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Fast Facts:

1) Of the 1.6 million abortions performed in the U.S. each year, 91 percent
are performed during the first trimester (12 or fewer weeks' gestation); 9
percent are performed in the second trimester (24 or fewer weeks'
gestation); and only about 100 are performed in the third trimester (more
than 24 weeks' gestation), approximately .01 percent of all abortions
performed (fox.com)
2) Eighty-two percent of the women having abortions are unmarried or
separated. (fox.com)
3) 51% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age
4) A woman's risk of dying from having an abortion is 0.6 in 100,000, while
the risk of dying from giving birth is around 14 times higher (8.8 in
100,000) (abortion.procon.org)
5) From 2011 to 2013, at least 73 abortion clinics closed. About half of
those clinics were forced to close as a result of new state laws restricting
abortion (abortion.procon.org

Although the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade that made
abortion a fundamental right for all woman came down over forty years ago,
the debate on whether or not abortion should be legalized began long before the

controversial decision, and continues to be one of the divisive political and

social issues in America today.
There are two main groups involved in the abortion debate, known as
pro-life (against legalized abortion) and pro-choice (for legalized abortion),
but even with these groups there is much disagreement over abortion policy.
Generally, pro-lifers believe that life begins at the moment of conception,
making abortion murder, and meaning that, regardless of the situation,
abortion needs to be illegal. Some pro-lifers believe that in certain situations,
such as rape, major health problems with the fetus, or danger to the mother,
abortion can be allowed, but only as a last resort. Those who are pro-choice,
argue that choosing to abort a child is a fundamental right to all woman, and
that if it is not a legalized medical procedure, woman will resort to illegal and
often very dangerous methods to abort the fetus themselves. Many pro-choice
activists believe that life doesnt begin at the moment of conception, but rather
at the point that a fetus is able to survive away from their Mother. Others argue
that it makes no difference when life begins, woman should still be able to
choose whether or not they want to carry a child to full term.
Before Roe vs Wade, the main focus of pro-choice activists was too
prevent abortion from being legal altogether. After the decision, however, their

attention turned to policy on federal and state levels. Immediately after the
decision, pro-life activists pushed for federal laws that would restrict abortion.
They then turned their attention to state regulations. Since 2010, there has
been a sharp increase in the amount of bills passed regarding abortion in
individual states. Many of these bills center on until when a woman should be
allowed to abort, under what circumstances they can have an abortion, and
what they must do to be allowed to go through with the procedure. For the past
decade, many new laws have been passed restricting these three things. These
new laws are attempts by pro-life activists and politicians to stop woman from
being able to have abortions.
Many pro-choice activists believe that these laws are too restrictive and
violate a womans fundamental right to have abortions. In this chapter, you will
read about the history of abortion in the United States, the reasoning behind
the Supreme Court decision in Roe vs Wade, recent laws passed in various
states regarding women, and the experiences that some woman have. You will
then write a response to the following question:
Abortion is obviously still a major issue. Although abortion has now been
legalized, there is still much debate between pro-choice and pro-lifers over what
should be legal and what shouldnt. Write a paper arguing what laws should be

allowed when it comes to abortion, or whether or not you believe that abortion
should be allowed at all.

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