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The religion of the Getae-Dacians [1]

- non-commercial paper by an anonymous researcher Revision January 2010-

"In ancient times religion was underlying and supporting every relation of life and every social institution. A
supernatural presidency consecrated and kept together all the cardinal institutions of early times: state, race and
family" (Sir H Maine)

The Getae-Dacians ethno genesis and the term Getae-Dacians

The proto-Thracians were the Indo-Europeans who settled among the population already inhabiting the Carpathian-
Balkan region [2] The general view is that the Bronze Age populations emerged from the fusion of the local
Eneolithic stock with the Indo-Europeans intruders. The Northern Thracian group inhabited the Carpathian-Danube-
Black Sea area, both sides of the Danube, and became individualized from the Thracian stock, no earlier than 12th
century BC
• “More than fifty years ago, Vasile Parvan wrote about 'the Dacians at Troy on the strength of similar
ceramic types found at Troy and in the Carpathian area; the only amendment we can make is to replace
Dacians by Thracians, because the various groups of Thracian population had not separated out in the
twelfth century BC “ [2]

We have no way of knowing what the “Thracians” called themselves, if indeed they had a common name [3] The
name “Thracians” occurred in Homer and Hesiod in the 18th-17th century BC, before there was any idea of a national
Thracian identity.
• The name Thracians and the name of their country, Thracia were given by the Greeks .The origins of the
name are not clear, but it is probable that at first the names applied only to a very restricted area and group
of people and that later they covered a whole region occupied by tribes of the same ethnic origin [3]

Hecataeus of Miletus (550 BC-490 BC) is the first historian (before Herodotus) who mentions tribes from the Getic
group of Thracians. Hellanicus of Mytilene names them Crobyzi and considers them a subgroup of the Getae [58]

In 440 BC, Herodotus grouped the Getae with the Thracian stock but mentioning they have different customs and
religion than the other Thracians. He wrote in his Histories [4]
• The Thracians bear many names in the different regions of their country, but all of them have like usages in
every respect, excepting only the Getae, the Trausi, and those who dwell above the people of Creston.

John Jamieson, [11]

• It seem fully as probable that the name of Getae had originally included all the Tracians, and that the reason
why one branch retained it, while it was not generally applied to the rest, was the peculiar distinction of
the people with respect to religion”

[1] The term Getae-Dacian is designating the same ethnic people named Getae by ancient Greeks and named
Dacians mostly by Romans at the moment of Roman expansion toward Getae territories and after Roman conquest
of Getae lands (both sides of Danube)
[2] John Boardman, I.E.S. Edwards, E. Sollberger, and N.G.L. Hammond. The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume
3, Part 1: The Prehistory of the Balkans, the Middle East and the Aegean World, Tenth to Eighth Centuries BC.
Cambridge University Press, 1982, .
[3] The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and other states of the Near East, Volume 3 By John Boardman 1864”
[58] The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires and other states of the Near East, Volume 3 By John Boardman “ A text
of Hellanicus of Mytilene (490 BC – 405 BC) associates the Crobyzi as well the Terizi (From the Tirizian
promotory) with the Getae, who “immortalize” that is “render immortal” by ritual”
[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson (I believe
Zalmoxis to have lived long before the time of Pythagoras)
[11] “Hermesc Scythicus or Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to The Gothic by John Jamieson,
In the first century BC when Romans extended toward the Getae territories (of the Burebista state) Roman writers
started to replace the name Getae with the name of Dacians. [5] The ancient writer Pliny asserted “Getae, Daci
Romanis dicti” those Getae called Daci by the Romans [6]

After Roman conquest of Dacia they used mostly the name Dacians [5] for Getae. The testimonies of ancients that
Dacians and Getae were the same people are overwhelming by direct testimonies or by naming Dacians the ones
that were named Getae before them [6] , [7] , [8] , [9], [10] [11] [14] [15]

By speaking about the Getae’s country, Strabo specifies that there was an old subdivision in that country of Getae
where “Getae, those who incline towards the Pontus and the east, and Daci, those who incline in the opposite
direction towards Germany and the sources of the Ister “

Pliny the Elder and Strabo stated that Getae and Dacians both subgroups spoke the same language which
solves the ethnic confusion [56]

[5] In 31 BC, in his Odes, Horace talking about the Battle of Actium fought between the forces of Octavian on the
one side and combined forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra on the other mentioned the auxiliaries in Antony's
army as being Dacians of the Dacian King Cotiso ·…"Dacian and Ethiopian (Egyptian fleet), dread-inspiring One
with his archers, with his fleets the other ...Routed are Cotiso's fierce Dacian armies"
[6] Pliny said “Getae, Daci Romanis dicti” those Getae called Daci by the Romans quote in {11}
[7] Appianus (95–165) a Roman historian (of Greek ethnicity) who flourished during the reigns of Trajan, Hadrian
and Antoninus Pius also asserts that "the Getae beyond the Ister (Danube) were denominated Daci" quote in {11}
Also, he wrote Trajan's conquest of Dacia (lost work). He named it Dacica [15] and not Getica
[8] 276/282 AD Vopiscus says, Probus either subdued or received into a state of amity Thracians, atque omnes
Geticos populos {11}
[9] Stephanus Byzantinus (6th century) says: Getia is the country of the Getae: this however is a Thracian nation.
Also, he said "Daci are the same people with Getae" {11}
[10] 6th century, Isidor Bishop of Seville, in his work “Etymology” it says that Getae is the very first name for the
Goths tribe. Getae which were dwelt area southward from Danube until northwest part of Carpati,and “Getae were
forebears of Goths and they were considered as Dachians” {11}
[11] Hermes Scythicus or Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin languages to the Gothic by John Jamieson, 1814
[14] The Geography of Strabo published in Vol. III of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1924 ( public domain)
• “As for the southern part of Germany beyond the Albis (modern River Elbe), the portion which is just
contiguous to that river is occupied by the Suevi; then immediately adjoining this is the land of the Getae,
which, though narrow at first, stretching as it does along the Ister (modern River Danube) on its southern
side and on the opposite side along the mountain-side of the Hercynian Forest, for the land of the Getae
also embraces a part of the mountains, afterwards broadens out towards the north as far as the Tyregetae;
but I cannot tell the precise boundaries”
• Getae and Dacians are speaking the same language ; the Getae were Thracians; and Moesi were Thracians
o Now the Greeks used to suppose that the Getae were Thracians; and the Getae lived on either side
the Ister, as did also the Mysi, these also being Thracians and identical with the people who are
now called Moesi
o one should read "Moesi, hand-to-hand fighters" instead of "Mysi, hand-to-hand fighters."
o Aelius Catus transplanted from the country on the far side of the Ister into Thrace fifty thousand
persons from among the Getae, a tribe with the same tongue as the Thracians. And they live there
in Thrace now and are called "Moesi"
[15] The Roman Empire by Robert Kenneth Sherk “Trajan dedicates spoils ” in 113 – 114 AD Hadrian (The later
Roman emperor that was in 113 –114 AD high officer in Trajan’s army) wrote the “Trajan dedicates spoils ” naming
Getae the Dacians against whom Trajan emperor fought Dacia wars
• “To Zeus Kasios has Trajan, son of Aeneas, dedicated this gift, / The ruler of men to the ruler of the
immortals / Two artistically wrought cups and from an aurochs / The horn adorned with all-gleaming gold
/ Chosen from his former spoils when, unyielding he has wasted the Getae with his spear / But you, lord of
the dark clouds, grant him the power / Gloriously to complete this Achaimenian conflict / So that your heart
may be twice warmed by the sight / Of the spoils, those of the Getae and those of the Arsacidians
[56] Dacia: landscape, colonisation and romanisation By Ioana Adina Oltean
The specificity religion of the Getae-Dacians
The peculiar distinction of the people with respect to religion, individualized Getae-Dacians from the Thracians [11]

