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Heversham St Peters CE Primary School Curriculum

(Updated November 2014)

In our school, teachers, assisted by teaching assistants, students or volunteer helpers,
strive to provide a stimulating range of different experiences to give your child the best
opportunity to learn.
Your childs progress will be carefully assessed and he or she will be given clear targets to
improve over time. Marking is used to celebrate good work and to give clear feedback on
how children have performed in relation to specific lesson objectives and/or personal
targets. All children are expected to respond to the teachers marking by, for example,
acknowledging comments or completing further tasks or corrections. This ensures that
marking is a two-way process which actively moves childrens learning forward.
As a Church of England School, Christian Values are an important driver for everything we
do. As well as daily worship and RE lessons, childrens moral, spiritual and social education
pervades lessons and school life in general.
The National Curriculum
The Education Act of 1988 states that children between the ages of five and eleven must
study four core subjects: Maths, English, Science and ICT, as well as seven foundation
subjects: Design and Technology, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music and Physical
Education. There is also now a requirement to teach a modern foreign language in Key Stage
2. Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship are taught across the curriculum,
not necessarily as separate subjects.
Children learn in different ways (e.g. visual, kinaesthetic) and because of this we vary our
teaching methods, mixing whole class teaching with small group work or one-to-one sessions.
This approach enables children to develop a deeper understanding of what has been taught
by direct teaching, playing, investigating, exploring, experimenting, problem solving,
listening, researching, interacting and applying what has been learned.
We regularly review our school curriculum to ensure the best balance and opportunities to
our children and to seek out opportunities to use our local area and amenities to best
effect (e.g. Forest Schools takes place in woodland adjacent to the school).
September 2014 saw the introduction of the Governments latest Curriculum and we are
using the new guidelines to design and develop a curriculum that meets statutory
requirements and continues to meet the needs of our pupils.

New Primary Curriculum

The Government released a New National Curriculum to be implemented from September
2014. The national curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential
knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has
been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and

English is the key to all learning in English-speaking countries and as such it is an integral
part of all our work at Heversham St Peters. It is the main way for children to develop and
express their thoughts, feelings and ideas Speaking and listening are fundamental to this
development and our teachers plan for opportunities for children to speak in pairs, groups
and to the whole class as well as through drama and role-play.
A rich variety of reading materials and frequent writing sessions enable children to acquire
the essential skills required at this primary stage of their education. At Heversham St
Peters we encourage Literacy skills to be developed in all other subjects. We have a
particular focus on improving writing and we strive to give children opportunities to write in
a range of genres, with a clear purpose and across as many subjects as possible.
Mathematics is a real and relevant subject that is required throughout life. We base our
Numeracy work on the revised Numeracy curriculum and children are taught to apply
mathematical knowledge to solve problems.
A variety of mental strategies are taught to develop confidence with number. Practical and
mental skills form the essential foundation for written maths methods. We look for every
opportunity to teach Mathematics across the curriculum and in relevant contexts.
Our approach to science centres on developing enquiring minds whilst gaining knowledge and
understanding of scientific ideas and skills in line with the National Curriculum.
Children are encouraged through a variety of different situations and challenges to develop
questioning skills, often designing their own enquiries in response to these questions.
Through many practical activities using good quality resources, children develop the ability
to formulate and test ideas and gain an understanding of scientific concepts.

Where possible, we ensure that children have hands-on scientific learning. We use the
outdoor areas belonging to the school as well as local woodland and the Levens Hall estate
for river-dipping and studying habitats.
Older pupils have the opportunity to take part in a whole day science experience at Kendal
College run by STEM.
Much of the children's work in History is developed through topics which are often linked
to other subject areas. We aim to make the work relevant and real where possible, drawing
on the children's own experiences.
We have a thriving garden where children learn about plants
We enhance learning by including relevant trips or inviting inspiring and interesting visitors.
Our Key Stage 2 children visit Hadrians Wall and have a visit from a Roman Soldier as part
of their Romans in Britain topic. In Key Stage 1, children travel on the Haverthwaite
Railway and take a trip on a boat on Lake Windermere as part of their Transport topic.
We encourage the use of historical artefacts and documents, so giving the children first
hand evidence and a chance to make up their own minds about past events. This develops an
awareness of past events and learning to prepare them for life in the community and helps
them to understand how we can learn from the past.
The study of Geography helps children to develop an understanding of the world and a
sense of their place within it. Lessons often involve investigation and exploration of the
local area and further afield.
Through thoughtfully-planned lessons, teachers help children to establish a sense of
personal responsibility for their own actions on the local and wider environment. Our school
is committed to developing children as Global Citizens who are aware of the
interdependence and conflicting interests of different societies and cultures.

Changes to the 2014 curriculum have seen the name Information and Communication
Technology replaced by Computing.

