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Heather Howell

Mrs. Katie Lockridge

Second Grade

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior

A. Mapping Out The Way

Most of students in the class are in Concrete Operational stage of development. Jean
Piaget has identified that children in this stage begin to have logical or operational thought
(Mcleod 2010). This lesson tests the students ability to think logically as they think about
things that would be important to know about what the classroom looks like. This lesson fits
towards the end of the curriculum sequence of this standard because it includes all of the
aspects of the standard within this one activity. It will be a great activity to assess the
students on how they apply what they have learned about creating maps and what they entail.
Creating a map of the classroom allows for the students to show their knowledge through
drawing and labeling, which is great because there are a lot of students who like to draw. The
activity also allows the students to choose what they think is important in the classroom to
put on their map. This gives the students a little flexibility with the assignment.
Understand what are the
broad generalizations the
students should begin to
develop? (These are typically
difficult to assess in one
The students will understand
that maps can be used as a
The students will understand
that a map can represent social
and physical characteristics of
an area
The student will understand
that they can be creators of

Know what are the facts,

rules, specific data the
students will gain through this
lesson? (These knows must
be assessed in your lesson.)

Do what are the specific

thinking behaviors students
will be able to do through this
lesson? (These will also be
assessed in your lesson.)

The students will know of

components needed to be
included in a map:
Title: name of map
Compass Rose: a
symbol that shows
Legend: A list
identifying the
meanings of the
shapes and
symbols used on
the map.

The students will create an

effective map (1 out of 2
options) of the classroom.

The students will create an
effective map (1 out of 2
options) of the classroom

Diagnostic features:
Look for:
Legend that includes a
unique symbol for

Have a template with
the outline of the
room (including the
positioning and

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
everything on the map
labeling of the door),
and the N, S, E, W
Compass Rose
already written on the
sides (the students
The classroom map
could use this assist in
should include the
adding the compass
groups of desks (does
not have to show each
Have North, South,
desk, but must at least
East, and West signs
include the groups),
up in the room to help
the teachers desk, and
them know the
directions of the
the backpack area (but
more is always
Provide rulers to help
the students keep it
The seating map
should include each
Provide cut out
individual desk as well
symbols to use for
as a desk for the new
symbols on the map
and on the legend for
student. Plus, any
the students who need
characteristics that
would assist in the
The symbols used in
the legend need to be
consistent throughout
the map.
The map should be
neat so others can read
The map should make
sense. Anyone should
be able to follow it and
understand everything
one it.


Standard 2.6
The student will demonstrate map skills by constructing simple maps, using title, map
legend, and compass rose.

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade
Map template (23)
Colored pencils/crayons

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior


Activity Element
& Time (in

Procedures and

Introduction to
creating maps!
1 Minute

A new student

has been added to

our class, and he
is a little nervous
about coming into
a new classroom.
He thinks that
maybe if he
knows what the
classroom looks
like, he will feel

more comfortable
because he will
have an idea of
what to expect.
He is a boy who
likes to play
football and he
likes reading. His
favorite food is
pizza, and his
favorite color is
orange. I also
want to try my
best to make him
feel comfortable
in our classroom
by seating him at a
desk near others
who are like him
and will talk to


The students will

be listening to this
The students will
be thinking of
ways they could
help to make the
new student feel
more comfortable.
The students will
be making
connections to
themselves as they
listen to the new
students interests.

Academic, physical,
social & linguistic
resources, and
Make sure the
students know it is
just pretend, but
they should do the
assignment as if it
were true!
The template will
already be placed
on their desks for
the students to
reference as I talk.

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade
Event 1:
Classroom Map

20 Minutes

I would like you

to use the piece of
paper on your
desk to create a
map of our
You will have
two options. One
option is to create
a map of the
classroom so the
new student will
know exactly what
it looks like before
he gets here. This
map will need to
include the groups
of desks (or
tables), my desk,
and the backpack
area, and there
should be a
different symbol
for each of those
three things. Also,
feel free to add
more than just
those three things.
The other option
is to create a
seating map to
show where you
think the new
student should sit.
In this map you
will need to
include all
individual desks,
my desk, and a
desk with a
symbol showing
where the new
student goes.
When you do this
map I would also
like you to write a