There are 160 god-names, sacred name for Thracians, attested by the Greek and Latin writers. Only one out
of these, Zalmoxis is specifically North Thracian (Getae-Dacian) [12]

As synthesized by S. Paliga, the essence of the religion of the Getae-Dacians consisted in:
1. monotheism – belief in Zalmoxis
2. aniconism (including the interdiction of writing)
3. the important role of the music
4. the cyclic resurrection" of the supreme god
5. rites connected to immortality and
6. inititation

First records about Getae-Dacians’ religion

In 440 BC, Herodotus (Ionian Geek) gave us the first pieces of information regarding to their religion [4], as
collected from the Greek Ionians living at Black Sea Coast He said about Getae-Dacians:
1. They are “athanatizing” It means the ones who knew to become immortals;
2. They do not believe that there is any god but their own
3. They believe they do not die as those who die go to Zalmoxis a divine being (daimon)
4. Each 5 years they were sending a messenger to Zalmoxis. He was sacrificed so that he will reach God
5. During storm and thunder, the same Thracians named Getae-Dacians were shooting toward the sky

Herodotus told us the version f the Greek Ionians regarding to Zalmoxis but also he told us his opinion
• In the version of Greek Ionians Zalmoxis was a man, slave of Pythagora who escaped and played
resurrection in front of the Getae-Dacians by hiding in a secret chamber and reappearing after 3 years
• In his opinion, if Zalmoxis were a man, I believe Zalmoxis to have lived long before the time of Pythagoras
[4] Without committing himself to the Greeks or to the Getae versions of resurrection, he considered
Zalmoxis a Getae-Dacian Deity
• He wrote: “Whether there was ever really a man of the name, or whether Zalmoxis is nothing but a native
god of the Getae, I now bid him farewell”

Herodotus also asserted that Zalmoxis traveled to Egypt and had a tattoo-mark on his forehead about which Greeks,
unaware of its religious significance, said it was a slave sign
• His tatoo was a god sign [13] Pliny also said that Getae-Dacians practiced tattooing. The other Thracians
practices of sacral tattoing was known to Greek vase-painters, where some are tattooed with a snake.
• Agathyrsi from Dacia at the time of Herodotus used the sacral tattooing of their body

Terizi and Krobizi believe that “dead are believed to return [63]
Beside Herodotus, Hellanicus had reported of Zalmoxis the Getic god [59]

[11] Hermes Scythicus or Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin languages to the Gothic by John Jamieson, 1814
[12] La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga in Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persee
revue) 1994, Volume 2 By Luis Ballesteros Pastor, Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne
[13] Herodotus is the first one to includes Getae among Thracians ”the Getae are the most brave and the most fair of
the Thracians” but also specifying they have different customs and beliefs
[59] Lore and science in ancient Pythagoreanism by Walter Burkert
[63] Ion Popescu Puţuri, Magazin istoric XXII 1988
[13] As it was quoted in the book “Shamanism” by Andrei A. Znamenski. Also, in the same book, Znamenski
relates that something similar happened with Epimenides of Knossos (a semi-mythical 6th century BC Greek seer
and philosopher-poet) He also was considered a disciple of Pythagora even thug he lived before him (Also,
Epimenides skin was found tattooed when he ded, fact that surprised Greeks who considered tattoo as a slave sign)
[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson (I believe
Zalmoxis to have lived long before the time of Pythagoras)
Traits of the Getae-Dacians religion
• "...and they do not believe that there is any god but their own" (Herodotus) [4]
• Ancient sources don’t present any other God of Getae-Dacians than Zalmoxis[12] [71]
• Among others, Jean Coman, R.Pettazzon, E.Rohde and S. Paliaga consider that Getae –Dacians religion is
monotheistic Others, consider it a henotheistic religious system or even polytheistic

Getae-Dacians are not polytheists like the other Thracians. They are henotheists (Vasile Parvan, Getica).