"Computers are now part of everyday life. For most of us, technology is essential to our
lives, at home and at work. Computational thinking is a skill children must be taught if they
are to be ready for the workplace and able to participate effectively in this digital world.
The new national curriculum for computing has been developed to equip young people in
England with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding of computing they will
need for the rest of their lives. Through the new programme of study for computing, they
will learn how computers and computer systems work, they will design and build programs,
develop their ideas using technology and create a range of content." Simon Peyton-Jones Chairman, Computing At School

At Heversham St Peters, we have a computer suite that enables a whole class or group to
be taught together. In June 2014, our Parents Association purchased two iPads and plans
are in place to obtain more of these. The combination of a suite and portable devices will
ensure that every opportunity for computing based learning is maximised.
In addition, each classroom is networked and has internet access as well as an Interactive
White Board. Software packages, including those designed to support children with Special
Educational Needs, are carefully chosen and constantly updated.
We subscribe to Education City, an educational website which supports English, Maths,
Science and Computing. All children have free, unlimited home access and some homework
is set on Education City.
The Arts
Creative activities in art and craft, drama, music and dance are encouraged throughout the
whole curriculum and there are opportunities for children to attend after-school clubs to
enhance their learning further. The children are encouraged to enjoy and experiment with a
wide range of media to develop their creativity. Each year, the school displays an
impressive range of artwork at the Westmorland Show.
Children sing almost every day as part of collective worship as well as during music lessons;
two members of staff can play the piano and another plays the guitar to accompany the
children. There is a choir, run by the Headteacher, which performs in school and at various
local events. The school is very well resourced with two pianos, keyboards and percussion
instruments including a set of djembe drums. In the summer term 2014, a visiting musician
taught Year 6 how to play the djembe drums and also helped the children to compose their
own school song. There was an amazing performance at St Peters church.
In Key Stage 2 there are opportunities for children to learn how to play musical
instruments; woodwind and violin are currently available.

Design Technology
Design Technology fits well into our cross-curricular approach, linking to many subjects,
especially Maths and Science. It provides the opportunity for children to engage in
imaginative and creative work as well as learning to tackle a given problem by designing and
creating a solution.
Technology provides an opportunity for the children to design, investigate, plan and
construct. Planning and evaluating their designs and artefacts gives children a chance to
learn by their mistakes as well as their successes.
Religious Education
Our school follows the Diocese of Carlisle scheme of work for Religious Education. We aim
to nurture not only self-esteem but respect for and understanding of each other. We aim
to teach the children Christian values, often through Bible stories, but we are also
committed to teaching the children about many faiths. This approach ensures that children
have a clear view of themselves as Global Citizens as well as helping them to develop an
inclusive attitude to others beliefs. We work in partnership with St Peters Church,
Heversham, in our approach to RE, with members of the Church coming into the school
regularly to take worship, as well as regular visits by the children to the Church.
Collective Worship
Children have a daily act of collective worship. These gatherings take many forms including:
assemblies, class reflection and whole school celebration. Members of St Peters Church
play an important part, with weekly attendance, including Open the Book where Bible
stories are told through drama.
If parents wish to withdraw their child from collective worship, on religious grounds, it is
the responsibility of the parents to ensure their child's religious needs are met.
Physical Education and Sport
All children are encouraged to participate in regular exercise to maintain their health and
improve their skills and fitness level. Children are offered an appropriate range of
activities through the curriculum in both Key Stages. Many extra-curricular activities and
clubs are often offered. Once a year all children will participate in a competitive sports
Although we have a lovely, spacious hall, we do not have any playing fields. However, we use
some of our sports funding to pay for the excellent facilities on offer at Dallam School, one
of our partner secondary schools. This includes expert teaching, staff development and
transport where necessary.

We place great emphasis on children participation for fun and not just winning, however we
do enjoy considerable success in inter-school competitions, having won a local High 5
Netball tournament and a gymnastics competition in 2014.
At Heversham, children are offered a balanced range of games, dance, gym and athletics
activities according to the National Curriculum. Swimming sessions take place at Kendal
Leisure Centre for children in Key Stage 2. As we live in an area of lakes and dangerous
coastline, our provision for swimming far exceeds the national average and the vast
majority of our children are competent swimmers by the end of Year 6.
We teach French throughout Key Stage 2. The emphasis at Primary School level is on
learning by listening, repeating, singing and having simple conversations. We use a variety
of teaching methods, including online learning, to enhance lessons and engage the children in
their learning. We also teach children about French culture and similarities and
differences between our countries.
Early Years Foundation Stage (for Children in Reception)
The EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their
development. This can be found at:
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their
understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.
Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are:

Communication and language

Physical development

Personal, social and emotional development

These prime areas are those most essential for your childs development and future
learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific
areas. These are:



Understanding the world

Expressive arts and design

These 7 areas are used to plan your childs learning and activities. Our experienced staff
who teach and support your child will make sure that the activities are suited to your childs
needs. This is similar to a curriculum in primary and secondary schools, but it's suitable for

very young children, and it's designed to be really flexible so that staff can follow your
child's specific needs and interests.
Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and
critical thinking which takes place both indoors and outside. We have recently moved our
classes around so that EYFS children have free-flow access to outdoor learning.

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