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
Deciding which
Differentiating by
map they would
providing options
like to make.
for the students to
choose what they
Thinking of a title.
want to do
Thinking of the

template will
most important
provide support
aspects of the
for creating the
classroom to
map and knowing
include in the
what to include.
I will have
Thinking of
something the
symbols to use to
students can use
represent what
to trace if they
they are putting on
need help creating
their map and in
individual desks
the legend.
or tables in a neat
Locating the
cardinal directions
Allow the students
around the room
to use rulers if
to make sure their
they would like.
map is correct
With this
assignment, the
students can go as
their work to
detailed as they
make sure the map
would like to.
is easy to read and
This provides the
space for
The students will
be drawing using
I will have an
a pencil and
example of each
colored pencils if
map to show to
they can handle it.
them as I explain
Some students
the two options.
will need to draw
their map in pencil I will write the
and then go back
requirements for
and color it using
each option on the
colored pencils.
board for the
Some students can
students to
go straight into
creating the map
using colored
The students
drawing the

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade

Partner Up!

sentence or two on
the back
explaining why
you think the new
student should be
seated there.
Make sure that
your map includes
the three
components of a
map: a title, a
legend, and a
compass rose.
Use the cardinal
directions that we
have on the walls
to help with your
compass rose and
to help with
drawing things
facing the correct
Try to make your
maps as neat as
you can so the
viewer, whether it
is the new student
or myself, can
easily read your
Give the students
a 5-minute
warning and a 1minute warning.
The teacher
should be walking
around as they are
creating their
maps. Look for
students who are
confused and look
to clarify the
students work.
Students need to

partner up.
Teacher can

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
seating map will
be thinking about
the people in the
classroom and the
information about
the new student to
decide where the
student will fit
best in the
classroom. They
may also ask
questions to know
more about the
student before
making a decision.

The students

should turn to the

partner sitting next

The teacher can

assign partners to
everyone to

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade
1 Minute

assign partners if
sure every student
has a partner.

Event 2:

Sharing with a partner

Talk with your

partner about your
map. Explain each
aspect of the map
and show your
partner the route
you would take to
get to the pencil
Ask your partner
what he/she liked
about the map,
and ask for
suggestions on
how to make your
map better.

Go back to

Use the
suggestions made
by your partner to
make your map
If you do not
agree with the
suggestions then
improve your map

3 minutes

Independent Time
Event 3:
Map Improvement
5 Minutes

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
to them.
provide more
structure and
manage behavior.
(It helps if the
teacher already
has an idea of
partners for this).
Talking with their The teacher can
provide the
students with
Explaining their
specific questions
if they need more
Listening to their
structure. What
partner explaining
symbols did you
their map.
use? Why did
Analyzing their
you choose those
partners map and
thinking of how
their partner could The teacher can
also provide
make it better.
examples of
suggestions. You
may want to make
your symbols a
little clearer
because I am
having a hard time
following the
map. I dont see
the teachers desk
in the map. Dont
forget to add that
Thinking about
the suggestions
their partner
Whether they
Emphasize that
the students do not
with the
have to use the
suggestions, the
suggestions given
students will use
to them.
work on their map
a little longer to
make it better.
Maybe the student

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade
in ways that you
think would make
it better.

Bringing Together

Lets come

Who would like

to share their
Explain your
map to us.
What suggestions
did (partners
name) share with
Make sure at least
one of each map is
Allow more
students to share
with the amount
of time left in
I think that your
maps will be very
helpful to our new
student. Maybe if
we do get a new
student then we
can use some of
your maps to send
to him/her to see
what their
classroom will
look like. And
maybe we can do
the seating map
again, but with the
interest of the new
student, if I know

Event 4:
Sharing Time
5 minutes

The work matters
1 Minute

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
disagrees that the
smart board is not
important enough
to add to his/her
map, so he will
not include it.
The students are
Give a specific
completing their
time that we will
last thought and
come together (20
listening to the
The students will
Allow plenty of
raise their hand if
wait time after
they would like to
asking who would
share their map
like to share
with the class.
Ask the students
specific questions
When called on, a
student will
if they dont know
explain their map.
what to share with
the class.
The other students
will be listening
for ways that their
classmates maps
are similar and
different than their
own maps.

(I hope) the
students will be
excited that they
have provided a
resource that
could help people
in the future
throughout the

Heather Howell
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Second Grade

T.C. McSwain Elementary School

Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Date of Submission: One week prior
a good amount
ahead of time.

