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Brown Sash Syllabus


Letting go of past mistakes and remaining present


Old Pine Tree Form

Willow Whip Form

Blindfold work introduction

Loose striking
Partner work

Single attacker

Knife disarms: using chin na, using off-centering, controlling weapon, taking slack
Multiple attackers (stick against stick): crossing up
Multiple attackers (stick against empty hand)
Multiple strikes with single limb
Forward pressure sparring: baiting, fainting, countering
Handling uncooperative partners

Self-defense principles/skills

Controlling space, time and energy

Neutralizing power
Borrowing energy
Neutral state


(minimum 36 months of continuous training)
Basics: Increased understanding of economy of motion, commitment, containment and expression of energy, coiling, sinking ,
rooting, being calm and in a state of relaxed awareness, yin/yang philosophy.

Combinations: Punching and kicking combinations regular and opposite.

Forms: Forms should be performed with a fairly high level of competence at this level demonstrating confidence, expression,
fluidity, relaxed tendon structure, intention and economy of motion.
* Old Pine Tree
* Willow Whip
* Concentration forms 1, 2, 3
* Stick form
* Tai Chi Short Form

Partner Work: Increased understanding of effective strategies (both offense & defense) for a variety of situations and
partners (with increased use of Tum Pai principles). Ability to handle fast speed committed attacks and uncooperative partners.
Grappling: ability to demonstrate various ways of taking down opponent in a smooth and controlled manner, demonstrate basic
submissions (for arm, leg, & neck), escaping and recovering from mount and guard position
Monkey line: demonstrate basic monkey line concepts against grapples, strikes and groundwork.
Multiple attackers: ability to handle continuous attacks for several minutes (standing and ground), ability to handle multiple fast speed
attacks with good control and focus.
Sparring: ability to handle forward pressure sparring using various strategies (15/1 minute rounds)
Blindfold work: ability to handle single attacker for 2-3 minutes.
Knife defense: demonstrate basics of how to disarm/control the knife and control attacker.
Stick defense: empty hand disarms from random strikes, multiple attackers (stick vs. stick & empty hand vs. stick)

Fighting Principles: beginning understanding of: controlling space, time & energy; neutralizing power;
softness (4 ounces); adapting; borrowing energy; sensitivity; neutral state; assertiveness

Reading: Be Like Water Joseph Cardillo

Mental: Typed essay on assigned topic (double spaced, 2500 words) to be handed in on or before test day.
Written test

Endurance: able to go minimum of 3-4 hours hard training with few breaks - keeping a positive attitude, staying present and

Fitness: Fitness requirement to be performed on test day.

* 3 mile run (30 minutes or less)
* 80 push-ups (2 minutes or less)
* 20 pull-ups (2 minutes or less)
* 300 sit-ups (15 minutes or less)
* Maintain proper horse stance (10 minutes)

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