Until at least the apparition of Christianity, Zalmoxis remained Getae-Dacians' only one supreme god [12] [68]
• In Herodotus writing appears an epithet of the Zalmoxis that is Gebeleizis (also spelled Beleizis and
Beleixs). But, Herodotus is the only one ancient mentioning this alternative name
• The second name of this supreme god of Getae-Dacians, "Gebeleizis" / “Beleizis” are arguably epithets of
the Zalmoxis and not another god as advanced by some scholars. [12]
• The Herodotus testimony is self-explanatory “Zalmoxis, who is called also Gebeleizis by some among
them" [4]

Gebeleizis was only an appellative (explanatory attributes) for the same God, an appellative not absolutely identical
with Zalmoxis and it was used just by some Getae-Dacian tribes from the right of the Danube that were influenced
by the South Dyionisian concepts [71]

The scholar Vasile Pârvan speaks about the Supreme God Zalmoxis in his Getica. Vasile Parvan didn’t agree with
including Zbelturdos within Getae-Dacians’ religious believes. [71]
• He asked a revising of the opinions that Zbelturdos and Gebeleizis are epithets of one and the same Uranian
and Dionysian and Chthonic god where they also mix the Thracian Ares
• He also mentioned that today, modern historians of the antic Balkan religions want at any cost to expand
the Thracian Ares in all this henotheist syncretism to all Thracians, including all the Getae-Dacians

Nothing points out to an orgiastic cult of Getae-Dacians like the one of the Southern Thracians .
Not from Thracia but from Egypt Decaeneus took his teachings, too. He reformed his nation with divine signs that
he learnt from Egypt and not with Dionysian teachings or Phrygian orgies [71]
o Getae-Dacians priests had predicated puritan abstinence. The success of Decaeneu religious propaganda is
the destruction of wine and abstinence Decaeneus acts are just repeats of the prophet Zalmoxis [71]

Because of the confusion between Southern Thracians and Danube’s Getae Dacians (relatives but not the
same people) there are so many Thracians’ believes and institutions arbitrarily attributed to Getae-Dacians

The only exception is the one of the so-called deity the "Thracian Knight" under the Greek Influence. [12]
• Darzelas /Derzelas is one of the names of the so-called deity the "Thracian Knight
o In the opinion of the researcher, without trying an etymology it can not be ignored the attested
Getae-Dacian king Duras, the later word “darz”and PIE languages changes GH>D, that makes
plausible a form *Gherghelas corresponding to the Christian Saint Gheorghe
• After Roman conquest (after 107 AD) it appears some representations of the Romans assimilated local
deities (see Diana-Bendis)

[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson (I believe
Zalmoxis to have lived long before the time of Pythagoras)
[12] La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga in Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persee
revue) 1994, Volume 2 By Luis Ballesteros Pastor, Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne
[68] The Oxford illustrated history of prehistoric Europe by Barry Cunliffe 2001 ISBN13: 9780192854414 Edited
by Barry Cunliffe, one of the world's leading archaeologists
[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
The unique supreme god of the Getae-Dacians had just explanatory attributes But even these attributes are just
Zalmoxis and Gebeleizis

o Gebeleizis was only an appellative for the same God, an appellative not absolutely identical with Zalmoxis
and it was used just by some Getae-Dacian tribes from the right of the Danube that were influenced by the
South Dyionisian concepts [71]

The archaism of Zalmoxis's religion points out to a heritage from before the times of Indo-Europeans [12]
• Herodotus said that Zalmoxis traveled around the world and mostly to Egypt. This also supports that
Zalmoxis is included among those lawgivers who took teachings from Egypt [27]
• Diodorus Siculus in 1st century BC mentions Zalmoxis among lawgivers who took teachings from Egypt
Ionians considered him contemporaneous with Pytagora because of the similarities with his doctrine

• It was a specific characteristic of the Getae-Dacian religion. This trait is similar to Judaism and Islamism.
• Because of the aniconism despite the force and power of the Greeks and Romans, Getae-Dacians never
adopted the phonetic writing But, most likely they had a symbolism and initiation system of graphic [12]

The total interdiction of visual representation included the writing [12].

• Druids had a similar trait and it should remembered here that Hippolytus said that the druids learned
Pythagorean philosophy from Zalmoxis [34] [35]
• Such an interdiction couldn’t function without a strong religious substratum, so-called Zalmoxis religion
• This mentality survived until the 17th century within "Jus Valachicum" (Lex lachorm) a juridical and
traditional system always oral [15]

[12] La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga in Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persee
revue) 1994, Volume 2 By Luis Ballesteros Pastor, Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne
[15] Sachelarie and Stoicescu 1988 and , Discussion at Paliga 1991
[27] See The antiquities of Egypt: a translation with notes of book I of the Library of History of Diodorus (Siculus)
by Edwin Murphy
[34] The Cornish language and its literature By Peter Berresford Ellis
[35] Shamanism by Andrei A. Znamenski
[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
• "They think that they do not really die, but that when they depart this life they go to Zalmoxis" [4]
• Getae-Dacians belief in immortality was often mentioned by various sources [12]
• The ritual of sending a messenger to Zalmoxis (every five years) is explained by this belief. "The messages
are given while the man is still alive"(4)
• Zalmoxis cult was a mystery cult conferring blessed immortality [65]

Vasile Parvan says we find in the work of Pomponius Mela II a collection of the rationales of the old and archaic
Getae-Dacians belief in immortality: metempsychosis, popular Platonism and popular pessimism epicurean [71]

In fact, Getae-Dacians believed, similar with Nordic people, in a kind of Walhall, where, after the death of the body
they will meet their Supreme God and will live forever [71]
• The Getae-Dacian belief in immortality is different than the one on Mediterranean areas where the old
chthonic cult (pre-indo-Germanic) were talking about a sad dark underneath place [71]
Dacian Priests
• Similar to the monks of the Christian era following, they combined the duties of priest, judge, scholar, and

Josephus (37 –100 AD mentions Getae-Dacian priests when it is coming to describe the sect of Essenes:
• “They none of them differ from others of the Essenes in their way of living, but do the most resemble those
Dacae who are called Polistae [dwellers in cities] such as are good men and priests, who are to get their
corn and their food ready for them. They live all in the same manner, and are especially like those whom
the Dacians call Polistae"[dwellers in cities].
• Todd S. Beall in his Description of the Essenes Illustrated by the Dead Sea Scrolls stated that the
Josephus's Greek manuscript was “those called the majority of the Dacians” [30]
Note that, according to M.A. Larson, the Essenes were Jewish Pythagoreans who lived as monks

