the biggest gravitational pull in our solar system?

a. The Milky Way
b. The Earth
c. The Sun
d. Jupiter

Honors Students: On the back, list three ways the sun affects the Earth.

What is the sun and what is it made of?

What is the relationship between the Sun and

the Earth? (How does the sun affect Earth?)

How big is the sun compared to the Earth?

Honors students: (How big is the sun
compared to the other planets?)

How far away is the sun from the Earth?

Honors students: (How far is the sun from the
other planets?

What does the sun have to do with gravity in

our solar system?

List three interesting facts you found about

the sun.

Center 1

Center 2
Center 3
Center 4

Center 5
Center 6

Center 1
This is a reading center. On the table there are articles, graphs,
pictures, and books with information about the sun. Read a
couple of these with your group members and fill out the
questions on your foldable.
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write
them in a complete sentence and underline the word.

Center 4
This is a reading center. On the table there are articles, graphs,
pictures, and books with information about the sun. Read a
couple of these with your group members and fill out the
questions on your foldable.
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write
them in a complete sentence and underline the word.

Center 2
This is a watching and listening center. At this center you will watch
two videos about the sun. They are both up and ready to watch on the
computer. Do not close the websites when you are done watching it,
just minimize it. If for some reason they have been closed out here are
the web pages for both of them. Fill out your foldable as you watch
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write them in a
complete sentence and underline the word.
Center 5
This is a watching and listening center. At this center you will watch
two videos about the sun. They are both up and ready to watch on the
computer. Do not close the websites when you are done watching it,
just minimize it. If for some reason they have been closed out here are
the web pages for both of them. Fill out your foldable as you watch
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write them in a
complete sentence and underline the word.

Center 3
This is an interactive center. There are three iPads on each
table. Two students will have to share one iPad. You will be
exploring the sun on the Solar System Kids app. Click on the
Solar System icon and then explore the sun. Especially check
out the Size Comparison page. Fill out your foldable as you
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write
them in a complete sentence and underline the word.
Center 6
This is an interactive center. There are three iPads on each
table. Two students will have to share one iPad. You will be
exploring the sun on the Solar System Kids app. Click on the
Solar System icon and then explore the sun. Especially check
out the Size Comparison page. Fill out your foldable as you
*Remember if you find any of the vocabulary words. Write
them in a complete sentence and underline the word.

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