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Laine tative DOB “TLIND : Sen yi ller 0S — SP, -7 331, iy, Couny. ‘Note to Inspector: Put Yes, No, or N/A (Not Applicable) in the columns tthe right of the question, Sericrural Sirenech IRecords (cont) Is the fact structrally sound and maintained in good {pair inorder o prcect the animals frm ijury, contzin them, lard prevent ransmission of cisezes? | Weer and Btecire Power: ben veccre’: fio resocts document anal descrip fd disposition does, nd method of di Dees he facility have reliable nad adsquate elev 0 -omply with oer reauieements? 14. Are animals pricced from cold and inclement weather | fad lect effets of vind xin, znd sug? ZK CAN Does the falty nave potable wate? [Storage 5 1s auxiliary Yoavor bedding provide Islow 50°F? poling and Venton i. Are food and bedding stored ta protect them agsinst fexaton or contamination by vermin? I. lea refrigerator avoilable for pershabe foods? (este Disposal: |moisure condensation, 16. Are animonts protetied from uny form of overheating and from dec rays of sun? 171s there equate ve on to minimize defi, ours, a plus fash ar provided? such as fas o ic con covided in indoor foclites if temperature ¢ 85°F or above? wars (6. Are tere provisions for dhe emoval and disposal of animal land food wastes, bedding, dead animals, and desis Yat 7. Are disposal facilities operated in a manner that aims Wvennin infestation, odors and diszate hazards? fhe sible method for pi) ang romaving ter and other guid wastes? Awe {Wadirooms ond Sinks yn 138. pS Rae epee pe ie ap B id Bt. Are primary cries shared io rote be annals from exes uminsten (ramen si? coer ee paths (wakroans bas ois) or Piste chy cored rcr te il nd ot Prive to wath hth? NY re ates kui eens? hfenagement 2. Are building surfoces constructed of nanabsorbent [rutrits that can he red saitized? 10. For fecilities Located in a county with a population of 15,00 oF over (only), in accordance with Chapter £23,003: 3. Is he oor made of durable, nonabsorbemt matcci? ‘Are aninnls separated by 5 inary Enclories Are animals of relatively the same size sag ke ETE [i ei For ilies tocated Ta coun witb a popula of 5 00 or over (on) in accxdane with Cpt B23 O05: 4. Are primary enclosures meinuained in god repair froperviousro moisture and ready sanitized? 5. Do primary enclosures enale the animal to remain ry clean nd proectthe animal's feet an les fom injus.?_| 5. Do ihe cages and kennels prove enaugh space for eaci sim 1 be in comfonable postions? asthe govorning body ofthe ly or eouny in which the shoe is laced exteblished an advigory comics to asitin [compliance with Chapter 82 Wece | TeeK ARS la, Roeding« {Section 169.26(0)) 7. Ase dogs and cts fed atleast once a day, excopt as licected by a veternarion? Are ather animale fd as describe ln packaging of «commercial, species-specific food or as \ He: Ts food wholes Rabie, ree om rae TS isected by a veterinarian (see 132 for ferrerequicemests)? mination, a fh ie ive al, Inspector tals raat: Ooi) Cndnal oles at a OU-O4B abies Quarantine Facies (Completed by DSHS Oni) Kecding con ection 169.271] Be od serosa annie qf ti den ofc y aslo ood par are wie, ae ey dcaded afr eich feeding? iced sina? es Quarantine Flies (Completed by DSHS Onis)- kc. Watering « (Sention 169.2640 Sesion 169.280), [30. Do animals have convenient access (o fresh water and is it N 38. Docs the facitity have w written Standard Operating fied or least vice dally fort fasten hour? wozedre (SOP? 1. Are the water bows clean ard sanity? Ea hts the 80” specif for be iT 32. Do domestic Ferrets have, 3y-hour access to water in p Wp 10. Is the SOP posted or osherwise readily available to all lisaking boule endo food” ASME rose wet snpoyees? : Is the SOP designed to cnsure effective und safe TRS REN Sanitation - [Seton 169.264) rains pacers? Are exzela removed Hom prinary conus oe cough |] 2. Doenctoues have sold yas wo proven py fo roves! contain of th stimal (lent oncea day)? |/V)Isinecs sina? Ty ee ete Are primary enclowresmansined ina snr confton?_| JA 1S3, Do esis ve ups oie ecu? As ting and premises Kept clean? i Do qzanine os, as or oon ve "Rabies eae es ated For Fucies Subject to Chapter 85 (Lacted Ta Now .. Pest Control - [Section 169.26(6)] cemmpt County) — (Sections 829.002 and 829.007) 6s here agua popamn in lace Zor ean of ao S. This sundar ifr poses of meting rege nnis ou ad or ante cy fe fom vile] ohn Chor 629 on, Aa anlses ore amas) dent of vein? jobino ef ail Sn ve incom grt (ue 29001 a A Aid wot aah Yis visit | [erage eemem ple erst Hosa This fclicy has approximately catcagesand _____ dog cagespes. When the facility was inspected today, it was housing approximately catsand_____ dogs. Cie nor Carne Lhe oles anal Inspector Comments: Cats ae x Shablax/ Deep ‘Facility Rating: Satisfactory. ee ‘Probati¢ If applicable, timeline for probationary period As the inspector, 1 ersonally inspected this facility and that it conforms to the staternents Inspector T Date Manager, A TEXAS !