Pious people are the ascetics who give up the carnal pleasure and dedicate themselves to the good thinking and to
the immortality after the life of the body

Vasile Parvan said that we can talk about Getae-Dacians priests as being a really monk / hermit order.
o Ordinary people named them pious and clouds travelers. Nobody harmed them. Getae –Dacians from the
right of Danube named them ctistae and Getae-Dacians from the left of Danube named them polistae

The fact that Poseidonios and Josephus used Getae-Dacian priests and their manner of life and believes to explain
organizations less known, prove the oldness and seriousness of the Getae-Dacian religious institution.
o Vasile Pravan opinion is that even tough Getae-Dacians priests names appear to be double, yet these
correspond to a unique and the same Getae meaning Ctistae = ctitor = founder and Polistae= cities
founders [71]

Since Herodotus until Julian the Apostate, the antiquity was unanimous in recognizing a deep and severe religion of
the Getae-Dacians, that determine their national life it doesn’t matter the situation, either daily praying the
supernatural powers or the out of ordinary union with the immortal divinity [71]
o The soul is immortal. The body is an obstacle for the soul to enjoy the immortality. They don’t have to
listen to the carnal body desires. When it is war, they can sacrifice the body without regret
o The human being cannot reach immortality without cleaning its carnal desires, the wine, and women
Any of the Dionysian orgies of the Thraco-Phrygian is not accepted by Getae-Dacians [71]

[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson
[12] La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga in Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persee
revue) 1994, Volume 2 By Luis Ballesteros Pastor, Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne
[65] The fate of the dead: studies on the Jewish and Christian apocalypses by Richard Bauckham
[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
The important role of the music

The scholar Vasile Parvan specified that, for Getae-Dacians, lyre is an instrument just for religious purposes, and in
the same time they used guitars and sing all the time with them when formed deputation. The other instruments
flute, pan flute and “bucium” were for general purpose [71]

A custom of the Geto-Dacians, was to put on music and to recite the unwritten laws, to sing them like psalms, and
so, to learn them by heart [24]
• The specific musical and dance part of Zalmoxis teachings domain corresponds to the special importance
given by Getae-Dacians to the music.
• Hesych said that Zalmoxis gave his name to a particular type of singing and dancing

In Platon’s Charmides, we find thracian doctors disciples of Zalmoxis who taught them how to make people
immortals through Zalmoxis incantations and medicine [71]
• Incantation and medicine had been based on plants, among which we give just an example: smoking with
hemp seeds . Zalmoxis gave his name to a particular type of singing and dancing (Hesych)
o Zalmoxian doctrine like the Pythagorean doctrine was a doctrine of initiation [12]

Chthonic character
• This characteristic proves the archaism of the Getae-Dacians doctrine It was an essential trait of the
religious systems that existed before Indo-Europeans [12]

Zalmoxis temple and chamber is in a cave, similar with Minoic god of the double dagger the Thunder God, in a cave
from Ida mountain [71]

• The god is in the sky and not on the earth. The god is the clear sky. The bad demons and storms, clouds are
threatening the temper of the God. [71]
• This is the reason the Getae-Dacians are helping their Supreme God for calming the word by shooting the
arrows against the clouds that are hiding and darkening the face of the God from the Sky [71]
• This is the reason that the God is venerated on the high mountains, in the lonely places where just the
eagles but not humans can climb. [71]
• The high priest is staying at that highness where only the king is allowed to ask advise in the war situations
or troubles. [71]
• And the people [Getae-Dacians] took up the notion that the mountain was sacred and they so call it, but its
name is Cogaeonum, like that of the river which flows past it Strabo " [18]
Vasile Parvan opinion is also confirmed by Lactantius [22} who said that Zalmoxis supreme god of Dacians, was
worshiped on the peak of the mountains [22]

The Southern Thracians were tempted mostly toward chthonic and naturist cults, they have a supreme god of
Uranian, Solar and Healing that they name Zeus, Apollon or Asclepios and give to him multiple descriptive
attributes. or mostly regional attributes
Their South Thracian God was so chthonian and naturist that it was equated with Dionysos-Sabazios on one hand
and with the underearth Heros on the other hand [71]

[12] La divinité suprême des Thraco-Daces by Ph D Historian Sorin Paliga in Dialogues d’histoire ancienne (Persee
revue) 1994, Volume 2 By Luis Ballesteros Pastor, Centre de recherches d'histoire ancienne
[24] Zamolxis—the first lawgiver of the Getae" by the Swedish Carolus Lundius Translation, notes and summary by
Maria Crisan (M.A.)
[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson
[18] The Geography of Strabo published in Vol. III of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1924 The text is in the
public domain
[22] “of the Manner in which the persecutors died” by Lactantius (early Christian author 240 – 320 AD)
[65] The fate of the dead: studies on the Jewish and Christian apocalypses by Richard Bauckham
Religion during the classical period of the Dacia states
“…and the king cooperated with him [Zalmoxis], because he saw that the people paid much more attention to
himself than before, in the belief that the decrees which he promulgated were in accordance with the counsel of the
gods. This custom persisted even down to our own time, because some man of that character was always to be
found, who, though in fact only a counsellor to the king, was called god among the Getae” (Strabo)

The powerful high priest Deceneu (spelled also Decaeneus) (70 BC - 44 BC) gives the best example for the
institution of religion in Getae-Dacians state.
• He re-enforced Zalmoxis doctrine and supported the governing of the King Burebista (82 BC-44 BC) as
attested by Strabo and Jordanes [17] [18]
• They assert his travel to Egypt and the fact that gave written laws to Getae-Dacians

After Burebista death (44 BC) Deceneu remained king of Dacia [63]. The tradition of high priest to assist the king or
to be the king himself continued with
1. Comosicus King and high priest (44 BC - 28/29 AD)[17]
2. Coryllus King and high priest (28/29-68/69 AD) [17] Spelling of Frontinus is Scorylo, dux
Dacorum [19] Spelling on archeological findings is Scorilo (Decebalus per Scorilo) [20]
3. High priest Vesina who assisted King Decebal

The extent of Getae-Dacians belief in Zalmoxis teachings is better explained in the later quotes made by Lactantius
(early Christian author 240 – 320 AD) [22]
• "We have conquered even these Getae (Dacians), the most warlike of all people that have ever existed, not
only because of the strength in their bodies, but, also due to the teachings of Zalmoxis who is among their
most hailed. He has told them that that in their hearts they do not die, but change their location and, due to
this, they go to their deaths happier than on any other journey."

