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I am I writing to recommend that Nicole Heyman receive and A in your class.
Over the semester I have gotten to know Nicole on a personal and
academic/professional level. It is evident how passionate Nicole is about her work and
assignments for this class.
Nicole took initiative from the start of the semester, it was obvious that she was
our unofficial group leader. She took the lead on our first print document assignment.
She did all of the major research required to write the document. She wrote the
objectives and justifications sections of the scope document. As well as writing a huge
portion of the document, Nicole also throughly edited the entire document. This was a
big time commitment and she did a suburb job.
Nicole had big part of our video assignment, as well. She spent hours on her day
off to meet with some of the group members to choreograph and film more than half of
the video. Nicole willingly took on the job as the narrator in our group video, which she
did an outstanding job. Our group video would not be as creative as it was if Nicole had
not been a part of it; since she was the one to come up with the main topic for the video.
For our social media assignment, Nicole took the lead again by editing both the
green and red teams portions of the project, and compiled all portions from all teams
into one cohesive document.
Obviously, Nicole had a big role in our Big Ass Pumpkin blog. She condensed
well over half of the lengthy and boring article, and helped turn it into something short
and fun to read.
Nicole has been a tremendous asset to the Blue Team this semester. She has
played a big role in every group project, attended all group meetings, and never failed to
bring her positive energy along with her. Nicoles charisma, willingness to learn, and
leadership skills are the reason the Blue Team has been able to succeed in this class.
There is no doubt in my mind Nicole should receive an A grade in your class.
Katie Santarsiero

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