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1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\b\f0\fs22 Electro
1.State Gauss\u8223?s law and use this law to deriv
e the electric filed at a point \par
from an infinitely long straight uniformly charged
\lang1033 2.Derive an expression for electric fiel
d intensity at a point on the axial line \par
and on the equatorial line of an electric pole. \pa
3.Derive an expression for torque acting on an elec
tric in a uniform \par
electric filed\par
4.Derive an expression for total work done in rotat
ing an electric dipole \par
through an angle \'84\f1\'e8\u8223? in uniform elec
tric field.\f0 \par
5.State Gauss\u8223?s theorem in electrostatics. U
sing this theorem, derive an expression for the \p
electric field intensity due to a charged metallic
spherical shell\par
(i)point outside sphere.\par
(ii)point inside sphere.\par
6. Using Gauss\u8223? theorem obtain an expression
for the electric field intensity at a distance r
from an infinitely long line of charge with unifor
m linear charge density \f1\'eb Cm-1\par
\f0 7.\f1 On the basis of Gauss\u8223? theorem pro
ve that, for a point outside a charged spherical s
hell it \par
behaves as a point charge.\par
Ans: If E = 0\f0 , V= constant\f1 E=-dV/dr\par
\f0 8\f1 . An electric dipole is held in uniform e
lectric field.\f0 \f1 Show that net force acting
on it is zero.\par

\f0 9\f1 . Derive an expresion for the strength of

electric field intensity at a point\par
on the axis of a uniformly charged circular coil of
radius R carying charge\par
\f0 '\f1 Q\f0 '\par
24 State the theorem which relates total charge enc
losed within a closed surface 5\par
and the electric flux passing through it. Prove it
for a single point charge. \f1\par
\lang9\b\f0 Electrostatics-II\b0\par
1.Derive an expression for capacitance of parallel
plate capacitor, when a \par
di\f1 lectric slab of dielectric constant k is par
tially introduced between \par
the plates of the capacito\lang1033\f0 r\par
2.Derive the expression for energy(or electrostatic
potential energy) stored in a \par
parallel plate capacitor from the capacitor.\par
3. Derive the expression for \lquote Energy Densit
y\rquote in a parallel plate capacitor.\par
4. Derive Energy stored in series combination of ca
5. Derive the Energy stored in parallel combination
of capacitors. \par
6. Derive the relation for the loss of energy whil
e sharing of charges when two capacitors are \par
connected in parallel.\par
7. Derive the expression for the potential due to a
Derive an expression for the potential energy of a
system of two electric charges in an \par
external electric field.\par
8.Derive the formula for the capacitance of a para
llel plate capacitor having a dielectric \par
slab of thickness \'84t\rquote the plates.\par
9. Derive the relation between \f1\'d8\f0 E and \u
8712? r\par
10. Show that at a point where the electric field i
ntensity is zero, electric \par
potential need not be zero.\par
11.Show that the potential of a charged spherical c
onductor, kept at the \par

Centre of a charged hollow spherical conductor is a

lways greater than \par
that of the hollow spherical conductor, irrespectiv
e of the charge \par
accumulated on it\par
\b Ans\b0 : Va-Vb=(q/4\f1\'f0\f2\'ba) (1/r-1/R)(PRI
\f0 12\f2 . Show that the force on each plate of a
parallel plate capacitor has a magnitude equal to
(1/2) QE, \par
where Q is the charge on the capacitor and E is th
e magnitude of EF between the plates\par
\f0 13.\f2 Show that electric field is always perp
endicular to the \par
equipotential surface\par
14. . Show that work done in carrying electric cha
rge on an equipotential surface is zero.\par
Show that electric field at a point is equal to th
e negative \par
of the potential gradient at that point.\lang9\f0\p
\b \b0 15.With the help of an example, show that F
arad is a very large unit of\par
16. Derive an expresion for potential at any point
distant r from the centre O\par
of dipole making an angle with the dipole.\par
\b Current ELectricity\b0\par
\lang1033 1.\f1 Derive the principle of wheatstone
bridge using Kirchoff\u8223?s law.\par
\f0 2\f1 .Derive the relation between Drift Velocit
y & Current.\par
\f0 3\f1 . Derive Ohm\u8223?s law in terms of mate
rial constant or expression for resistivity in ter
ms of \par
material constant\f0 ,\f1 number density\f0 \f1
of fre\f0 e\f1 electrons and relaxation time.\b\p
\b0\f0 4\f1 . Derive the relation for the internal
resistance of a cell in terms emf and terminal po
tential \par

