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oecurbate oeehovee comeresa pusgena | ft) SeaueerDiseet ‘Tables Tencae ea Prozectors a Rapley benasty a s ineerse vest aosvett noes cuuatese woe | eae bra = 1 sbencen merze, 2007 OY wicime 0 Trecrana siea or Tiss | Se Gestteron + visce leeat (E') 5 atte a ATE 6 arive aleerame 1 aha “be PRse ade tera. Elena VELASQUEZ J Mg WORL genre ances Sey cateeattior) ask Ve net Prepare a table in XL (ej. 20 sites x 16 variables) Recommendations: + Use the same number of decimals and separate with points (.) + Set sites, uses, etc.... as lines + Set variables as columns . _ NA taps2y oeivinn So Pete TER Tonos = aps C8 lip De lm oie iis Ts mi On ot | van MBING BUNERe DF vASAS |stes|tonbitidac Dity 60 Diplo Cai Denn Fomine Tec Ort Cats Coll Hem Dipl Ae Ges Hon] Ty MED ee Land uses (Sites) mcr | 0 2 4 0 4 0 18 30 4 22 3 3014 pinnae ee er ee er MC: Maiz crop mel 4 00 0 41 W102 9 2 2 0 6 0 ERO: Erode si lass] 2 861 0 1 0 0 6 610 4 7 oO 1 2 OO SF. Second, forest | lr | o 2470 2 wow me 8 3) 3G Hosen” ° ow 4 % 60 ¢ ° 1 veal le creo e wows wet wos of | eeteR (CP Coffee plantations | we] 8 o 9 9 1% 9 405 9 1 0 00 0 eo rr ee | ee ee ee) | Iwi] 2 0 0 2 0 0 7m 1053 6 2 0200 | lors | 137 0 9 1 8 1 Hm OO 1 3 4 4 2 | Ins} 2 0 0 181 0 % 008 8 3 2000 el ee vcs], 10 0 1 6 2.0 9 20% 70 1 201 | we |' 19 0 2 199 2 0 mm 0 mw 5 6 8 1 Oo cs] 16 0 0 2 2 0 wm #0 5 2 2 3 40 9 loro | 2 2 9 0 31 8 21 wm 1 1 sot rea] 9 oo 1 6 0 7 00 ws 8 2, Make 4 tables in excel and save as : text (separator:tabulation) (*txt) a, data: data.txt b. individuals/sites/uses etc...: sites.txt; uses.txt | c. variables: variables.txt d. landuses: usos.txt c:variables.txt — d:landuses.txt BSGERE BB PSsRssse eee 3. Open ADE4 menu Go to textToBin module and transform the file Data.txt to binary SEC ORR RR ss <3) Awindow appears that indicates # of columns and lines ofthe deta file that has been transformed to ot in te sa ‘inary ian st sa number: 20 Column number: 16 4. Go to PCA module and set the data_ binary file. Choose option 1 to sava correlation matrix. Indicar # of factors necessary for analysis 5S Ja ae tase HARTI ACP results appear a. Correlation matrix b. Inercia (total and p) explained by each factor Shree ‘ozoee vozoae Jotast tasers nat sos Sooocr Sooe? 10 2 8 Elgewal. Rina Sum "Zeniser00 so4eas £04990 Staresc0 Zoa922 “ora Siobsreseo sodes0 -08%38 iehewen some s9i Ses2eo1 “ogee so. SERED! Sootos “aamee Sablseze “oao2s «0.200 Sa%G896%5 “og00s +0000 [> Several f iles generated in the file archives to be used later on Eorthw Diety_Is0 Correlation matrix Macrofauna Diplo_chi_Derm Forni Ter Ort Col.a Coll Hem bipt.I_ Ara Gos Hom 24 203 “140-138 142187 “198 -92 -96 1000, -213 -129 1000 -205 337 -139 1000 68 33-174 -157 “59-181 -107 -34 170 708 -234 279 90 441 -145 518 i 170-77 4 “51 143-278 2 446 625-323 103, 42 figag -115 83 -128 567-226 389 “161 109 -3 342 120 473 419 1000 =187 1000 186 [:7@0] 1000 <119" 97 208 1000 est 349 561 149 1000 <182 536 297 591 212 1000 45 668 298-2 64 473 1000 “123-443 278-65 69 334 217 1000 Correlation matrix Morphology bP mp sP__bB_ mB 5B _acol bP me sP bB mB SB acol 1000 root 493 wood 413 inv -505 shoot -293 -311 -l10 -178 169 leaves -60 652 482 599 -364 store 598 -446 -370 -446 267 seed 147 774 466 641 -625 root 1000 432 432 -22 289 -278 514 wood _inv 1000 650 1000 76 -184 583 674 448 -449 597 762 ‘shoot leaves store seed 1000 1000 148 -320 -422 1000 691-575 1000 5. To draw graphs: 5a: variables (correlation circle) i Go to Seatters module and select “correlation circle". b. Set file data_cnco (XY coordinate file) and variables.txt file (label file for items) se nnn