\ Department of State Health au ne gacoHB isconet Cane. Be af comple, Laggan xg Me tov © sect? at Yas Aine. su Rada amen Shella, — rarer 04-043 ‘Texas Department of State Health Services Inspection for Rabies Quarantine Facilities and poundment/Shelter Facilities Z-3 Supplemental for Additional Comments Inspector comments continued: DS tad He fret oe bo naoore Whack 2a, rok a te aloe h fpusard arora Castle oke- a 7 haw may Pe pL Concern Se oat bang Zo Looked Cn tL has happined Jy. pacaed vh- O napeation’ ted Lut pes ae - Lions ng dead, andnale (2 dige) aro Dried — small cli ® ee Co _ Manbodt te fas. r. Melinds Hergert (On January 14, 2015 at 10:55 AM, | recelved a message from the Jacksonville Code Enforcement Officer that there was no one at the Klein Animal Shelter looking after the animals. Shortly after that | received another call with a follow up email from the Cherokee County Department of Health reporting that a similar concern had been called in to the sanitarian there, As Klein holds an inspection certificate for animal quarantine, | decided | had better go to look and make sure that there were not any animals in ‘quarantine there at the time which may not be under observation as required by law. ‘We, Angela Hopkins and |, arived at the shelter at about 12:30 to find that the receptionist, a volunteer ‘and the director Angela Wallace were at the shelter. Angela Wallace was the only employee of the shelter there to clean and look after the animals. Upon entering the facility the odor of animal excreta was strong, This is not unusual for this facility. The foyer area appeared to be undergoing some repair or remodeling, which was confirmed by Stacey, the receptionist. The front storage room and the employee break room were cluttered with furniture and other items. There was a bied in a cage in the employee break room. (Accompanying photos Dr. H file). | saw that the cats in the front adoption area had already been tended to and there were a few cats in ‘the common cat display room. | proceeded into the Indoor dog run room and saw that although the dogs had feces in their runs in many cases, they appeared to have been cleaned for the motning. walked down the left side of the building to check the far side runs and note the drains between the runs, At the end of the runs was a door to the right which led into another room where cats are kept in Shoreline style cages. These cages were all full with cats that had not been attended. Litter boxes were full of stool and urine. (Accompanying photos Dr. H file). {After exiting this room into the hallway | saw the volunteer was washing dishes in filthy water, This is not an unusual finding and Angela Wallace has been told before about dirty dish and mop water. ‘opened another door with the broken door vent at the bottom, which appeared to be the room they used for surgeries. twas untidy. The euthenasia room is across the hall and i did not open this room. It [s usually locked, | entered through the door marked as the no entry for public due to it being the rabies quarantine room for dogs. This room smelled badly of feces and it had not been cleaned yet. There are four dog runs to the left that are used for quarantine runs when needed. Only one dog had a sign on its ‘cage indicating that it was in quarantine. The dog, large and brown In color, appeared to have been tended to and had the appropriate paperwork on his cage door. The three other runs contained dogs that did not have quarantine signage on the doors. | walked through to the rear of the facility outside to find Angela Wallace and let her know ! was there looking around. | told her that | had been called with a few complaints that there was no one attending to the animals at the shelter. | told her the dog in quarantine appeared to be in order. She sald that most of her employees were out sick and that she really was the only one there, She sald that she had been off the day before, first day off In more than. three months and that this was what she walked in to this morning. She was cleaning the runs that are permanently fied to the rear porch of the building which | thought was a ittle out of order considering ail of the animals In smaller cages inside that were still in fith. | then noted that there were dogs in. carriers on the back porch. Most had no bedding and were in feces. | asked about those animals b/c she has been told before that animals cannot be housed in those crates as thelr primary enclosures. She said that they had all come in the day before and that yes they had spent the night in those crates on the back porch. I could see 5 crates at the most rear of the porch containing dogs. She Indicated to one that hhad mange. She remarked that after she got through cleaning the cages she would then have to go through and get these intakes registered and see wich in the facility would be sedated and euthanized by her that day, which she remarked she would have to handle herself since there were no other ‘employees working thet day. The workload forthe day was overwhelming and | remarked as such, According to an online weather website, the low that morning was 31° | went back inside to finish looking at the animals inside the feclity, There is @ bank of Shoreline cages to the left of the quarantine room which I had previously seen was full of dogs, sometimes two in a cage, and there were feces in all of the cages. There was nat enough room for some of these dogs in the primary enclosure, There were so many feces in most cages that it was running out the bottom of the cage or had even been smeared on cage doors b/c the animals could not avold stepping in thelr own ‘waste, [had come back in to begin documenting the filthy conditions when Angela Hopkins indicated to ‘me there was a puppy in a run to the right side