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Sandy Moya

Lauren Nagy
Braxton Rathod



Overview of Lesson:
Students will be given an assignment to write down facts about themselves and
they will have to present it to the class. Twenty minutes will be given to the
students to prepare and ask questions to the teacher. Twenty-five minutes will be
given to the students to present in front of the class.
Description of Learners:
6th and 7th grade Colombian Students
12-14 year olds
English level: 2-3 years of classwork
English as a second language students
Intended Learning Goals:
Students should be able to
communicate and present in English
Students should be able to listen and
comprehend other students who speak

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to describe themselves through writing it down on paper in
English properly. This means that their assignment will have to be free of
grammatical errors like capitalization, periods, commas, etc. It will also have to
include their name, age, where they are from, about their family, and what their
hobbies are.
Students will be able to describe themselves verbally in English, which will
include their name, age, where they are from, about their family, and what their
hobbies are. This means that they will have to pronounce their writing response
clearly and accurately.
Students will be able write on a whiteboard in English about themselves.

Usage of the four language domains. (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking)
Presentation skills

Required Materials:
Pencils, papers, desks, whiteboards, expo markers, projector



Project the directions of the assignment on the pull down screen, you will do this
by plugging your flash drive into the computer. The directions are on the flash
drive, and it is titled TESOL.
Briefly explain important aspects of the assignment to the students.


Have the students bring out a pencil and sheet of paper to write with.
Give the students 20 minutes to write down and answer the questions that are
projected on the screen.
After the 20 minutes is up have each student present his or her written paragraph
in front of the class.
While each student is presenting they should bullet the main points of their
paragraph on the whiteboard with the expo markers.
Also, while each student is presenting, you as the teacher should be evaluating
each student on his or her speaking English skills.
This process should take 25 minutes, giving each student about a minute to
Once everyone is done presenting, collect each students paragraph to evaluate.

Students will be graded on their presentation skills in English, writing ability, and
grammar skills.

Echevarria, Jana., Richards - Tutor, Catherine., Chinn, Vivian P., Ratleff, Paige Ann.
(2011) Did they get it? The role of fidelity in teaching english learners.Journal of
Adolescent Adult Literacy, 54(6), 425-434
This article was about the importance of improving English learning students
literacy of English. Not only because of the drastic growth in numbers of non-English
speaking students through the years, but also because of their overall academic
performance. They did a study to show the direct relationship between the levels of
implementation of the material the teachers put on the students and how it affects the
students achievement. The studys results were that the degree to which teachers
implement the model of fidelity results in some improvement in the students overall

Huck, Sharon., Schaffer, Rachel., Chesley, Kathyrn., Adams, Karen L., Klawiter,
Barbara. Burnett, Olga J. (1986) Our readers write: whats a good technique for
teaching english as a second language. The English Journal, 75(7), 76-78.
This article was mainly about different techniques and ways to teach English as a
second language to students who were learning English for the first time. Several
different viewpoints from various teachers/professors were brought in so that others
who needed help figuring out good quality ways to teach this to students had some
different techniques for them to try. For example, one teacher had her students be more
prolific in using the telephone; because most non-English speaking students shy away
from using the telephone unless they know the person they are talking to speaks their
language. She had them call different businesses and asks specific questions, and
pushes them to not be afraid of asking the person on the other side of the phone to slow
down or repeat something.

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