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¢ @ ./ PAST PERFECT VS PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS Put the verbs into the past perfect or past perfect continuous. I (wait) for my girlfriend for about half an hour when | realized that | was in the wrong restaurant. How long (you/chat) before your mother caught you? She was crying because she ____ [read a sad book. She didn’t want to see the film because she (read) the book. 4 We _ (fly) for over an hour when the captain told us to fasten our seatbelts. 5. He arrived late because he (have) an accident. He explained how the accident happened. Apparently, he (drive) home when a young man - (run) out into the road in front of him. He (swerve) to avoid him and _ (crash) into a parked car. 7. Mary had a bandage on her arm. She (fall) off her bike the day before. 8. He called me at eleven in the evening to tell me that he finds finally) a solution to the problem. 9. _ Itwas a relief to find the documents. | ____ (look) for them all morning. C. VERB TENSE REVISION Use the most suitable verb tense to complete the text. Ifyou and | (7 (meet) some years ago, you would have spotted the ostentatious logos that | @. (Sport) - it was paramount that my brands (5, (convey) the right message about who | was to anyone who _ (care) to look. My spare time was devoted to tracking down new branded goods. | once (5), (travel) to New York simply to buy a pair of Prada shoes that i (ell out) in the UK. Obsessive shopping is traditionally associated with women, but a rise in the importance of male grooming (7, (drag) men into the shops. My own addiction to labels i, (lead) to an increasingly expensive lifestyle. At the age of 19, | 19, (plunge) into debt within months of landing my first job as a TV production assistant. By 30, I /.0, (owe) a total of £19,000. The crashing highs and lows of spending (11) (make) me feel increasingly anxious, but | (12) (carry on) shopping. V3) (check) myself into therapy aged 31. ‘tpn dalymalco.ukiemallaricle-477 986\Confessons-brand.addic. tmitixez2qrTTm7KD (abridged) 1 a 4. 6) 1 2. 3. 4. SF 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. u. 12. B. INFINITIVE AND GERUND (1) Circle the right answer in each case. Last weekend | met an old friend of mine whom | hadn't seen for ages. | stopped to him and we chattéd about old times. a) talking b) talk ©) to talk He asked me if | remembered it was one of the best holidays of his life! a) to go b) go going Suddenly | noticed that it was getting late. We stopped and promised to meet up again soon a) chatting bb) to chat chat Iremembered _____ his phone number and we went on our separate ways. a) getting b) get oto get INFINITIVE AND GERUND (2) Use the infinitive (with or without fo) or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Mary succeeds by (work) harder than anybody else. The Smiths were glad (be) back in the USA. I remember (see) the Statue of Liberty and saying, “Wow!” The tourists were frightened of (lose) their way in New York. Iwas very happy (See) you again Iwas thinking of (buy) a new car. Could you stop _______ (ery) for a moment? Helll always regret __ _____ {not go} to university. I suggested (call) a taxi so we wouldn't be late. I'm delighted __ (hear) that you've passed your exams. | look forward to (See) you when I come back. ‘on holiday to Spain with our sports team. He said I've considered (ask) my boss (raise) my salary.

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