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The Wonderful World of Technology

The following is a list of websites and resources we will be using in our classroom.
Please try out these websites if you are able to access them at home, at the library,
or on your mobile device. They are great ways to enhance your childs education and
stay connected with the classroom.
Class Website
(Current) http://burneyclass.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/home
(Future) http://blbteacher.weebly.com/
The class website has information about our class including newsletters, homework
assignments, tips for helping your child, and links to important websites.
RAZ-Kids http://www.raz-kids.com
Login Information: bburney3, find childs name and use their picture password
RAZ-Kids is an extension of Reading A-Z. This site has leveled books and a special
feature for building student excitement for reading. Your childs specific reading
level will be addressed at this website. Students can practice reading, fluency, and
Compass Learning www.thelearningodyssey.com
Login Information:

username = first initial+last name+last four of Student ID,

password = birthday (YYMMDD), district code = CMSD

Compass Learning activities are based on students MAP scores. It offers many
resources to help your child strengthen areas that they are weak in with math and
Scholastic Magazine www.scholastic.com/sn1
Password: burneyc2

Our classroom magazines are available online. The students can watch background
videos and play games that relate to specific science and social studies objectives.

Xtramath.com www.xtramath.com
Login Information: benita.burney@nhcs.net, first name, student pin
Students can practice math fact fluency online. The program gives them a test to
find out if they can quickly recognize addition and subtraction number sentences.
Students must know their addition and subtraction facts to 12 by the end of first
Storybird www.storybird.com
Login Information: username =student ID password =burney
Students can choose professionally illustrated pictures to help them get story ideas
and write a book that can be purchased!
Math Envisions www.pearsonsuccessnet.com
Login Information: username=student ID, password=burney1
Use this website to view the math objectives and the student book for our math
Edmodo http://nhcs.edmodo.com/home
Login Information: username and password = student ID
This is an online private learning space where students and teachers post
information and helpful resources. Please return the parent permission form.
Discovery Education www.discoveryeducation.com

Login Information: username=student ID_cms, password= Student ID

View videos related to science, math, social studies, and language arts.
Sumdog www.sumdog.com
Login Information: see attached
Students love this fun math review website!
Dreambox https://play.dreambox.com/login/dspq/mallardce
Login Information: Burney-1, picture password
Students get additional practice with fun learning games.
Please fill out and return:
_____ I visited all the websites listed.
_____ I do not have access to the internet.
_____ I need the password for the _______________ website.
_____ I have questions and will email you at Benital.burney@cms.k12.nc.us

Please fill out and return:
_____ I visited all the websites listed.
_____ I do not have access to the internet.
_____ I need the password for the _______________ website.

_____ I have questions and will email you at Benital.burney@cms.k12.nc.us

Please fill out and return:
_____ I visited all the websites listed.
_____ I do not have access to the internet.
_____ I need the password for the _______________ website.
_____ I have questions and will email you at Benital.burney@cms.k12.nc.us

It is important that you go to the Edmodo website to read the privacy

policy. Students under the age of 13 need parent permission in order to
use the website. After you have read the privacy policy, please sign this
form and send it back to school.

Year: 2014-2015
Teacher/Advisor: Ms. Benita Burney
I agree to communicate and collaborate with teachers and peers on Edmodo
according to the conditions outlined in the privacy policy. I understand that I will
be expected to log in and check my Edmodo account. I acknowledge that failure to
follow the privacy policy conditions will result in access to the Mallard Creek
Elementary domain being withdrawn and possible further disciplinary action
relevant to our student code of conduct.
Student Signature:_________________________________________________________
I give consent for my child to access and use Mallard Creek Elementary eLearning
platform, Edmodo, to participate in learning activities as guided by the teacher.
Parent Signature:___________________________________________________________

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