\f0 5.\f1 Obtain an expression for the \par
potential difference per unit length of the potenti
ometer wire.\par
\f0 6\f1 . Obtain the equivalent emf of cells group
ed in series and in parallel.\par
\f0 7\f1 . Obtain the relation for the combination
of resistances in Series: -\par
\f0 8\f1 .Obtain the relation for the combination o
f resistances in parallel: -\par
\f0 9.\f1 A voltmeter of resistance RV is connecte
d across a resistor R which is to be measured. An
ammeter of resistance RA is in series with this com
bination. The arrangement is then \par
connected across a battery and the ratio of the re
adings in the meters give a value R\f0 '\f1\par
for R. Show that R and R\f0 '\f1 are related as 1/R
= 1/R\f0 '\f1 - 1/RV\par
\f0 10.\f1 Derive the expresion for the potential e
nergy of the dipole and show\par
diagrammaticaly the orientation of the dipole in th
e field for which the\par
potential energy is (i) maximum (i) minimum.\par
\f0 11.\f1 Obtain an expression for resistance Rg
of the galvanometer in terms of R, S and n. To\par
what form does this expression reduce when the val
ue of R is very large as compared to\par
S? 3\lang9\f0\par
\b Magnetic force and things\par
\lang1033\b0 1.\f1 Derive an expression for the fo
rce experienced by a current carrying straight \pa
conductor placed in a magnetic field. Under what co
ndition is this force \par
maximum? \par
\f0 2.\f1 Derive the expression for \par
the magnetic moment when an electron revolves at a
speed \'84v\u8223? around an orbit \par
of radius r in hydrogen atom\par
\f0 3.S\f1 tate Ampere\u8223?s Circuital Law. Deri
ve an expression for the magnetic field at a \par

point due to straight current carrying conductor.\p

\f0 4.\f1 Derive an expression for the magnetic fi
eld at a point along the axis of an air \par
cored solenoid using a Ampere\u8223?s circuital law
\f0 5.\f1 Derive an expression for torque acting o
n a rectangular current carrying loop \par
kept in a uniform magnetic field B. Indicate the di
rection of acting on \par
the loop\par
\f0 6.\f1 Derive an expression for: (i) induced emf
& (ii) induced current when, a \par
conductor of length is moved into a uniform velocit
y v normal to a uniform \par
magnetic field B. Assume resistance of conductor to
be \par
\f0 7\f1 . Derive an expression for magnetic field
on a point on the axial \par
of circular \f0 coil\f1 .\par
\f0 8\f1 . Derive an expression for Force per unit
length due to two straight current carrying wires
\lang9\f0 9. Using Biot-Savart law, derive an expr
ession for the Magnetic field due to a current \pa
carrying circular loop at its centre\par
10. Obtain an expression for the magnetic field due
to a toroid carrying the current.\par
11. Obtain an expression for torque experienced by
a current carrying conductor placed in \par
uniform magnetic field.\par
12. State and prove Ampere\u8223?s Circuital law.\p
t1 13.Show that cyclotron frequency does not depen
d \par
\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1 upon the speed of particl
es. Write its two limitations\par
14. Show that the average energy density of the ele
ctric field E equals the\par