I have planned for differentiation in interest by providing two different options that have
similarities, but have different purposes and require a little different type of thinking. The
first option is one where the students use symbols to draw what they see. The second option
allows the students to think critically about the people in the desks that they have drawn and
the characteristics and interests that best match the new student. The second option also gives
the opportunity for the students to write what they are thinking. So, between the two options
there are a few different styles of output the students can engage in. The maps also allow for
differentiation in readiness because they are kind of open ended (especially the first option).
Yes, there are requirements that the students must include in the map, but there is so much
room for the students to keep adding to their map to make it as detailed as they want. It
presents a challenge to decide what other things may be important for the new student to see
for those students that have completed the requirements and are ready for more.
There is one English Language Learner in the class, but the instruction geared towards
ELLs could also be helpful to the other students in the class. The second option is geared
more towards the ELL student because there is not a lot of language involved, just symbols
and pictures of what he/she see around him/her. If the ELL student did decide to choose the
second option one thing I could do is a language experience approach, which is where I listen
to the explanation and write down exactly what he/she says. I have planned on
accommodating those who need the additional support by creating a template that guides the
students through creating the map. Another way I have provided support is through the
examples I created to assist in explaining the directions. Partner sharing and suggestions
allows for a peer assessment, which is an opportunity for the students to think in a different
way to analyze a different persons work and suggest ideas of ways to improve.
Maps have been important tools in the past and present, and will continue to be important
tools in the future. The map has been an important role in Americas creation and history
alone. The areas around the world have been mapped out over time because people have
explored and traveled, and they wrote down what they saw. Those maps provide a resource
for others to explore, but with guidance helping to get to where they want to travel. Learning
about maps of the land is only the beginning of learning about different types of maps. There
are maps that show the stars and the solar system, the climate and precipitation, the natural
resources, the roads, the boundaries, the elevation, etc..
Creating a map helps to form an understanding of how to use a map. If a student creates a
map that includes a title, a legend, and a compass rose, that student will have knowledge of
what the map is about (using the title), how to read the map (using the legend), and what
direction to go (using the compass rose). These are important skills that the student should
know throughout their life whether it is in their studies or occupation, or even just in travel.
Todays technology has made reading maps a little easier, but those key elements of a map
are still used in electronic versions. Map-making skills could come in handy in the future
lives of the students in many ways. The students could use those skills to create a floor plan

Heather Howell
T.C. McSwain Elementary School
Mrs. Katie Lockridge
Date & Time of Implementation: N/A
Second Grade
Date of Submission: One week prior
of their house. Another example is that they could use those skills in order to map out a city
or a community to plan for further development. A third example of a way map-making skills
are useful is simply giving directions to another person. These skills become handy in many
aspects of a persons life, and this provides justification that it is essential for the students to
learn through their education.
Pearson Education. (2008). Type of maps. Retrieved from

A student could get frustrated because of how open the assignment is. They may not
know exactly what the other person wants and could have a hard time thinking of
things to include in the map. If this happens I will go to that student and talk them
through the assignment a little bit. I may ask what he/she thinks is the most important
object in the classroom. I could also ask what we use the most in the classroom. I
could give examples of things that may spark his/her interest.
A student may say mean things when critiquing another students map. If this
happens, I will have a talk with the whole class about ways to critique. I will explain
that when a person says mean things it is hurtful, and we are not trying to hurt each
other, we are trying to make each other better. I will tell them that when critiquing
another persons map, it is helpful to tell them something that they could add or do
differently to point them in the direction of how they can make their map better.
Another thing I will bring to their attention is that they dont have to agree with the
advice given to them, but they do need to listen to the advice and be respectful.
There is a fairly new student (couple of weeks) in the class and he could feel singled
out, or get singled out by his classmates, and it could be uncomfortable for him, so he
just shuts down. If this happens I will go to him to talk to him. I will tell him that he
is in the perfect position for this assignment and we all need his help. We need him to
give his perspective and tell us what he would have liked to know (as far as the layout
of the classroom) before he got here. The purpose of this is to make him feel
important and needed for this assignment.
Some students could begin to draw random things that have nothing to do with the
classroom or the assignment. If this happens I will redirect those students back to
what the assignment is, and figure out what drew them away from the assignment to
begin with. If it is something they are unclear about then I will go through the
assignment with them asking various questions to see what they are thinking. I will
help them picture in their heads how it is they want their map to look. If the student is
drawing something different because they just feel like drawing something else, I will
ask them to complete the assignment first, with all of the necessary credentials and
encourage them when they are finished to draw a picture for the new student on the
back of the map or on a different piece of paper.

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