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Country 4/4 Dall A SONG FOR YOU d= 172 (7) (2m) (57) () 234. 45 4| 32 2 02 23| 4422 71---Ta--"4|5---Ts---l ls55635T5 - 0 of55654T4 0 0 of People every where. Working every - day. & a [4452474 444 5|4a4 5 ts - 0 2] Five days every week enough for sorrow and_factories. And oO & ls563s5Ts5 - 0 3/556 sat ee now you're here tonight, To hear us play for you. We (s)) f fee easr eal | aca 0aqa. (3) aac aay |e like to play here on the stage, The best we can do. ° o *a[5 - - Ah.... Woo... wD & is 563 5T5 - o 515565474 00 4 People every where. Lonely or just sad. People every where. I hope you understand. That & oO [a4 5 of 4 a575 4/4 4 5 47T3 - 0 Were here to show for you. That life is not so bad. T won't play the super star. I'l be here as a friend. oO SH [556 35Ts - o 3{[556 s4t4 - 0 4 Its a song for you, The music might just a smile. I So enjoy yourself, ‘The best that you can do. 679 (57 w @ 44 54[3 2 23.)4 21 71T1---|ooo0i] hope that we can make your trouble easy for awhile. So Have a mellow tune let me sing a song for you. So ve aaa teige 5 6 5|[3 - © o| a song for you, To fill your heart with love. {57} p if 45 4/3 2 -12/3 - - -|o0 o o if Let me be your brother for a- while. So a Vere tea | eerie et SrtS esta tiiO ai) let's... sing a song for you, That brings you hap - pi--- ness. ‘There's oo 1 --- @ & tH (aera es - 23/4 2 1 7/1 - - of time enough Come on let your feeling — shine. o "2 5 + lesen eect a) iB) ia ) @ a J4. 4 5 4/3 2 - 23|42 17]/1--o0lo0003| time enough to worry, Come on let your feeling shine. There's (si) am) &} [4.4 5. a4[3 2 - 23/42 17]1--0f000% | time enough to worry, Come on let your feeling shine. @ & [4.4 5 4| 3273 obo | 4 2 ip 7/i 5 3 4/2 0 1] 680

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