average energy density of the magnetics fields B?\p

15. Derive an expresion for the torque on a magneti
c dipole placed in a\par
magnetic field and hence define magnetic moment.\pa
16. Derive an expresion for magnetic field intensit
y due to a bar magnet\par
(magnetic dipole) at any point (i) Along its axis (
i) Perpendicular to the axis.\par
17. Derive an expresion for the torque acting on a
lop of N turns of area A\par
of each turn carying curent I, when held in a unifo
rm magnetic field B.\par
15. Prove that the magnetic moment of a hydrogen at
om in its ground state\par
is eh/4(pi).m. Symbols have their usual meaning.\pa
16.Apply this law to obtain an expression for the
induced emf when one \lquote rod\rquote of a\par
rectangular conductor is free to move in a uniform
, time independent and \lquote normal\rquote\par
magnetic field.\par
\b EMI\par
\lang1033\b0 1.\f1 Derive an expression for the \pa
mutual inductance of two long \par
solenoids of same length wound over \par
the other.\par
\f0 2.Derive an expression for the \par
mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids of
same length wound over \par
the other\par
3.Derive an expression for the \par
mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids of
same length wound over \par
the other.\par
4.Derive an expression f Derive an expression for
self inductance of a long, air-cored solenoid of
length l, radius r, and having N number of turns\p
5.What is the power dissipated in the pure inductor

circuit & derive the equation \par

for energy stored in an inductor?.\par
6.Prove that the total inductance of two coils con
nected in parallel is\par
(1/L\b t)=\b0 (1/L1)+(1/L2)\par
7.Show that LENZ LAW is in accordance with the law
of conservation of \par
energy. \par
8. SI unit of magnetic flux - show that it equals v
olt -second \par
\lang9 9.Derive an expresion for mutual\par
inductance of a system of two concentric and coplan
er circular lop P and\par
Q of radi a and b and number of turn N1\par
or N2\par
respectively (a << b).\par
\b AC\b0\par
\lang1033 1.Define and derive the root mean square
value of a.c voltage\par
2.\f1 Derive an expression for average power consum
ed over a complete cycle of ac \par
through an LCR circuit.\par
\f0 3.Derive an expression for resonant frequency \
and show a graphical variation between current and
angular frequency of \par
applied ac. Define quality factor and derive an exp
ression for it.\par
4.Derive an expression for the impedance of an ac
circuit of variable frequency for an\par
i) inductor and a resistor in series \par
ii)inductor, resistor and capacitor in series \par
5. Derive relation between Effective value(root me
an square value of a.c) and its peak value \par
6. Prove that an ideal capacitor in an ac circuit d
oes not dissipate power.\par
7. Prove that an ideal resistance connected to an
ac source dissipates power = (Veff)^2/ R\par
8. Prove that an ideal inductor connected to an ac
source does not dissipate any power\par
9. Mathematically prove that average value of alte
rnating current over one complete cycle is zero \p

10 An inductor L , a capacitor C and a resistor R
are connected in series in an a.c circuit \par
Deduce with the help of a suitable phasor diagram
, a mathematical expression for impedance of this
circuit .What is meant by resonance of this circui
t ? Prove that this circuit \par
exhibits resonance at a frequency given by :\par
\lang9 (1/(2(pi)sqrt(L.C)))\par
38. Show that the work done in maintaining a stead
y current i0 in an inductor L is (1/2)(Li(o))^2\pa
12. Show that in the fre oscilation of an LC circui
t, the sum of energies\par
stored in the capacitor and the inductor is constan
t with time.\par
13. Show that he potential diference acros the LC c
ombination is zero at he\par
resonating frequency in series LCR circuit \par
14.Show that the DC signal wil apear acros C where\
as AC signal wil apear acros L.\par
\b0 1. Show that the energy of em wave is equally
divided between electric and magnetic fields. \par
2. How would you experimentaly show that EM waves a
re transverse in\par
Ray optics and insturments\par
\lang1033\b0 1.Derive a relation between the focal
length and radius of curvature of a \par
Plano convex lens made of glass. Compare the relati
on with that of a \par
concave mirror. What can you conclude? Justify your
\b Ans\b0 . (f=2R) both are same. But applicable al
ways in mirrors, but for \par
lenses only in specific cases, the relation can be
2. Derive lens/mirror formula in case of a convex/c
oncave mirror.\par

