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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: __ Jordan Huska Grade Level: _3-6 years old_
Time: _9:30 am-10:20 am__

School: _Community Center: Toddler Gym_ Date: _4/10/2014_

Reflection from prior lesson: Do not except off task behavior, keep each activity separate from the other, and dont have individual activities spread out too far.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards: To be able to work with other children successfully in cooperative games. NASPE Standard 1, 2, and 4.
Lesson Objectives:
Psychomotor objective: TSWBAT be able to work successfully with the other children in at least one game.
Affective objective:
TSWBAT tell the teachers one thing they liked about cooperative games.
Cognitive objective:
TSWBAT be able to identify at least one of the 3 Cs.
Materials Needed: hula hoops (10-15), radio, music, jump ropes, cones, poly spots
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: 10-15 students in the class, one class session, length of session (45 minutes) and types of students, 3-5 years old, second 45 minute
lesson with one set of teachers.

The Lesson
1. Introduction (include time allotment)
Getting attention
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge
Creating a need to know
Sharing objective, in general terms

2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

Portion of Lesson
I. Health-Related Fitness Concept of
Day- stretching/3 Cs

Poly spot stretching

Review 3 Cs

II. Skill Focus of Day-Cooperative


~4 min.
2 min
2 min

~ 39min. (13
min. each)

a) Review hop, skip,

jump, gallop, run,
b) Explain Cooperative
Musical Hoops
c) Play Cooperative
Musical Hoops
d) Walking
e) Running
f) Hopping
g) Explain Star Wars
h) Star Wars walking
i) Star Wars running
j) Star Wars hopping
k) Talk about in and out
l) On the bank on the
m) Builders and
n) shark

2 min
8 min
1 min
1 min
1 min
1 min
3 min
3 min
3 min
1 min
2 min
10 min

Strategy Map

What will happen?

Post Lesson Reflection

Health-Related Fitness Concept of Day

each student will have a poly spot and we will
go through a few stretches
2. go over the 3 Cs they have already learned
Cooperation - to work together toward a common end
or purpose.
Consideration - careful thought; deliberation.
Thoughtful concern for others.
Communication - the exchange of thoughts,
messages, or information, as by speech, signals,
writing, or behavior.
II. Skill Focus of Day- Traveling
a. Set up poly spots for each student to
travel to, go over hop, skip, jump,
b. A number of hoops are placed on the
floor. Every student gets in a hoop.
The students may share and they
may only have one body part (i.e.
finger, foot, etc.) in the hoop. The
teacher plays music and instructs
the students to perform a locomotor
movement around the gym. When
the music stops, every student has
to get in a hoop. Every time, the
teacher will take a hoop away.
Eventually there will be one hoop
left and all the students have to
cooperate to get inside of it.
c. Play game. Emphasize safety while
moving close to other children.
d. set up a row of hula hoops about 15
feet apart, each hula hoop is for two
students, talk about inside and
outside, walk to the other hoop
e. run to the other hoop, talk about
personal space
f. hop with two feet the other hoop
g. Explain the game
h. Place 10 loops (more or less
depending on the size of your group)
in the play area (different size loops
from 18" to 48" in diameter). Have
all players stand inside a loop so

I. Health-Related Fitness
Concept of Day2. focus on one of the 3 cs and
reinforce the concept
throughout the lesson instead
of only briefly reviewing all
three at the beginning of the
lesson and not touching on
them again until the closure


II. Skill Focus of Day1. demonstrate for students

how to perform each
locomotor skill as a group
before they start practicing and
during activities
2. keep students close when
talking to them because the
students on the ends may not
be able to hear and then they
lose focus and show off task
3. Cooperative Musical HoopsDemonstrate one foot in or one
body part in with the
explanation so the students see
what we are talking about and
not just hearing it. Should be
more effective.
4. Star Wars have hoops in
the middle of the gym so they
dont have as far to run in any
direction for the game, and
then have the students
run/walk/hop to the edge or
goal before coming back,
mix it up
5. reinforce, for this lesson, the
3 Cs or one of the 3 Cs during
the lesson or activities and use
examples to help the students
learn the meaning. Also
continually give examples or
demonstrations and specific

that both feet are inside. Now they

are all safe on a planet in the
universe and play begins. When you
give the command Change
everyone must move to a different
planet. Make sure everyone is
safely on a planet and call change
again, but this time remove (in a
sneaky manner) one of the loops
from the game. On each change
remove another loop, and make sure
everyone is safely on a planet before
changing again. The goal is to get
everyone onto one planet.
Remember, the only rule is that both
feet need to be inside the loop.
i. Same as h
j. Same as h
k. Make sure all the children know the
concept of being in and being out
l. Explain the rules of on the bank :
when one of the teachers says on
the river they are out of the hoop
and when a teacher says on the
bank they are in the hoop
m. Go over builders and bulldozers :
have cones set inside hula hoops.
Break the children up into 2 teams,
bulldozers have to take the cones
OUT of the hoop, and the builders
have to put the cones back IN the
hoop. Music will be played as the
signal for the beginning of the
round, and the round ends when the
music stops ( everyone must freeze
when they dont hear the music ).
The team with the most points
(builders get points when cone is in
a hoop, bulldozers get points for
cones out of the hoop).
Once the round is over modify by
changing the movement to either
skipping, hopping, jumping,
galloping. And the children have to
use different ways to move the
cones (hands, forearms, elbows,

feedback of skills that we want

to see performed, NOT just
good job but good job
pumping your arms or I like
that you shared your space


3. Closure (include time allotment)

hug, etc)
The game of Shark is another fun
game to teach kids the value of
cooperation and teamwork. Outline
a large square on the floor. Make
teams of five kids each and have the
kids link together by standing in a
line with hands on the shoulders of
the person in front of them. When
the music is playing, the team
leader must guide the others to
swim in the middle of the square.
When it stops, he must get them
outside the square to a marked
island to escape the shark. The
leader of the team then goes to the
end of the line and the person at the
front becomes the new leader and
must get the team quickly back into
the water when the music starts
again and to safety when it stops.
This game makes each child
responsible for the safety of others
and promotes teamwork as the kids
work to stay together during this
fast game.

III. Closure
a. Questions

Assessments Used: checklists and observation

Differentiated Instruction: N/A
Resources: N/A

~ 2 min.
2 min

III. Closure
III. Closure
a. Did you have fun?
1. make sure they know at
b. What is one of the 3 Cs?
least one of the 3 Cs, this is
c. Example of one of the 3
a reflection of how well we
did or did not teach it or
d. What was your favorite part
reinforce it during the entire
of the day?
lesson up until the closure
2. make sure to sit or talk in
an area away from
equipment to avoid students
getting distracted by the
3. if students are distracted by
equipment, make sure to
stop the behavior because it
allows them to think it is ok
which will become a
problem in bigger classes or
if allowed on a continual

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