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Communication and Collaboration

Family Communication:
At the beginning of the school year the parents/guardians of each student will
receive an introductory letter. This letter will include the classroom rules,
consequences, my expectations for the students, and my contact information. They will
also be given a form that I will ask them to return. The form will include
parent/guardian contact information and some basic questions about the student that
will help me make the year the best it can be. Each student will be given a progress
report after each test, which I expect them to take home to their parent/guardian. I will
be at every Open House at the school, and encourage the parents/guardians to attend.
These will be great times for any concerns to be voiced on either end. I will also contact
parents/guardians throughout the school year to have conferences about the students
progress, attendance, behavior, or any other area of concern. These conferences will be
aimed at finding a way to help the student achieve the goals of my class. I also plan to
contact parents/guardians when their child is doing very well in class, with grades or
behavior. I want to make it known that parents/guardians are always welcome to
contact me and organize a meeting whenever they feel the need.

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I earned my Bachelors degree in Secondary Mathematics Education at Lander University in
2015. My goal is for every one of my students to learn and have fun doing so.
I want you to be informed about what I expect out of my students, so below is a list of my
expectations and consequences.
Behavioral Expectations:
1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Respect others at all times.
3. Come prepared for class.
4. There is no such thing as a dumb question.
5. If you do not succeed at first, try again.
1st Offense: Verbal Warning
2nd Offense: 15 Minute Detention
3rd Offense: 30 Minute Detention
4th Offense: Referral to Office
Depending on the severity of the action, I hold to right to skip the first two or
three steps. These actions include, but are not limited to, the use of profanity,
refusal to obey staff, disrespect, and other forms of misconduct.
Feel free to contact me through email. If you do so, please include your childs name in the
subject of the email. This allows me to keep track of important emails, and avoid any confusion
as to whether the email is a virus or spam. You may also feel free to call me on the schools
phone; however it will be easiest for me to converse with you through email if it is during
school hours.
I expect your child to be in class on time every day. I will have a tardy sheet and a box for
passes near my door. If your child is tardy, they are expected to sign the sheet and may be
asked to stay after on Fridays for fifteen minutes to make up the time they lost. Please
encourage your students to be on time every day.
As far as your childs grades are concerned, I will send home a progress report after every test
to let you know how your child is doing. If there are any major concerns, I will contact you prior
to the test so that we may be able to find a way to solve the problem.
I look forward to working with you this year in helping your child succeed.
Ms. Queen

Parent Information Form

Please fill this form out and send it back to me as soon as possible.

Student Name: _________________________________________________________________

Parent(s)/Guardian(s): ___________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
Work Phone: ___________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________
Alternate Contact Name: _________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Email Adress: ______________________________________________________
How does your child get to and from school? ________________________________________
What is the best way for me to reach you: phone, email, face-to-face? ____________________
Is there anything I should know about your child? (allergies, strengths, weaknesses, etc.)

Colleague Communication:
At the beginning of the school year, I will create a list of teachers each of my
students has for other classes. If a student is frequently misbehaving or conducting any
other concerning behaviors, I will contact the students other teachers and find out if
they are having the same problems. This will allow me to understand the reasons for
the behavior issues. If the student is only having problems in my class I will know I need
to change the way I interact with the student, with which I would seek advice from the
other teachers; if the problem is consistent throughout all of the students classes, this
is a sign that something deeper is going on, and I can work with the other teachers to
find a way to improve the behavior. I will send an email and place a letter in the box of
each teacher in order to plan these meetings.

Colleague Communication Letter

Dear Fellow Teachers,
I am contacting you due to some concerns I have with _______________________ (students
name). I have been having some difficulties with ____________________________ (behavior,
discipline, child sleeping, refusal to work, or other problem) from the student and would like to
know if any of you are having similar problems.
Please get back to me as soon as possible so that I can begin planning an approach to fix the
If the issues are only in my class, I would love to meet with you to get some advice on how to
handle the student. If it is a possibility, I would also love to come by your class while the
student is there and see how you interact with him/her.
If you are having these issues as well, I think it would be beneficial for us to meet and see if we
are able to come up with a solution together. We may even need to hold a conference with the
students parents/guardians in order to fully understand the best way to approach the

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this letter.
Ms. Queen

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