Religious Instructions
• Getae are in a special way reverential towards the gods is clearly contrary to reason, whereas the
interpretation that zeal for religion is strong in this tribe, and that because of their reverence for the gods the
people abstain from eating any living thing, is one which, both from what Poseidonius and from what the
histories in general tell us, should not be disbelieved.
• “the Pythagorean doctrine of abstention from eating any living thing still survived as taught by Zamolxis”
(Strabo) [18]
• Poseidonius goes on to say of the Mysians /Moesians (Getae-Dacian tribe living both sides of Danube)[18]
, [23] that "in accordance with their religion they abstain from eating any living thing, and therefore from
their flocks as well; and that they use as food honey and milk and cheese, living a peaceable life, and for
this reason are called both "god-fearing" and "capnobataeand; there are some of the Thracians who live
apart from woman-kind; these are called "Ctistae”"
o Literally, "creators" or "founders." But, like "capnobatae," the force of the word here is unknown
(see notes of the translation to English)
o Vasile Pârvan considers ktistai = “founders of the cities”; (it cognates with Romanian "ctitor")
o I.I. Russu considers ktistai = Getae-Dacian radical meaning "stralucitori” =“the bright ones"

[17] JORDANES THE ORIGIN AND DEEDS OF THE GOTHS translated by Charles C. Mierow
[18] The Geography of Strabo published in Vol. III of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1924 The text is in the
public domain
[19] Strategemata:I;10;4 by Frontinus
[20] http:/ / soltdm. com/ langtdm/ thes/ d/ DPS by Oltean
[22] “of the Manner in which the persecutors died” by Lactantius (early Christian author 240 – 320 AD) [23] Strabo
Geography VII 3.3.Getae lived on either side the Ister, as did also the Mysi, these also being Thracians and identical
with the people who are now called Moesi
[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
Getae-Dacians laws
Zalmoxis was the first Getae-Dacians legislator [24] but his written laws (as attested by Jordanes 6th century and
Iamblicus 3th century) are not available to us.
• Iamblicus (280-333 AD)“For instructing the Getae in these things, and for having written laws for them,
Zalmoxis was by them considered as the greatest of the gods”[26]
• Jordanes (550 AD) about high priest Deceneu "by imparting a knowledge of physics he made them live
naturally under laws of their own, which they possess in written form to this day and call belagines" [17]
• There was a secrecy involving a written form of religious writings. This is similar to Druids’ laws
o Caesar noted that Druids make rule of Greek letters and there was a prohibition of images and
writing about everything connected to religion[36]
• The majority of ancient writings about Dacia that had been acknowledged as being written had been
lost/destroyed (In 19th century historian Al Calimah made an inventory containing 282 titles of such books
More than 90 % out of these had not survived to the history)
o i.e. Ovidius poems, Dacica of Emperor Trajan (equivalent of Cesar’s book in Gaul), Getica about
Roman-Dacian wars written by Trajan’s doctor ….aso) [25]

When talking about lawgivers who arose in Egypt Diodorus Siculus (1st century BC) stated that "Zalmoxis
received his laws from the Goddess Hestia" [27] , [28]
• Hestia is "The honored, first born of the Olympian gods who has power over altars, hearths, town halls and
states"[29] ) He said:
o But we must also make mention of the lawgivers who arose in Egypt and who ordained such
strange and marvelous customs. For in primitive Egypt after life had become setted (which
according to myth took place I the era of gods and heroes), they say that the first persn who
convinced the people to use written laws was Mneves Among the Arians, they record Zathraustes
pretended that the God Spirit gave him the laws and among those called Getae, who aspire to
immortality, Zalmoxis in like manner credited the familiar Hestia with his revelation and
among the Judaeans Moyses attributed them to the God called by the name of Iao." [27]

17] JORDANES THE ORIGIN AND DEEDS OF THE GOTHS translated by Charles C. Mierow
[24] Zamolxis—the first lawgiver of the Getae" by Carolus Lundius Translation, notes and summary by Maria
Crisan (M.A.)
[25] Aurora Petan study about the book of the historian Al. Papadopol Calimah "CARTILE PIERDUTE
books regarding Dacia") 1872 si 1876. That book list 282 books, and the fact that 90% out of these had been lost
[26] The Complete Pythagoras Edited by Patrick Rousell for the World Wide Web (A full-text, public domain
[27] The antiquities of Egypt: a translation with notes of book I of the Library of History of Diodorus (Siculus) by
Edwin Murphy
[28] Introduction to the Science of Religion By Friedrich Muller
[30] Larson, Martin Alfred. The Story of Christian Origins. Washington: J.J. Binns, 1977. ISBN 0883310902
Zalmoxis as viewed by others
• Others saw Getae-Dacians’ God as a daimon (Herodot), God (Mnaseas), disciple or slave of Pythagora
(Ionian Greeks) or prophet or king (Jordanes)
• Carolus Lundius “Zamolxis was also called Bal, Ballur, and Aballur, i.e. Apollo; depending on the context,
it can be inferred whom it is dealt with. And by Macrobius too, but also by the ancient ones he was called
Sun, too He was also identified with Liber Pater, which is Dionysus - Bacchus. With god Mars and
Mercury, their object of cult being not anything else (so, it is about other deities).And also Aesculapius,
that means “health” and Isis, even with Serapis, which are the gods, too of the Sun. So, an identification
with Adronis, Attin, Osiris and Horus points to nothing else but again the Sun"[24]
o Note: As a number of scholars have pointed out, that the Essenes also subscribed to a sun-cult.
o Note: Pythagoreans prayed twice daily to the sun. Essenes “employ the same daily regime as was
revealed to the Greeks by Pythagoras [67]
• The historian Mnaseas of Patrae (3rd century BC) tells us that the Getae venerated Saturn, whom they
called Zalmoxis [31]
• Diogenis Laertius writes that the Getae-Dacians call Saturn Zalmoxis [32]

