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Make sentences out of the words in the first column. Write the correct forms (affirmative sentence,
negative sentence, question) in the right columns.





you /

he /

she /
have /

it / be /

we /
be /

they /
have /

Exceptions in Spelling
Write the third person singular. Note that sometimes there are exceptions in spelling.
1. can - he
2. cry - she

3. say - he
4. go - she
5. kiss - he

Long and Short Forms

Rewrite the sentences in the short form (where the long form is given) or in the long form (where the
short form is given).
1. He doesn't know her.
2. I'm tired.
3. We do not understand.
4. I haven't got a sister.
5. She is not there.

Choose the correct statement.
1. I live in London. - What does this sentence mean?
This is my permanent address.
This is my address only for a limited period of time.
I've just recently moved there.
2. The lesson starts at half past eight. - What does this sentence mean?
The action has already taken place.
The action is set by a timetable.
The action might take place.
3. He opens the book and reads. - Which situation is expressed by the simple present?
He opens the book first and then starts reading.
He opens the book after having read something.
He opens the book reading something else at the same time.
4. The sun sets in the west. - Which situation is expressed by the simple present?
The sun always sets in the west.
The action is going on right now.
If we are lucky, the sun might set in the west today.

5. He plays football. - Which situation cannot be expressed by the simple present?

If we want to say that the action is going on right now.
If we want to say that football is one of his hobbies.
If we want to say that he is able to play football.

Signal Words
Choose the correct signal word.
1. I go to the cinema

2. We play volleyball

we spend our holidays in Ireland.

4. I speak English
5. Jamie cycles to work


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