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Bolo de amndoa


200 gr. de amndoa

300 gr. de acar
9 ovos
75 gr. de farinha
2 colheres de ch de fermento

Misturam-se as gemas com o miolo de amndoa ralada, a seguir junta-se o acar e
bate-se tudo muito bem. Por ltimo juntam-se as claras em castelo. Por fim leva-se ao
forno a cozer em temperatura mdia em forma bem untada.

Bom apetite

Almond cake


200 gr. of almond

300 gr. of sugar
9 eggs
75 gr. of flour
2 spoons of yeast tea

The egg yolks with the grated almond marrow join, to follow it meets the sugar and it
beats everything very well. Finally the clear ones in castle meet. Finally it is taken the
oven to cook in average temperature in well dipped in grease form.

Good appetite

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