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Lesson Planning Form for Differentiating Instruction Education 305


Lauren Newhuis & Annaliese Vander Baan

Grade level and theme




I. Objectives
What is the main focus of this lesson?
Garbage and Landfills Where do things go when we throw them away & what is the impact
How does this lesson tie in to your Big Idea
This lesson ties into the Big Idea of our unit plan because it sets the stage for a why recycling is important. In 2nd grade, students
typically start to fully grasp the idea of concequences and in this lesson, student will begin to realize that what they do (throwing
away garbage) can have a huge impact on the world around them (pollution).
What are your objectives for this lesson? (students will be able to.) Indicate connections to applicable national or state
standards (glces). Indicate themes from any threads addressed in this lesson (ex-Geography-human environment interaction)
1) G4.0.1 Describe land use in the community - Students will be able to explain where garbage goes after it is thrown away.
2) G5.0.2 Describe consequences of changing the physical environment - Students will be able to identify the problem of pollution
because of landfills.
3) 2 G1.0.1 & 2 G1.0.2 Students will begin work with symbols which denote human characteristics of the place and will use
distance and direction skills to decide paths for the garbage truck to take.
3) CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.NBT.B.5 Flutently add & subtract within 100 - Students will practice adding and apply knowledge to
adding pounds (weight) together.

II. Before you start

Prerequisite knowledge and skills.
What are you assuming they know
or have already done.

Not much prerequisite skills required. Teacher can create an environment for them to have the
prerequisite knowledge of having trash in the room.

(formative and summative)

Assessment should be done throughout the lesson, check understanding by being attentive to
students answers and comments.
Assess students through the word map (what do you know about pollution?)
Summative assessments will be students either creating a comic strip or a poster

Key vocabulary for this lesson
(include key concepts from
individual threads ex- economicsopportunity cost etc)

Materials-what materials (books,

handouts, etc) do you need for this
lesson and do you have them?

Bags with 1 lb weight inside

Bags with 4 lb weight inside
Bags with 28 lb weight inside
White/black board
Poster board & markers
Sunday Monday Tuesday signs

This lesson has multiple means of representation: Students see the information, they smell,
they try and lift the bags, etc.
Opportunities for differentiation

This lesson also has multiple means of expression: Based on students needs and
comfortability level, they either work individually on a comic strip or with a group on a poster.
Teacher should give penty of thinking time as student are asked questions

III. The Plan


The description of (script for) the lesson, wherein you describe teacher activities and student
Teacher puts question on board and reads the question aloud How many pounds of garbage do you think
each person throws away?
- Teacher sets out a few bags with 1lb worth of weight inside.
- She allows students to come and lift the bag and tells students that this is one lb of weight. How
many of these bags does it take to make the amount of garbage we throw away every day?
- Let the students make guesses and record guesses on the board.
- The teacher adds 3 lbs to the bags set out (totaling 4 lbs in each bag).
- Tell students that there are now 4 lbs in each bag. Have students lift the bag and tell them this is
the weight of how much garbage most people throw away in just one day!

Now lets figure out how much someone throws away in one week!
- Hand out name tags that say Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. to 7 students
- Each student holds a bag with 4 lbs worth of weight in it.
- The student who has Sunday is prompted to hold his/her bag up
- Teacher puts 4 on the board and the student who is Sunday puts bag down
- The teacher who has Monday is now prompted to hold his/her bag up
- The teacher puts 4 right below the first 4 and asks the students to add the two numbers together.
- The teacher and students go on like this until they reach the end of the week/Saturday
- One person throws away 28 lbs of garbage
- Allow students to try and lift the 28 lbs
- Most people throw away this much garbage each week! (28 lbs)

Where does the trash go?

Teacher puts question on board and reads it aloud: Where does all this trash go?!
Teacher puts up this Prezi Presentation
As the teacher goes through each step on the Prezi, she should talk to students about this, trying to access
previous knowledge of seeing a garbage truck, throwing away garbage after lunch, etc.


Mapping activity teacher provides a map for students with a symbol for where the landfills are in the
community. (S)he also put a symbol for where the school is (where students are right now) and different
stops the garbage man must make (houses, businesses, etc.). Students try to make the best possible
routes for the garbage man so he can stop at each place and drop the garbage off at the landfill/dump.

Landfills cause pollution


Teacher now prompts students to remember a time when they smelled nasty trash. Maybe they
were taking out the trash and they remember it smelling really bad, maybe they drove by a
landfill/dump and it smelled terrible! Allow a few students to share a story. (If you can, take
students by dumpster to smell or bring in smelly trash to really grasp the concept)
Well image that all the smelly trash in our entire community
(the school, the homes, the restaraunts) were all in one
place. Can you imagine how terrible that would smell?!
All that smelly trash sits there in the sun all day and all night
and soon enough it starts to pollute the air!
Does anyone know what the word pollute is?
Create a word map with the students. The word map should
look something like the image to the right with the word
pollution or pollute in the middle.
Allow students to brainstorm things they think about when
they hear this word.
Tell kids that pollution is when people make either the air, the land, or the water dirty with waste,
chemicals, garbage, etc. When there is pollution, it can be harmful to both people and animals.

Landfills can cause this pollution to the air, we dont want to be breathing filthy air!
It can also cause pollution to the water!
When the landfills get rained on, the water goes through all that garbage and nasty stuff and finds
its way into the lakes and oceans!
- What animals live in lakes or oceans? (Students should have plenty of ideas)
- Turn and talk to your shoulder partner why you think pollution in the water might hurt some of
these animals. (Can cause diseases & ruin homes for the animals)
- Last, landfills can cause land pollution.
- When we keep adding garbage to the landfills, do they get smaller? No! They get bigger and
bigger. Soon, they can take away habitats!
*Note: teacher should be writing down the three kinds of pollution on the board as they are discussed.
Summative Assessment

Recap the Lesson:

- People throw away about 4 lbs of trash a day and 28 lbs every week
- When we throw away trash, a truck comes and picks it up and puts it in a landfill/dump
- Pollution is when people make the air, land, or water dirty.
- Landfills can cause air, water, and land pollution

Split the class in half

Have half the class create a comic strip of the three steps that happens to trash
1. We throw trash away
2. A truck comes to pick it up
3. It goes to the landfill
Have the other half should make an information poster as a group. It should tell what pollution is, and the
three kinds of pollution that landfills can cause.
The work will be shared with one another.

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