3. Stating the assumptions and sign conventions, de

rive expression for lens \par
maker\u8223?s formula.\par
4. A spherical surface of radius of curvature \'84
R\u8223? separates a rarer and a denser \par
mediuComplete the path of the incident ray of light
, showing the formation of \par
m as shown in the figure.\par
real image. Hence derive the relation connecting ob
ject distance \'84u\u8223?, \par
image distance \'84v\u8223? radius of curvature \'
84R\u8223? and the refractive indices \'84n1\u8223
? & \par
\'84n2\u8223? of the media\par
5.Derive an expression for the refractive index of
the prism in \par
terms of angle of prism and angle of minimum deviat
6.Telescope when the image is formed at the least d
istance of \par
distinct vision? Hence derive the expression for it
s magnifying power?\par
7. Formation of image in a compound \par
microscope. Derive an expression for its magnifyin
g power(when final image is at near point). How ca
n its magnifying \par
power be increased?\par
\b Ans:\b0 Magnifying power can be increased by ta
king lenses of small focal length.\par
8.Obtain an expression for the angular and linear m
agnifying power and the length of \par
the tube of an astronomical telescope in its \'84no
rmal adjustment\u8223? position. \par
9.obtain the relation for the angle of deviation in
terms of the angle of \par
incidence, angle of emergence and the angle of the
prism. \par
10.Using the mirror formula show that a virtual ima
ge is obtained when an \par
object is placed in between the principal focus and
pole of the concave \par
mirror. \par

11.Using the mirror formula show that for a concave

mirror, when the object \par
is placed at the centre of curvature, the image is
formed at the centre of \par
12 Show that a concave lens always produces a virtu
al image, irrespective of \par
the position of the object.\par
\b Ans:\b0 -ve. that is virtual\par
uf v But u is ve and f is ve for concave lens\par
u f\par
Hence v is always \par
13. If a ray of light undergoing refraction through
a combination of three media, \par
show that [1(n)2] x [2(n)3] x [3(n)1] = 1.\par
\lang9 14. The image formation by a concave\par
miror when the object is kept betwen its focus and
the pole.\par
derive the magnifcation formula for the image\par
formed in this situation. \par
\b Wave optics\par
\b0 1. Derive the expression for the fringe width
in young\u8223?s double slit experiment. \par
2. Derive an expression for the angular width and
linear width of the central maximum of the diffrac
tion \par
pattern produced by a single slit illuminated with
monochromatic light.\par
3. Define polarizing angle. Derive the relation be
tween polarizing angle and refractive index of \pa
the medium.\par
4. Obtain the condition for getting dark and bright
fringes in Young\u8223?s \par
experiment. Hence write the expression for the frin
ge width.\par
5.prove Brewster\u8223?s law\par
6.Using this law prove that, at the polarizing angl
e of incidence, the \par
reflected and transmitted rays are perpendicular to
each other? \par
7.Using huygens principle, \par

i)Show that the angle of incidence is equal to \par

the angle of reflection.\par
ii)prove snell's law\par
8. Show that maximum intensity in interference pate
rn is four times the\par
intensity due to each slit if amplitude of light em
erging from slits is same.\par
\b Dual nature of radiation and MAtter\b0\par
1.Derive the relation for deBroglie wavelength (o
r) show that the wavelength of the EM radiation is
equal to the de-Broglie wavelength of its \par
quantum (photon).\par
2. Obtain Einstein\u8223?s photoelectric equation\p
3. obtain the Planck\u8223?s constant from stopping
potential-frequency graph.\par
4.X rays of wavelength \f1\'eb fall on a photosensi
tive surface assuming that the \par
work functions of the surface can be neglected prov
e that debroglie \par
wavelength of electrons emitted will be\lang1033\f0
5. Show that Bohr's second postulate 'the electron
revolves around the nucleus \par
only in certain fixed orbits without radiating ener
gy can be explained on the \par
basis of de Broglie hypothesis of wave nature of el
ectron. 2\par
\b Ans\b0 . The de Broglie wavelength for electron
in orbit mvr = nh/ 2\f1\'f0\par
This is Bohr's second postulate. As complete de-Bro
glie wavelength \par
may be in certain fixed orbits, non-radiating elect
rons can be only in \par
certain fixed orbits\par
\f0 6\f1 . The wavelength \'eb of a photon and th
e de- Broglie wavelength of an electron have the s
ame value. Show that the energy of the photon is\f
0 (2.lamda.mc)/h\f1 times the kinetic energy of
electron, where m,c, and h have their usual meanin