Kronos Hesychius says Zalmoxis o Kronos [12]

• This identification of Zalmoxis with Kronos is unusual for Greeks since they very rarely equated a foreign
divinity with a Greek divinity [12]

Phoenician Okhon and Libyan Atlas by Aristotle (Densusianu)

Patroos theos, meaning “parental god” or “ancestral” by Lucian de Samosata (Densisianu)

Mystery Gods
• Strabo (63BC-24AD)grouped Zalmoxis with Orpheus, Musaeus and Trophonius the Greek God of
• Zalmoxis taught Epimenides of Crete [33]
• Rhys Carpenter (1946) emphasized the similarities between Zalmoxis legend and those of Epeminedes and

Zalmoxis and Druids

• Druids learned Pythagorean philosophy from Zalmoxis [34] [35]
The Getae-Dacian religious system had certain similarities to the Celtic Druids's one related to Pythagorean
• There are some other striking similarities even between Stonehenge and Sarmisegetuza sanctuaries of
Getae-Dacian capital.[37]
• The study of Sarmisegetusa constructions and Stonehenge revealed similar elements of
astronomy. Both seems that measured the movements of the sun, the moon, and perhaps,
the stars. Based on researches carried at Sarmisegetusa calendar, the Dacian year began at
Winter Solstice[38]

[24] Zamolxis—the first lawgiver of the Getae" by Carolus Lundius Translation, notes and summary by Maria
Crisan (M.A.)
[33] Celts and the classical world, Part 70 By David Rankin
[34] The Cornish language and its literature By Peter Berresford Ellis
[35] Shamanism by Andrei A. Znamenski
[36] Caesar’s The Gallic war
[37] The Dacian capital “Sarmizegetusa-Regia” was sited according to precise astronomic alignments and
Pythagorean doctrines by Franz Kerek in Papers from the annual meeting of SEAC (European Society for
Astronomy in Culture)
After Roman occupation of Dacia (107 AD until 6th century)
Beside the known Getae-Dacians presence, we give here just briefly some miles stone about Getae-Dacians presence
in records as given by Roman Emperors titles Dacicus Maximus (meaning great victory against Dacians)
Maximinus the Thrax ( 235 to 238) , Decius (249 to 251) Gallienus (260 to 268) Aurelianus (270 to 275) and
Constantine the Great titled Dacicus Maximus in 336 AD
o Vasile Parvan proved that Constantine’s Dacicus Maximus corresponds with re-including Dacia with
Roman empire as appear at that time contemporaneous sources

One of the Dacia’s later mentions within Roman empire appear cited in the book “An epitome of the civil and
literary chronology of Rome and Constantinople By Henry Fynes Clinton”
o Theodosius, who in early life had served under his father in Britain, and since the death of his father in 376
had lived in retirement in Spain, was appointed Augustus by Gratian at Sirmium 19 Jan. 379. Theodosius,
now in his 33rd year, governs the provinces administered by Valens, to which are added Dacia and
Macedonia (1132 D. Magnus Ausonius Q. Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius. Gratiani 13 from Aug. 24.
Valentiniani II 5 from Nov. 22. Theodosii 1 from Jan. 19.)
o And, in 483 Theoderic is propitiated [To conciliate (an offended power); appease] by the liberality of
Zeno. Parts of Dacia and Moesia are ceded to him: he is appointed master general of the forces in 483.
He is received with distinction at Constantinople, appointed consul elect, and honored with a triumph at the
public expense.[13]

Zalmoxis religion after Romans conquest

• This religious structure had been destroyed in 107 AD by the invaders occupying Romans, because it was
so closely to the native kingship [45] This involves suppressing Getae-Dacians priests by the Roman
government (They disappeared from the written record by the 2nd century AD, although there may have
been later survivals)
• Romans razed to the ground native Dacian sanctuaries that archaeological work has revealed today [46]
• The religion may have arisen entirely out of local roots. The immortalizing monotheism of Zalmoxis may
have been one precursor, while hilltop sanctuaries like the Dacian ones were prefigured in the 4th century
BC in the Rhodope Mountains of southern Thrace. But, there were many potential external influences at
this time too – Buddhism, Judaism, which had just reached the Bosporan kingdom in the Crimea, and
Egyptian cults in the Hellenistic cities of southern Thrace
• Whatever the precise form of the Dacian religion, it was clearly powerfully threatening to the Roman
conquerors, who systematically razed temples to the ground, leaving only the column bases [68]

In the 3rd century Dacians were still described as votary of the Zalmoxis by Lactantius (early Christian writer)
• "As you can see is clear he was from Dacian origin, at least he's mother was, even the fact she worshiped a "god of
mountains" remember the old Zalmoxe supreme god of Dacians, who was worshiped usualy on the peak of the
mountains" [22]

The sun-cult of the Getae-Dacians

The most intriguing evidence in Dacia is the indigenous sun-cult of Dacians[46]

• :Sanctuaries in elaborate circular patterns were almost certainly connected with the solar calendar[46]
• This may be related to the common traits between Pythagorean and Zalmoxian doctrine
• The cult of the sun has very ancient affinities in the Carpatho-Danubian region, for there are very many
evidences of it in the remains that have come down to us from the fourth period of Bronze Age

[22] “of the Manner in which the persecutors died” by Lactantius (early Christian author 240 – 320 AD)
[45] Dacia by Vasile Parvan and Radu Vulpe
[46] Religion in the Roman Empire by JB Rives
[68] The Oxford illustrated history of prehistoric Europe by Barry Cunliffe 2001 ISBN13: 9780192854414 Edited
by Barry Cunliffe, one of the world's leading archaeologists
Adopting some particular Roman Deities
• A part of Getae-Dacians seems like they adopted some Rome's mythology. But, the indigenous traditions
can be deduced from the Dacia tendencies and particular popularity of certain Graeco-Roman gods