of the room that was dead. The runs on that side of the room all contained dogs and the last two runs had females with puppies. The last run was filthy and there appeared to be dried pools of blood on the cage floor. The female had a litter of 6 puppies and. ‘one was dead. The food and water bowls were overturned and there was another bowl with what looked lke old or contaminated food. | asked the volunteer, Roberta, about the puppy and she said that she had told Angela Wallace about it and that she was aware of the dead puppy. There was no bedding. In this run for this mother and her pups. | returned to record more of the cage bank noncompliance and saw a dog in bandages in @ top cage that appeared to have bilateral radius and ulnar fractures by the way it was trying to stand and its legs were bbent at an angle that would indicate the injury as a differential diagnosis. | did not get the dog out of the cage to examine It twas wearing Vetwrap and white tape as bandages with no stabilizing support. Underneath and to the left of that dog was what appeared to be a schnauzer type dog laying in left lateral recumbancy in its own filth. There was a pile of feces behind the dog. It would not lift its head when I spoke to it to see if it could move, | went out to ask Angela about what was going on with these Injured dogs and to ask her about the dead puppy, She sald that the dog with the apparent back injury had arrived a few days ago and that it was tagged for a rescue to pick it up. | asked her which entity had brought the dog In and she sald Tyler Animal Control | told her about the dead puppy in the run inside and she stopped cleaning the run she was cleaning and went inside to remove the pup. She said she did not know anything about it although the volunteer told me she had been informed. | called Detective Tonya Harris at this point to tell her that someone from the police department needed to come to the shelter b/c there was animal cruelty taking place there in that not only were animals being housed in deplorable conditions but that there were injured animals on premises that were being denied veterinary care. While Angela Wallace was inside, Angela Hopkins came outside to tell me about the conditions she was finding and recording on the Inside of the faciity. That is when she noticed that the ‘small black dog in the last cartier on the back porch was nat moving. | opened the cage door to find that the puppy was dead and ice cold. When Angela Wallace returned to resume cleaning the cage she had bbeen working on | asked her about the dead dogin the carrer, She said ft had been brought in the day before by ACO Suzie Clements of Jacksonville PD who had indicated to the front staf that she thought it had parvo. t was placed on the back porch to separate it from the other dogs inside the facility. When | told herit was dead she wes going to take it out and bag it and t told her not to, as | was expecting the Jacksonville PD and this dog was more evidence of animal cruelty. The temperature had been recorded as a low of 31°F the night before. Although this dog had a blanket and food and water in its cage it had been denied veterinary care, and na animals, much less anil animal should have been housed on the back porch in the freeze. The police arrived, There were two officers, Officer Logan Smith had a camera and Sargent Jason Price asked me to show them the deficiencies. | showed them all of the rooms with the cats in filthy cages, Including the cat quarantine room. | showed them the dead dog and let them know that their ACO had brought in an animal and left it sick at the shelter. I showed them the two injured dogs inside and told ‘them that | knew thet Tyler Animal Control had brought in the one lying in its feces. | told the officers that they needed to be taking photos of every one of these cages with the identifiers and area as 2 reference point with then a close up shot of the animal inside the cage to document its condition. | explained to Sgt Price the situstion about the dead dogs found there, as well as sick cats and he advised thot [further indicate the deficlencies. He sald he wanted us to come back to the station and make statements where we could be interviewed. | had asked Angela Hopkins to go back in and take whatever photos she could to document the noncompliance b/c | did not know ifthe officer was getting ll that we had seen as evidence. I took photos of the animals on the back porch and video of the other dogs ‘that were also found In portable cages on the back porch near the freezers, We discussed the frozen pup on the back porch and the carcass was taken to Dr. Ira Stevens who. confirmed that the dog did have parvo, ‘Went to Jacksonville PO station and we each gave statements. Stopped by Cherokee CO HD to let them know what had happened zt the shelter since they had called in the complaint. Around 5 PM from the office left messages for both the DA Debra Dixon and Detective Harris that there ‘were still two animals in the shelter if Angela Wallace had not put them to sleep that were active cruelty cases and they neetled to get In there and get those dogs out. Reference website for weather on January 13/14, 2015: Please reference all photos taken by myself in the folder Dr.H copies and in the folder taken by Angela Hopkins dated January 14, 2015. Angela Hopkins Tanuary 14, 2015 Klein Animal Shelter ~ Jacksonville, TX