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Running head: Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

Childrens Literature, Why it is important for childrent to read?

Dulce Garcia
University of Texas at El Paso

Running head: Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

Reading is one of the most important tools for the human being and is much
more important when it comes to children since it is one of their most powerful
tools to develop their skills. Reading promotes the development of the
language, the ability to retain information in larger quantities and helps
communication with society is much simpler. The role of parents in this stage of
their children is much more important that what you think, it is commonly said
that children are like sponges that absorb information and that is completely
true. It is there when parents should give the example of reading and help them
also this interaction creates a strong relationship between parents and their

Running head: Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

Reading a book to our child improve their level of intelligence. Research
indicates that a highly popular method is inadequate on its own. Learning to
read requires elaborate instructions and too much effort. This process is called
whole-word instructions which known as look-say method, this means that
children learn to read by learning how to recognize things in a vocabulary of 50
words to 100. Repeating words help them to memorize them. In this literature
review we are going to discuss how reading should be thought, which issue our
society is facing and what we need to do to overcome this issue.
How does reading should be taught?
There are two perspectives that are confusing people about how to teach their
children to handle life. One is letting their children to be guided by internet
resources and television programs and the other one is by teaching them to get
involved in reading. The lack of intelligence is getting lost because of internet
improvement. Most children spent their time watching movies, playing video
games and watching videos instead of reading a book. Research indicates that
a highly popular method is inadequate on its own. Learning to read requires
elaborate instructions and too much effort. This process is called whole-word
instructions which known as look-say method, this means that children learn to

Running head: Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

read by learning how to recognize things in a vocabulary of 50 words to 100.

Repeating words help them to memorize them.
What exactly is the issue that not reading is causing?
The main issue is that 40 percent of U.S do not achieve basic levels of reading
proficiency. The problem is that these children never participate with our society
they are considered just to grow and we are led them to be anti-social which is
a behavior problem that is increasing.
Who is involved, and who does it affect the most, and how did it affect?
When it comes to teach a children to read the people involved are
usually: children, teachers and parents. This affect them in a positive way
because they are participating in an important stage of their lives that helps
them to learn how to handle situations in life.
What is it need to solve this issue?
To fix this issue parents and schools need to start generating some projects to
get their kids involved in literature. Some schools invite their parents to read
once a week with their children at the library. The role of parents is very helpful
because they make a stronger relationship between them and their child. Less
TV and internet and more books and funny stories.

Running head: Childrens Literature, Why it is important for children to read?

This problem is becoming very common in many countries. Resources like the
Internet make us leave forgotten books because now you have access to any
books behind the screen or in this case to see many cartoons that are not
educational for our children. There are many ways to combat this problem but
everything must start at home, there arises no because all keep believing that it
send our children to school. Education is everywhere.

Close, Dr. Robin. "The National Literacy Trust." May 2001.
Early Moments sharing the gift of reading. 2014. Sandvik Publishing.
Keith Rayner, Barbara R. Foorman,Charles A. Perfetti,David Pesetsky,Mark S. S. "Association for
Psychological Science." 2002. Scientific American .

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