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Mentor Placement Assignment Communication

January 10, 2015

Answer the following questions in paragraph form.

1) Briefly describe your placement details. (Grade, teacher, school, etc.)
For this assignment, I was placed in a grade 3 classroom, with Mrs. Bunn, at MCB. Each
day, we arrived during the schools lunch break. So, we lead activities for students in the library.
The groups rotated between the grades 4, 5, and 6 classes. Then, after the last 20 minutes of
their lunch was over, we went to our designated classes for the placement. This is a brief
description of my placement details.
2) Describe at least three instances where you used some of the things learned in leadership class
during your placement.
There were many situations where I used some of the things learned in leadership class
during my placement. Some of these things included: reading the crowd, verbal communication,
non-verbal communication, and listening & patience. For the older groups of kids, I could tell by
reading the crowd that hang man and musical chairs was not very exciting for them. I had to
use a loud, clear, and exciting voice to get the kids to listen to me and my instructions. Eye
contact, smiles, and hand-gestures were used to the students excited about the activities we
planned for them in the library. For my last example, listening and patience had to be exercised
when helping kids in the classroom. These are some of the situations during my placement
where I used some of the things learned in leadership class.
3) Describe at least 1 challenge you faced during your placement and how you addressed it.
One challenge I faced during my placement was coming up with fun activities to do with
the kids in the library. I addressed this by doing some online research, asking my brother (grade
8), and asking my cousin (grade 4) about some games and activities that they enjoy doing at
school. This is an example of a challenge I faced during my placement and how I was able to deal
with it.
4) Were you able to fulfill the definition of leadership during your placement? (help another reach
their own potential) Explain.
Yes, I believe I was able to fulfill the definition of leadership during my placement. In my
grade 3 class, some of the students need help copying notes from the chalk board, and writing
down their answers on test papers. (This is what Mrs. Bunn calls scribing.) So, when I scribed
for some of the kids, I think I helped them achieve their potential by assisting them in
formulating legible study notes and making their test writing experience a little less stressful.
This is one way I was able to help another reach their own potential.

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