The god "Silvanus"

• Silvanus had a particularly striking and tremendous popularity after Roman invasion of Dacia
• He is attested in some 150 inscriptions Dacia This number is more than twice the number from the rest of
empire, including Italy. Scholars have explained this popularity by arguing that Silvanus was in Dacia, a
Roman name given to an indigenous deity [46]
• Nevertheless the popularity of this rustic woodland god must be indicative of local concerns [46]

Diana (Roman deity) with strong connections to woodlands is also widely attested. [46] That confirms the
popularity of Silvanus
o Diana is the pre-Roman Dacian equivalent Bendis

Even though the written sources didn’t mention about a Getae-Dacians feminine deity, inscriptions from the Roman
period (after 107 AD) Diana Regina on the right side of Danube and Diana sancta, potentissima in Dacia (left side of
Danube) presents strange elements of syncretism with Nemesis and Iuni Regina that makes very possible the Daco-
Roman Diana is the Thracian Artemis-Bendis that we know from Herodotus, and it was venerated as a Northern
Deity by women from Thracia and Paeonia
o That means, Getae-Dacian women knew incantations, and treatments, and plant medicine that women from
North of Haemus used currently for the soul and body wounds. Bessi were good neighbors at Haemus as
well through their Scytia Minor colonists

Other Thracian Deities

• An apparently similar cult peculiar was the so-called Danubian Rider Gods This cult typically depict a
goddess flanked by two gods in the horseback, with a complex arrangement of other divine images and
symbols above ad below. Yet the fact that it apparently originated in southern Dacia shortly after the
Roman conquest and was almost entirely restricted to the lands around the Danube suggests that it in some
way reflected regional; traditions or concerns
• The Mysteries Religion of Mithras expanded in the Roman empire reaching its highest peak around 250
AD. Dacia was the Roman province where Mithraism reached its highest popularity in Europe

Early Christians
• Christianity existed among some of the Romans at the time Dacia occupation
• In 304 AD, the first known “Daco-Roman” Christian priest Montanus and his wife Maxima were drowned,
as martyrs.

[46] Religion in the Roman Empire by JB Rives

[71] Getica by Vasile Parvan
Zalmoxis and early Christianity
• It appears that a synthesis between the Getae-Dacians aniconic religious system and Christianity was
realized in special conditions
• The survived elements of the Getae-Dacian religious system can be seen with the linguistic and
mythological traces in Romanian and Albanian. Archaism of Romanian mythological system (Vulcanescu,
• Interesting comparisons could be made with Lithuanian mythology
• Early Christians presented Trophonius in the image of Pythagoras and Zalmoxis because of the Mysteries
components of their cult [61]

Getae-Dacians contributions to Christianity

• When the Dacian-born Galerius became Emperor (305-311 AD) he proclaimed freedom for Christians all
over the Roman Empire.
• The Edict of Toleration by Galerius was issued in 311 by the Roman Tetrarchy of Galerius, Constantine
and Licinius (Also a Dacian by birth [47] ), officially ending the Diocletian persecution of
Christianity.officially ending the Diocletian persecution of Christianity. [48]
• In the Apostolic letter of the Holy Father John Paul II for the 3rd centenary of the union of the Greek-
Catholic Church of Romania with the Church of Rome there are mentioned the followings: Apostle
Andrew, brother of Peter, Nicetas of Remesiana, John Cassian and Dionysius Exiguus

Niceta the Bishop of Dacia is the patron Saint of Romania

• Paulinus said "God meant him to be a link between the East and West, a master of more than one people, a
citizen of both Dacia and Rome, a shepherd of his new people and a lover of his old friends"
• He promoted Latin sacred music for use during the eucharistic worship and reputedly composed liturgical
hymns among which some 20th century scholars number the major Latin Christian hymn of praise and, Te
John Cassian
• John Cassian wrote two major spiritual works, the "Institutes" and the "Conferences." In these, he codified
and transmitted the wisdom of the Desert Fathers of Egypt.
Dionysius Exiguus (470– 544 AD
• He was born in the area known in ancient times as Scythia Minor (modern Dobrogea-Romania). From
about 500 AD he lived in Rome, where translated from Greek into Latin 401 ecclesiastical canons. He is
best-known as the inventor of the Anno Domini [AD], which is used to number the years of both the
Gregorian calendar and the Julian calendar

• Mythology preserves the characters linked with Dacian priests and Zalmoxis. These are the Solomonari
The form of name Solomonar is corrupted because of Christian influences that supplemented earlier belief
(Zalmoxis was esteemed among Getae for his “weather-predictions”) Dacian priests were named by the
Greeks as Capnobates – the walkers in the clouds.
Calus Ritual
• It 2006 had been included in the Unesco Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
• The Calus ritual features a series of songs and dances. The oldest documented music used in this ritual
dance dates from no later than 17th century It is considered now that the ritual has elements of ancient
purification and fertility rites (some using the symbol of the horse), which was worshipped as an
embodiment of the sun. Young men used to be initiated into the ritual by a vataf (master) who had inherited
the knowledge of magic charms and the dance steps from his predecessor. Căluşari were thought to be
endowed with magical healing powers

Brasov's "Junii" Rituals

• Attested no later than 1728, this Fest was presented by the Saxon Julius Teutsch in his chronicle "Junii
must be seen like a trace of pagan era, an old springtime fest that celebrates the nature revival, the sun
overcoming the cold of winter, the beginning of a new life... and, the fest must be considered a religious
cult that existed before Christianity that being confirmed also, by the fact that it takes place only on the top
of hills, that was a custom known from Dacians" (Quoted by V. Oltean)
[1] The term Getae-Dacian is designated the same people named Getae by ancient Greeks and Dacians mostly by
Romans at the moment of Roman expansion toward Getae territories and after Roman conquest of Getae lands (both
sides of Danube)
[2] Mythological images in culture Central and East-European barbarians by Fantalov Alex
[3] At the moment where Romans extended their empire to the territory of Getae, ancient Romans since 1 century
BD named the Getae with the name Dacians. After Roman conquest of Getae territories they named Roman
province Dacia Felix and people only Dacians.The answer about why they did may be related to the etymology of
name Dacian.
[4] The History of Herodotus By Herodotus Written 440 B.C.E Translated by George Rawlinson (I believe
Zalmoxis to have lived long before the time of Pythagoras)