As I entered into the animal shelter the smell was overpowering, The further T walked into the shelter the worse the smell became. The breakroom was cluttered, The lunch table was covered with painting materials, There was a birdcage with one bird housed in it, (Reference Pictures: 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 080, 051, and 052) The adoption cat room had gerbils/hamsters in the same room with the cats, This room had been cleaned, (Reference Picture: 004 and 053) (Pictures: 005, 006, 007, 008, 054 through 072 are of the cat adoption room) T looked at the cat room they use for adopterss to visit with a potential pet and it was clean, (Reference Pictures: 073, 074, and 075) The store roomwas cluttered with a bed, two big white wall pieces, and a variety of other items. (Reference Pictures: 001, 002, 003, 076, 077, 078, 079, and 080) The dog adoption runs had feces in them but it was obvious those cages had been cleaned, The smell was strong of feces and urine. (Reference Pictures: 081, 082, 083, 084, 085, 086, 087, 088, 089, 090, 091, 092, 093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 099, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, and 105) The cat isolation room had not been cleaned and the odor was rank, All of the litter pans were full of feces, newspaper was torn up, food spilled, and dirty water bowls, The quarantine room smelled as well, AsT looked in each of the cages to the right when you walk in the door, rone of them had been cleaned. The last cage on that side was especially ‘There were dark areas that look like it was blood, There. were 6 puppies in the cage and a mother dog. One of the puppies was deceased. ‘The mother dog laid dawn by the puppy and put her chin on its side, The other puppies where huddled close to the deceased one, The floor of the entire cage was covered in feces and urine. No blanket or other bedding in the cage. The food bow! had only a few pieces of food init. The tall water bow! was tipped over and the other bow! next to the gate had a substance in it that I could not identify. Tt also looked as if there was mold on top of the substance, (Reference Pictures: 009, 010, 013, 014, 015, 016, and 017) The picture behind this cage (018) not only has feces in the trough but the deceased puppies legs and one of the other puppies legs were sticking out from under the cage. Next to that cage was a small portable carrier that had two dogs house in it, Both ‘the water bowl and food bow! were empty, The towels in the carrier were filthy. (Reference Pictures: O11 and 012) On the other side of the room to the left of the quarantine door are four quarantine cages, I did not examine these. cages because Dr, Hergert had already done so, T did however examine the cages past the quarantine cages. There were af least 2 cages that had dogs that were too big for the cages. One of those dogs had an injury te the back legs and could not move. The cage was filthy, the water bowl was dirty, the dog could not get up and so it had defecated numerous times where it lay, Looking at the cage card, it showed that the intake date was on 1/8/15 from the Tyler Animal Control and the date of this visi is 01/14/2015. (Reference Pictures: 042,043, and 044) There was another stall dog that had dirty bandages on the front paws that turned up at the end, None of the cages in this section had been cleaned, The back cat isolation room had not been cleaned, Every cage had full litter pans, dirty food/water bowls and dirty cages, There were 4 small portable carriers housing cats that were also filthy. The director, Angela Wallace, of the shelter has been told several times that this is inappropriate housing and does not meet minimum standards, (Reference Pictures: 019, 020, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, and 028) ‘The cages under the carport were being cleaned by the director, It looked like she had just started because only a couple of the cages were clean, There were several portable carriers against the back wall of the building housing degs, some of which were too big for the.carrier and it is inappropriate housing, (Reference Pictures: 037, and 038) ‘There was a portable carrier in the walkway between the banks of cages that had a dog in it, also too large for this crate. (Reference Picture: 035) Close to the back fence were 5 portable carriers all with dogs in them. The smaller one had a dog in it and upon closer inspection was found to be deceased. The carrier next to that one had a dog in it with no blanket and the floor was covered in feces and urine, T could see the dog shivering, (Reference Picture: 039) All of these had been left out overnight, The temperature for that night was 32 degrees or colder. (Reference Pictures: 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, and 034) Theard Angela Wallace telling Dr. Hergert that the deceased animal was dropped off the day before by Jacksonville ACO Susan Clements and that Susan told her the dog possibly had parvo. (Reference Pictures: 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, and 034) Angela Wallace clso stated that those animals in the carriers were left there over night. Note: The only cage that T saw blankets in the cages was the dog that died, (Reference Picture 034) All the other cages had nothing to keep the animals warm. Da

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