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Bridey Masson

December 5, 2014
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida
Dear Mr. Bedsole,
After working closely with Nicole Heyman, along with the rest of the Blue Team this past semester, I
have realized that she stands out profoundly as one of a few students deserving of the highest marks. I
urge you to consider that her final grade in your course be an A.
Nicole first proved her drive for learning and leadership skills when she stepped up as our group leader
on the first assignment, the Scope Document. Not only did she volunteer to take the lead and assign
each team member a specific role, but when certain aspects of our project fell short she took it upon
herself to write both the objectives and the justification portions of the document, helping me with
editing the entire document, and worked to make sure each portion was conforming to the same
voice. When it came time to create the First Year Composition video project and I took the lead, Nicole
was right there ready to dive in and make it as exciting as possible while others were not as enthused by
the challenge we faced. She helped to choreograph Katies scenes, which she also filmed and narrated
with such a positive and infectious attitude. Finally, when it came time for Blue Team to take the lead for
the Social Media Strategies, Nicole took on the role of creating uniform voice between teams, and
ultimately ended up putting in more effort than was asked of any team member previously. One team
had not completed their final draft by the time it was due, so Nicole once again without being asked,
edited their portion and made the necessary changes on her own. Not only was Nicole constantly willing
to step in where more work was needed, but she constantly kept a quirky and fun attitude, which
helped morale of the Blue Team tremendously.
Miss Heyman used what knowledge she had previously of editing and writing to give the Blue Team the
strong start we all needed, but more importantly she pushed herself to continue to grow as an editor
and a writer and proved to be the teammate everyone should have. I believe you have seen all of these
positive occurrences as well and remember my recommendation that she receive an A while
overlooking her portfolio.
Bridey Masson

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