nant it 8] | von sand 5b. Sites/individuals projections in factorial spaces a. Go to Scatters module and select Label Add the data_enli file (XY coodinate file) and set the site.txt file XY coordinates Set Xeni column number (deteut= —_Set_| ‘Yeexis column number (dofeut'= Set Label file (orf items inval_17_8\Fauna\donnee_cnliiz0 ‘S\Manual_11_Oe\Fauelsites.ta Label file (or 4) for groups Draw vectors trom origin (yes = Draw unit circle (yas = 1) Draw points (no = 2) : Constain HV ratio (yes =1) Set uit Copy graph | Save graph ‘4 (ater. cali) Cancel 5b. To increase the range of values represented by axes on gi raphs Go to window in the scatters volume and increase respective values of Min and Max of abcissas and " Paste graph in PowerPoint Go to edit and select all, then copy Tn PowerPoin use special paste and Select improved metafile men | F1Q9.6%) we 5c. To graph groups of sites and their respective barycenters a. go to Text To Bin module and select LabelToCateg. A new file usos.cat is created and a table Appears with the frequency of each category 5c. To graph groups of sites and their barycenter a. Go to ScatterClass module and select Stars. b, Set the file data_enli POF | Emlore| About] and uses_cat raat | BA, Caceever ruseyree Coe inne] ove ES] Drowoomsine=2) Da] Pesjectne apie 8H J Seren sere et / aeneca, f Set file sitios. txt to get labels of sites ineach category Figure 1. Site distribution as a function of Macrofauna i @ | F2063%) 6. Testing the significance of grouping a. go to Discrimin module and select Initialize: LinkPrep [arr en oe ae ‘Between analysis: Test ‘Uiendn aneiyess: Run Within Parneters ‘nong_geoup_distances — assigment,o1d Assioment wev Statistical tiplet Categories file (cat) Selecod variable (éofoutet) | Set_| Output file name Set the files data_enta, uses_cat and give name for the new file to be created TU; a TU.dis file is created Sot_| [Baxiz00nCurve dak 1 ou ‘Set_| [ABraeiZ004\Cursa\peoe_cat so_| fw cae Go to discrimin and select Between analysis: Test a. Set the TU.dis file b._ indicate # of — selected ‘ankreep maicielte asovel-FF Diseetninent analysis: 7 Déscessinent enslysis Between enelysies Rx Within Analyste: Rn urense daong_ grow distances Co-inercia analysis a) cm ie |Coimertia test - Fixed Teb 1 counertia teat ~ Fixed Tab 2 * cP P<0,036 (significant) “be o> Fick O Ace RFC > Fixed Tabt AFC Ace > fired Tab © £03 = Fixed Tob 1 2 c= Fixed, Matis input fle Sot Row weighs (dfoute1/n} Column weights (defadt-1) Set Option fa form weit Sot Option: efor cluan weit Set | 1 Save cosltion matin Set ~__] Faune-Fwiea\AFC\dotat_tepl If files have been generated by 2 J different multiv. analyses..... a cance Matching two statistical triplets Cosnertie test - Fixed D Coinertia test - Fixed Tab 1 Coinertis test - Fixed Tab 2 Teoinedia analy ~‘rulty Mevonea Tebies ita ing file sat | Greaney” | [eT] _ ewes | | ft aaa ae Kitser., 8 S°S2a8Ev00' an Spes #0 oats Esgeaved. nee. 4 Roux 32 sageot ah 348] SORA ERR ES BIE RES atone onto et CE ra ar han sgn na aerate StS Serweh| soe | cpu) Sonus) ‘Morphology 73.) "one ® rs tates | Coneelatsan os Espees set 1 X-enscokinn number (taut Set nigbedeeae ae ‘Y-axis column number (default Set Matus Second XY coordnates fie _Set_| _veaper\MFaune Wilf ind} Label fo (o#) frome __Set_| _a\sunabinonTeapartwon ta tig,” Labeliie fo tla gous 8a) Do Teageceonies ose Quit | Copy sraph| Save gaph| Draw Cancel “y | | | | | | Tabla #1 Morphology O—. Fs) Fus.90%) = Tobla #2 Macrofauna 62%) pot tor | Hew wot Cult Gu, od Fi73.go Smet be Berm] OF Tog HE Diplo i] Dee! taal OP aa | cy amt eed = estes IS

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