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AGS Senior Capstone

Topic Proposal Form

Name: Amariyah Yisrael
Advisor: Mr. C!
The goal of the Topic Proposal is to outline the concept of your project and
state your goals. Your responses need to be detailed. Please provide detailed
responses to these questions; if you require more space, attach a separate
sheet of paper. As part of your AGS Seminar Capstone every student will
elect into a Participatory Research component that helps inform your










1. Project Title. Provide a short, descriptive title for your project

BRAVE New WORLD-Bridging the gap

2. Project Description. Summarize what you will do for your project
and describe your current idea for your final product or service.
How can we travel to space and possibly live on exo-planets-planets that
provide a suitable living environment for people? My final idea is to create a
model to showcase in front of my professors in order to create a sense of the
tools and a possible mission to travel to a suitable planet. Some other ideas
to compliment is a video which compiles my potential contacts talking about
traveling and an app that is a game in which you travel to different planets
and create a civilization there. In the game one would have to use skills
taught to them throughout the game to travel to the planet and not run out
of resources. In this way children, teens, and adults can have fun playing an
app while also learning about astronomy, encouraging a greater love for this

3. Personal Goals. Discuss why you selected this project. What do you
hope to accomplish?
I choose this topic because I recently have been fascinated and inspired by
space and all it has to offer. When we think of everything, we tend to only

consider our resources on earth. Which makes much sense since it is now
readily attainable; however, our world is becoming increasingly advanced
not just in technology but also our knowledge on a whole. For example, we
know the planets and the sun do not rotate around the earth. For this
reason it is important to continue to grow and understand there is more to
us than this world. This project is discovering a new way to gain resources
and expand our knowledge. The science of astronomy is not widely
recognized as it used to be with NASA not even government owned
anymore. I would like to not only educate but inspire people to become as
enthusiastic and as charmed by the celestial bodies as I have.

4. Knowledge of Topic. Describe what you knew about the topic before
you selected it.
I knew exo-planets are much more remote but can be found in certain
clusters in space. In order to be an inhabitable planet it must have water, a
way for shelter, air pressure that will not crush us such as Jupiter, and must
have some type of land that can hold buildings. A place that is not full of
high elevations would be preferable.
Another idea is to create a biodome to live in to resemble earth. It would
essentially be a type of earth just located on another planet. In this way we
would not even have to live on a planet that has plant life or has suitable air.
We would live almost like in a bubble with air, programmed precipitation,
and plants.
5. Inquiry Questions. Describe what questions might naturally arise
from your topic.
What type of equipment would we need to travel to an exo-planet?
Would we need to travel faster than the speed of light in order to do long
distance space travel?
What is the estimated time to travel to the nearest exo-planet?
What is the most feasible situation to live on a planet-a man-made world or
an exo-planets world?
Why would one travel to a new planet?
Have there been any attempts to space travel and what are they?

What toll would this have on the economic sector?

6. New Learning. What new learning do you hope to acquire? Include
content you hope to learn about your topic. How will you acquire this
I hope to understand space travel on a much more in-depth level.
I would want to learn the quantum physics and basic process to be able to
travel for long distance?
How does the time in different places change how we will become and view
What these different worlds may look like and their effect on human
physical features.
Equipment-mechanical, chemical, and computer engineering skills- needed
to travel and what equipment do we already possess.
Some aerodynamics
Some meteorology and knowledge on air densities or pressures and light
How will I acquire this knowledge?
I will acquire this knowledge through books, articles, teachers or
professors, and other forms of media.
7. Bridge. What type of participatory research could you do to bridge your
learning from the school to the real world?
I could attend labs on a college campus for aerodynamics, meteorology,
physics, or astronomy
Teach at a middle school to help them understand the use for this project.
Make a website explaining what Ive done in the project and how it can
benefit the future.
Get in contact with someone in the field and have them help me apply my
drawings, models and concepts to real life.
Make an app that is fun to play but also educational-explained in more
detail under project description.

8. Potential Risks. Describe the risks and challenges you believe you
might encounter while doing your project. (For example, not being able to
find the right community member to help you, money constraints, health,
Risks I may encounter are not being able to find anyone who can truly help
me with my research.
Not being able to find the materials to make the model. Not having enough
money to make the model.
The model may take too long to make-meaning I must start my research
early and have a detailed blue-print for my model a lot of weeks before it is
Maybe research is not specific enough-I will go over this with my advisor.
I could become overwhelmed but unlikely to happen
People may have trouble understanding the connection of project to the
community and how useful it really is.

9. Potential Sources (and what you think you might find). Identify
potential sources that could inform your research on your topic and describe
why you think it might be helpful for your topic.
The NASA website might help me to keep up with current technology that
has been made and current projects they are working on.
Books on space travel in general
Books on aerodynamics and engineering- Will help me to put together my
own model of a spaceship for long distance travel may look like.
Books on the speed of light- Possibly how would we be able to travel faster
than the speed of light.
Books on planets and certain areas of space suitable for living.
People in engineering, physics, or astronomy related professions-Helps to
provide support for my conclusions.
Books/ articles on the history of space travel to Mars, moon, other satellites
and planets, and failed attempts-I can learn some historical background
which will help to introduce my topic.
Sci fi books such as the Time Machine-Always helps to start an essay or
research paper with a quote to capture the attention of the audience. Also
much classic sci fiction has a lot of concepts of physics and technology in it.
Articles on the economic impact as well-cost for equipment and research

10. Potential Contacts. Identify potential contacts that could help

inform your research on your inquiry question. They may be someone like an
expert in the field or a professor with a research interest in your topic.
My grandfather studied meteorology in college. He also knows much about
business so he can help with the economic impact part of the project.
Mr. C can help with some quantum physics. Also he took a class on planet
worlds and interactions between them finally making his own planet. So
NASA members or somebody already in the field of astronomy and
-Maybe even an astronaut
Mr. Lanier- head of astronomy club
A professor at a college such as Miami University in Oxford-I may meet a

professor at the bridges program-or another university like UC.

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