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Every Business Man

hotel and extended packing


tressful last minute packing can lead to expensive purchases in hotel gift shops. We have

all been there, tie on, grabbing fruitlessly for a toothbrush that is hundreds of miles away.

Dont fret, these tips, and packing list can take the stress out of business!
The best way to deal with stress is to not have it. Prior planning and preparation are all
the ps you need.
It is advised to pack light for a trip of this nature, especially if multiple hotel transfers are
on the agenda.
Your best friend: The Briefcase. This portable work station provides tons of utility while
remaining compact and light. Most models also come equipped with a locking mechanism,
keeping your files safe from corporate espionage.

Lets take a look at some essentials for the businessman

Pairs of socks

1 pair/day + 2 extra/week

Everyone steps in a puddle, be the
guy who doesnt get wet feet!


Same as socks


A bottle or two depending on stay


Common knowledge, keep em

clean men!
Some of those fancy hotels dont
have the hospitality of the locales,
be ready, not greasy.

Toothbrush and paste

1 of each

Standard changes of clothes

Tie, button down white collar shirts,

and smooth black pants


One, but nice quality

It looked lame to arrive wet in gym

class, it looks worse here! Impress,
not dampness!

And of course Money!


Spend sparingly, but have enough to

not clean dishes after market price

Keep those pearly whites bright by

brushing right!
Its vintage!

With proper planning, and prior packing there is only one more rule to remember, fold
along the crease, as not to cause a seam!
Good luck champ,

JASDVSAF management

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