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3 Program Evaluation

1. I did a GAPSS assessment of my current high school. I interviewed our principal

and administration. I was given access to testing data and data explaining our
demographics. I used all of this information to give an honest analysis of the
current reality at my school.
2. This artifact took me behind the scenes of evaluating a high school. I did not
know how much went into a GAPSS review. I gained a much greater respect for
my administration and my principal as I didnt understand how much work and
how many different things he controlled. I was very interested to see how large a
role professional development took in the GAPSS assessment. I was impressed to
find out our professional development aligned to all of the standards set forth in
the GAPSS assessment. Evaluating my school showed me the strengths and
weaknesses in our school and how the administration was trying to address them.
Our administration has taken steps to increase teachers content knowledge by
creating a time for group collaboration on Wednesday afternoons. Students get
out of school at 2:15 and teachers are asked to collaborate with their department
and content teachers. Another way our school addresses pedagogical skills is by
creating Tech Talks These talks were created because we identified a
weaknesses in our staff. Few teachers were using technology to increase student
learning and engagement in the classroom. To increase our LoTi levels in the
classroom, our administration created workshops during lunch and planning
periods for teachers to learn how to use specific technology.
3. What did you learn from completing this artifact? What would you do differently
to improve the quality of the artifact or the process involved in creating the
artifact? (Not changing anything is not an acceptable response.) I learned how
our administration assess their teachers and school environment. My eyes were
opened to the world of professional development and how it was administered in
our school. I saw the data which was used to support all of the initiatives at our
high school,. It made me feel better about the programs we are trying to
implement. The only thing I would have done differently would be to do a
GAPSS review earlier in my career. I used to complain about many of our
professional learning opportunities, however, now I see they are justified based on
the strengths and weaknesses in the GAPSS assessment.

4. All of the work in this artifact addressed professional learning, student learning,
and creating an authentic environment. The impact is currently being felt. All of
the results from the GAPSS assessment are being used to create programs to
address areas of weaknesses.

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