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Cheyenne Valdespino

Tech Argument
September 23rd, 2014
Video Game Benefits
Video games have the ability to help people with their everyday lives. There are many
benefits to playing video games. This includes benefits such as enhanced vision, the way you
process information, and can even improve your social skills.
Violent video games have been around since the late 1970s. Video game producers have
stayed the same over the years. Many producers; like Bungie, Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation.
They have always had a bad rap for being too violent and un-educational. Some parents
state video games have made their kids lash out, as well as get bad grades in school. However in
violent games, players learn how to control their aggression and work cooperatively, according
to research from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.(Kantra, 2012). Violent video games
release tension. Green's research suggests playing off-the-shelf action video games has some
positive benefits, she cautions against foregoing the more traditional brain exercises of reading,
writing, and arithmetic to play shoot-'em-ups on the computer. (Roach, 2003). Video games
provide great fun exercises for the brain.

While driving a car a person who plays video games is more likely to view a potential
dangerous situation before it happens, compared to someone who does not play video games.
This is because when a person is plays video games they have to be more visually attentive of
their surroundings. Video games help you be more visually attentive. A stroke patient loses
blindness in some parts of their vision. The inattentiveness to the brain causes the blindness of
vision. Bavelier and Green suggest their research may have practical applications for helping
people with visual impairments to see more normally.(Roach, 2003) Since you need to be very
attentive when playing action games, it will bring attentiveness back to the blind areas for stroke
patients. Video games help rehabilitate the visually impaired.
Video games are very helpful for processing information. A soldier in the battlefield who
had played video games will be able to process information faster and more accurately.
researchers found that video game players develop a heightened sensitivity to what is going on
around them, and this benefit doesn't just make them better at playing video games, but improves
a wide variety of general skills that can help with everyday activities(University of
Rochester,2010). With heighten senses, processing information is easier and faster. The Pope and
his colleague named Olafur Paulson, designed a video game that helped people with attention
deficit disorder. This video game helps people with A.D.D. control their brain waves.
According to a pair of researchers at the University of Rochester in New York, such action
video games train the brain to better process certain visual information.(Roach, 2003). By

training the brain, the brain better process information. By allowing you to control your brain
Video games improve social skills. More and more, games are designed to be social. In
fact 62%of gamers play games with others, either in-person or online.(Kantra, 2012). Destiny, a
popular video game made by bungee. Is designed to be an only online video game. Making you
be social with other people in the game to trade and buy new weapons. Most first person shooter
game types such as capture the flag or an area. The teams are randomly chosen by who is online
at that moment. Research from Ohio State finds that players who engage in cooperative play in
games show increased cooperative behavior.(Kantra, 2012). By being randomly selected and
put onto teams, players are forced to be more cooperative and social with other players.
Video games are very helpful in life. Helping you do everything from crossing the road to
playing a cross road puzzle. Not only are video games great for you, but maybe after a long day
it wouldnt be so bad to come home and play some video games.

Reference Page
John Roach. Video Games Boost Visual Skills, Study Finds. National Geographic
Suzanne Kantra. Yes, Video Games Can Be Good For Kids. USA Today.
Video Games Lead to Faster Decisions That Are No Less Accurate. University of

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