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March to the Sea of Knowledge

Justin Wambold
Team 21
December 15, 2014
March to the Sea of Knowledge
Hello today we will be doing a Diorama for the project. I hope to have a fun educational project for the
class. The project will involve Justin Wambold and Austin Richardson. We feel very excited to do our part in
this project to teach others about Sherman's march to sea and the civil war. In order to teach this subject though,
many students would like to have a fun time though learning instead if hearing boring lectures, am I right,Highfive. So weve decided to put together a little diorama and poster that will give them info.
Well, every generation needs to know the things that have happened in the past and we should be able to
teach them what happened. We value the fact that students need to learn history and how we should learn from
such mistakes made in the past if we were ever to make them again in the future. We both hope to accomplish
this and make this a memory for everyone to remember about. Thank You.

Essential/Driving Research Question (5 pts)

1. What problem or issues have you discovered that needs to be solved? We need a way to show people

Shermans March to Sea.

2. What proposals do you have in order to help solve the identified issues? I think we should make a

1. Standards / AKS (write out entire standard that fits under category)

2. state the importance of key events of the Civil War to include Antietam, Emancipation
Proclamation, Gettysburg,Chickamauga, Union blockade of Georgias coast, Shermans Atlanta
Campaign, Shermans March to the Sea, and Andersonville Lincoln
Confederate States of America Atlanta Campaign Sherman's March to the Sea
Abolitionist: Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.
Agriculture: The science of growing crops or raising livestock; farming.
Ambulance: A two-wheeled or four-wheeled wagon or cart used to transport wounded or sick soldiers.
Ambush: To lie in wait for an unexpected attack.
Antebellum: A term often used to describe the United States of America before the outbreak of the Civil War.
Armory: A place where weapons and other military supplies are manufactured.

Army: The largest organizational group of soldiers, made up of one or more corps. There were 16 Union
armies and 23 Confederate armies.
Arsenal: A place where weapons and other military supplies are stored.
Artillery: Cannon or other large caliber firearms; a branch of the army armed with cannon.

I hope that we can create a diorama that can entertain everyone. Our project will show an accurate
representation of Shermans March To Sea. After we build the diorama we will make a poster to describe the
events of the war and go in depth about the march to sea. We will then give an oral presentation about our
diorama. Hopefully this will teach everyone about Shermans March to Sea

Justin Wambold - Getting supplies and building

Austin Richardson - Poster
(Everything above this line should be completed on the first week of a project; everything below the line should
be completed by the day the project is due.)

Result (10 pts)

At the beginning of the project we thought we were going to do a video. But we ended up doing a
diorama. The diorama was completed by Justin Wambold. The diorama was about Sherman's march to sea.
Justin used LINCOLN logs for the houses. It displayed the main idea of Shermans March to Sea.
I, Austin RIchardson, was in charge of the poster board. For the poster board i thought i needed a big
poster board for the project. It turns out everyone had mini posters while I had the humongous poster. On the
poster it showed information about the different events in Shermans March to Sea along with other facts. This
poster was fun to create because of all the information I learned.
The poster board and diorama were good for eachother since the poster wrapped around the diorama perfectly.
The diorama was a decent size poster laid on its side. The poster was a trifold 36 by 48 board.
Reflection (10 pts) In this project we learned about Shermans March to Sea. We learned all about the
destruction it cost what total war was. If you didnt know, total war is doing everything you can to win the war.
We also learned about what the march to sea did to the souths army effort. After the march to sea, the south
completely gave up on supporting the army. The north had completely destroyed everything. That is why the
south gave up. That is also what we learned In our project.
References (10 pts)
Sherman's March to the Sea, 1864. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Sherman's March to the Sea | New Georgia Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Shermans March - American Civil War - HISTORY.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from

http://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/shermans-marchMarching Through
Georgia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2014, from
Sherman's March to the Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2014, from

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