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42 On average, how many students are there in your classroom during

the [target language] lessons?


NRC note
This question provides information about class size. This information is crucial for calculating the teaching
time a week.

Translator note
[target language] lesson - fixed period of time at school when students are taught the subject of
[target language].
[Target language] National Research Coordinator (the name of the language for which the students will be tested
prior to filling out the questionnaire).

43 How long does a class period last at your school?


NRC note
SQ43 and SQ44 allow us to calculate the foreign language learning time a week (lessons).

44 How many class periods do you have for the following subjects in a normal full
week at school?
Number of
class periods

1) For [target language] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) For all foreign languages together (including Latin and ancient Greek) -----------------3) For all subjects together (in total) ---------------------------------------------------------------NRC note
SQ43 and SQ44 allow us to calculate the foreign language learning time a week (lessons).

First European Survey on Language Competences: Technical Report

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