[15] Sachelarie and Stoicescu 1988 and , Discussion at Paliga 1991

[16] http:/ / upload. wikimedia. org/ wikipedia/ en/ 8/ 87/ Ruines_Getae-Dacians_sanctuaries. jpg
[17] JORDANES THE ORIGIN AND DEEDS OF THE GOTHS translated by Charles C. Mierow
[18] The Geography of Strabo published in Vol. III of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1924 The text is in the
public domain
“ The language of the Daci is the same as that of the Getae. Among the Greeks, however, the Getae are
better known because the migrations they make to either side of the Ister are continuous, and because they are
intermingled with the Thracians and Mysians”
[19] Strategemata:I;10;4 by Frontinus
[20] http:/ / soltdm. com/ langtdm/ thes/ d/ DPS by Oltean
[21] Vezina Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[22] “of the Manner in which the persecutors died” by Lactantius (early Christian author 240 – 320 AD)
[23] Strabo Geography VII 3.3.Getae lived on either side the Ister, as did also the Mysi, these also being Thracians
and identical with the people who are now called Moesi
[24] Zamolxis—the first lawgiver of the Getae" by Carolus Lundius Translation, notes and summary by Maria
Crisan (M.A.)
[25] Aurora Petan study about the book of the historian Al. Papadopol Calimah "CARTILE PIERDUTE
books regarding Dacia") 1872 si 1876. That book list 282 books, and the fact that 90% out of these had been lost
[26] The Complete Pythagoras Edited by Patrick Rousell for the World Wide Web(A full-text, public domain
[27] The antiquities of Egypt: a translation with notes of book I of the Library of History of Diodorus (Siculus) by
Edwin Murphy
[28] Introduction to the Science of Religion By Friedrich Muller
[29] http:/ / ancienthistory. about. com/ cs/ grecoromanmyth1/ p/ Hestia. htm
[30] Larson, Martin Alfred. The Story of Christian Origins. Washington: J.J. Binns, 1977. ISBN 0883310902
[31] Photius, Fragm. Hist. Graec. III. p.153
[32] Ancient Diogenis Laertius quoted in Prehistoric Dacia by O Desusianu
[33] Celts and the classical world, Part 70 By David Rankin
[34] The Cornish language and its literature By Peter Berresford Ellis
[35] Shamanism by Andrei A. Znamenski
[36] Caesar’s The Gallic war
[37] The Dacian capital “Sarmizegetusa-Regia” was sited according to precise astronomic alignments and
Pythagorean doctrines by Franz Kerek in Papers from the annual meeting of SEAC (European Society for
Astronomy in Culture)
[38] Plausible considerations regarding the astronomical modeling of the social and biological life of Dacians-
Getians by Liviu Sofonea University of Brasov
[39] Article Etymologies's Connections,2009 by Baloianu "the name is based on the PIE root "Sal" meaning Sun
(Latin Sol) Its semantic corresponds to the Sun-cult of Zalmoxis and Pythagorean doctrines, and to the Carol
Lundius connections of Zalmoxis to ancients' Sun-Gods
[40] Herodotus (lib. IV. c. 94 and 96) calls him daimon epichorios (deus indigena) local god
[41] Dacia Preistorica by Ovid Densusianu
[42] http:/ / fr. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Religion_des_Daces
[43] Wilhelm Tomaschek
[44] Cicerone Poghirc, 1983 based on the Slavic nebo, "sky," and the Greek nephele, "cloud")
[45] Religion in the Roman Empire by JB Rives
[46] Religion in the Roman Empire by JB Rives
[47] Socrates and Sozomenus Ecclesiastical Histories: "At length Galerius Maximian, who had exercised the chief
authority also died, having previously appointed as his successor, his old friend and companion in arms, Licinius, a
Dacian by birth"
[48] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Edict_of_Toleration_by_Galerius
[49] Rumanian studies – An international annual of the Humanity and social studies 1976 Leiden E. J. Brill
[50] Ancient Greeks and some ancient Romans until Dacia conquest 107 AD
[51] D. Popescu Objets de parure geto-daces en argent Dacia VII-VIII Bucharest 1941
[52] There is a mention about Getae in the imperial Romans titles Geticus received by the Caracalla (211-217 AD).
Historia Augusta explains why they named Geticus and not Gothicus: "Getae is a name for the Goths, whom he
[54] The history of Herodotus: A new English version, ed. with copious notes and ... By Herodotus, George
[55] The Cambridge ancient history, Volume 3, Part 1 By John Boardman
[59] Lore and science in ancient Pythagoreanism by Walter Burkert
[60] There is not epigraphically evidence of the Zalmodegicus, Thracian prince Pippidi Studii clasice 1961
[61] Greek mysteries: the archaeology and ritual of ancient Greek secret cults
By Michael B. Cosmopoulos
[63] Ion Popescu Puţuri, Magazin istoric XXII 1988
[64] The shape of ancient thought: comparative studies in Greek and Indian by Thomas McEvilley
[65] The fate of the dead: studies on the Jewish and Christian apocalypses By Richard Bauckham
[67] Qumran and the Essenes: a re-evaluation of the evidence By Lena Cansdale
[68] The Oxford illustrated history of prehistoric Europe by Barry Cunliffe 2001 ISBN13: 9780192854414 Edited
by Barry Cunliffe, one of the world's leading archaeologists

[56] This information is coming from Josephus Antiquities of the Jews “Thiras also called those whom he ruled
over Thirasians; but the Greeks changed the name into Thracians

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