\f0 7\f1 . If kinetic energy of thermal neutron is

3\f0 /\f1 2\f0 .\f1 kT\f0 ,\f1 then show that de
wavelength of waves asociated with a thermal neutro
n of mas m at\par
temperature T kelvin is h\f0 /sqrt(3\f1 mkT\f0 ).\f
where k is boltz man constant.\par
\b Atoms\par
\b0 1. State the basic postulates of Bohr\u8223?s
atomic model & derive an expression for \par
the energy of an electron in any orbit of hydrogen
atom. \par
2. Derive an expression for the radius of stationar
y orbit. Prove that the various \par
stationary orbits are not equally spaced. \par
3. Derive mathematical expressions for: (i) kinetic
energy, & (ii) potential \par
energy of an electron revolving in an orbit of radi
us \'84r\u8223?;\par
4. Define the terms: half life period and decay con
stant of a radioactive sample. \par
Derive the relation between these terms.\par
5.Obtain an expression for Rydberg\u8223?s constan
t & write its \par
6.Show that deBroglie hypothesis of matter wave su
pports the Bohr\u8223?s concept of stationary \par
7.Show that total energy is negative of K.E. and ha
lf of potential energy.\par
16. Derive mvr=((nh)/(2.(Pi))) using de Broglie equ
\b Nuclei\b0\par
1. Define activity of a substance. State its S.I un
it. Derive an expression for \par
activity of a substance.\par
2. Define average or mean value of a radioactive su
bstance, and derive an \par
expression for it. \par

3.obtain a formula, for the half-life of a radioact

ive \par
nuclide, in terms of its disintegration constant.\p
4.Use the basic law of radioactive decay, to show t
hat radioactive nuclei \par
follow an exponential decay law.\par
5.Prove that the instantaneous rate of change of th
e activity of a radioactive \par
substance is inversely proportional to the square o
f its half life. \par
6. Show that nuclear density is independent of the
mas number.\par
7. Show that the decay rate R of a sample of radio
nuclide at some instant\par
is related to the number of radio active nuclei N a
t he same instant by the\par
expresion R = \endash N (lamda).\par
8. From the relation R = R0 (A^(1/3)) where R0\par
is a constant and A is the mas\par
number of a nucleus, show that nuclear mater densit
y is nearly constant\par
9. A given number of atoms No of a radioactive ele
ment with a half life T is uniformly distributed i
n the blood stream of a 3 (i) normal person A hav
ing total volume V of blood in the body (ii) perso
n B in need of blood transfusion having a volume \
f3\u-10187?\u-9143? \f0\u8242? of blood in the bod
y. The number of radioactive atoms per unit volume
in the blood streams of the two persons after a t
ime nT are found to be N1 and N2. Prove mathematic
ally that the additional volume of blood that need
s to be transfused in the body of person B equals
(( N2-N1)/N2)V\par
\b Semiconductor\par
\b0 1. Derive the expression for the conductivity o
f p-n junction diode?\par
2.derive the expression for current,voltage and pow
er gains. \par
\b Communication\par

\lang1033\b0 1. Derive an expression for covering r

ange of TV transmission tower\par
2. (space waves)If the sum of the heights of transm
itting and \par
receiving antennae in line of sight of communicatio
n is fixed at h, show that the \par
range is maximum when the two antennae have a heigh
t h/2 each. (3) \par
\b Ans\b0 : Satellite communication and line of si
ght (LOS) communication make use of \par
space waves. Here d1=\u8730?2Rh2 and d2= \u8730?2Rh
For maximum range,\par
Dm=\u8730?2Rh1 + \u8730?2Rh2\par
wheredm =d1 + d2= d\par
Given h1 + h2 = h\par
Let h1 = x then h2 = h-x\par
Then dm = \u8730?2Rx + \u8730?2R(h-x) ,\par
d dm /dx = \u8730?R/2x - \u8730?R/2(h-x) = 0\par
i.e., 1/2x = 1/2(h-x) i.e., x = h/2\par
=> h1 = h2 = h/2\par
3.Derive the equation of an amplitude\par
modulated wave\par

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